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Foreign Relations of the United States, 1951, Europe: Political and Economic Developments, Volume IV, Part 1. Foreign Relations of the United States, 1952–1954, Western Europe and Canada, Volume VI, Part 1. No. 232The President of the High Authority of the European Coal and Steel Community (Monnet) to the Secretary of State Luxembourg, December 1, 1954.

Foreign Relations of the United States, 1952–1954, Western Europe and Canada, Volume VI, Part 1

Dear Foster: I have your letter of October 27, 19541 stating your agreement the the United States Government should have diplomatic arrangements with the High Authority separate from its representation to the European Governments. I feel that I must again stress to you that the High Authority attaches the same importance to having the United States mission to it continue to be separate and distinct from the United States representation to, or participation in, any of the European intergovernmental organizations such as NATO, OEEC, or the proposed WEU.

Schuman et Monnet, ces pères fondateurs de l'Europe proches de la CIA. Bretagne - Gilles Van Grasdorff. Des SS au Tibet. Votre livre analyse la fascination que le Tibet et le bouddhisme exerçaient sur une partie des dirigeants nazis.

Bretagne - Gilles Van Grasdorff. Des SS au Tibet

Euro-federalists financed by US spy chiefs. DECLASSIFIED American government documents show that the US intelligence community ran a campaign in the Fifties and Sixties to build momentum for a united Europe.

Euro-federalists financed by US spy chiefs

It funded and directed the European federalist movement. The documents confirm suspicions voiced at the time that America was working aggressively behind the scenes to push Britain into a European state. US agents pressed Danes to join EU. AMERICA played a key role behind the scenes in persuading the Danes to join the European Economic Community, according to declassified US government files.

US agents pressed Danes to join EU

The documents show that Washington sought to exert influence on key figures in the Danish political establishment after the war, while funding and directing European federalist groups. Washington exerted its influence through the American Committee on a United Europe, a US intelligence front chaired by Gen William Donovan, former head of the US Office of Strategic Services, precursor of the CIA. The files show that Jens Otto Krag, the prime minister who took Denmark into the Common Market in 1972, was a guest of the Bilderberg Group, a network of influential US and European figures who met each year to promote European integration and free trade along lines desired by Washington. Brexit vote is about the supremacy of Parliament and nothing else: Why I am voting to leave the EU. The EU always was a CIA project, as Brexiteers discover. Jean monnet - National Archives Search Results. Events: *26 March 1962, Luncheon (small), Jean Monnet of ... Events: *26 March 1962, Luncheon (small), Jean Monnet of France.

jean monnet - National Archives Search Results

Series Description: This series contains materials used in planning the social ... AR7119-A. President John F. Description: President John F. Memorandum of Conversation with Foreign Minister Robert Schuman of France; General Jean de Lattre de Tassigny, French High Commissioner in Indochina, Commander of French Forces in the Far East; George W. Perkins; Livingston Merchant; and William M. Gibson.

CIA FOIA ( CIA RDP78 02771R000100070011 9. Another Reason for Brexit: The EU Was Birthed and Nurtured by the CIA. The British people should be clear about just what they will be voting on at the EU referendum this Thursday.

Another Reason for Brexit: The EU Was Birthed and Nurtured by the CIA

What does it actually mean to stay in the EU? What does it mean to exit? Concerning the second question, the dominant issue in the debate has been the question whether there will be a significant negative economic impact on the UK from exiting the EU. Prime Minister David Cameron, together with the heads of the IMF, the OECD and various EU agencies have given dire warnings that economic growth will drop, the fiscal position will deteriorate, the currency will weaken and UK exports will decline precipitously. George Osborne, the chancellor of the exchequer has threatened to cut pensions if pensioners dare to vote for exit. I have been trained in international and monetary economics at the London School of Economics and have a doctorate from the University of Oxford in economics. So the Five Presidents‘ Report makes clear that the EU is not simply a free trade area. Le dalaï- lama a été financé par la CIA. Un hôte gênant. Mao, la CIA et moi...

Le 7 octobre 1950, les troupes chinoises commencent à pénétrer au Tibet.

Mao, la CIA et moi...

Tenzin Gyatso a 16 ans. En toute hâte, le gouvernement tibétain écourte la régence et confère à l'adolescent les pleins pouvoirs spirituels et temporels des dalaï-lamas. C'est alors à lui de décider de la marche à suivre: négocier ou bien combattre avec l'armée tibétaine de 8 500 hommes. «Mon esprit était vraiment confus, se souvient aujourd'hui le dalaï-lama, que Libération a rencontré la semaine dernière dans le Larzac. Je n'avais pas d'expérience. Collaboration. 31 mars 1959 : le dalaï-lama fuit le Tibet sous la protection de la CIA. Le dalaï-lama et l'honneur nazi. En juillet 1938 (anniversaire en 2008), un SS champion d'alpinisme est vainqueur de la face nord de l'Eiger, en Suisse : une «première».

Le dalaï-lama et l'honneur nazi

Il s'appelle Heinrich Harrer. Le récit de son exploit, et sa photo avec Hitler, sont aussitôt diffusés massivement en Europe et dans le monde par la machine de propagande de Goebbels. Il s'est inscrit à la SA en 1933, à la prise de pouvoir par Hitler (trois quarts de siècle en 2008). Passé à la SS, il est un favori du Reichsführer Heinrich Himmler. Réponse sur les liens entre le dalaï-lama et les nazis. Réponse sur les liens entre le dalaï-lama et les nazis L myth d l cnnxn ntr l Tbt t ls nzs st n crtn d'trs frnçs : l prmr, Tddy Lgrnd pbl n fft n 1933 n rmn nttl ls Spt têts d drgn vrt dnt n pssg ft rprs t dvlpp pr Ls Pwls t Jcqs Brgr dns lr clbrssm l Mtn ds mgcns (1960).

Réponse sur les liens entre le dalaï-lama et les nazis

C myth t dmnt très clrmnt pr srn nglhrdt (nvrst d Bnn), rcnn dns l ml scntfq pr l qlt d ss trvx sr l Tbt t ls nzs.Dès ls nns 30, ttfs, Hmmlr, dnt ls ds mystqs t strqs tnt très frtmnt dcrs pr Htlr, vlt tlsr ds chrchrs llmnds pr l prpgnd nz t pr prvr ss ds : l pnst n fft q ds dscndnts d l'tlntd vnt mgr pr fndr n grnd cvlstn n s cntrl. l prps sn d rnst Schäfr (1910-1992), chrchr llmnd q dsrt mntr n xpdtn scntfq Tbt. Polémique autour du héros du film de Jean-Jacques Annaud. Un nazi au Tibet. Heinrich Harrer, l'alpiniste autrichien incarné par Brad Pitt dans «Sept Ans au Tibet», fut un SS, non pas de circonstance, comme il s'en défend, mais de conviction. Enquête. Pékin réactive «la guerre des réincarnations» contre le dalaï-lama. Pékin réactive «la guerre des réincarnations» contre le dalaï-lama «Pkn tjrs dt q l rlgn tt n psn t q l dlï-lm tt l dbl, t mntnnt, l vt q’l s rncrn ?

Pékin réactive «la guerre des réincarnations» contre le dalaï-lama

C n’st ps très lgq.» Foreign Relations of the United States, 1964–1968, Volume XXX, China. Washington, January 9, 1964. Review of Tibetan Operations Summary—The CIA Tibetan Activity consists of political action, propaganda, and paramilitary activity. The purpose of the program at this stage is to keep the political concept of an autonomous Tibet alive within Tibet and among foreign nations, principally India, and to build a capability for resistance against possible political developments inside Communist China. Problem—To explain Agency expenditures in support of the Tibetan program. Background and Objectives—At a 13 December 1963 meeting “The Special Group approved the continuation of CIA controlled Tibetan Operations [1 line of source text not declassified].”

One of the most serious problems facing the Tibetans is a lack of trained officials equipped with linguistic and administrative abilities. The Agency is supporting the establishment of Tibet Houses in [less than 1 line of source text not declassified] Geneva, and New York City. A. b. Subsidy to the Dalai Lama—$ 180,000 c. Bouddhileaks : ce qu’il y aurait à raconter sur les zones d’ombre du bouddhisme. Atlantico : L’affaire Vatileaks vient de porter les projecteurs médiatiques sur les arcanes du pouvoir au sein du Saint-Siège.