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Utilisation de Mentimeter - 1ere partie (1/2) 5 Ways to use Mentimeter to Engage and Interact with Students. Teachers Talk... Kahoot vs. Mentimeter. How to make lesson videos, screen recordings in less than 6 minutes. POWERPOINT. GOOGLE SLIDES. GREEN SCREEN. How to Teach Remotely with a Google Slides Hyperdoc. How to Record Flipgrid Video - Student Version. Remote Learning with Flipgrid: Getting Started. How to Make Interactive Videos in Nearpod: Fall 2020 Update! How to Use Newsela for Remote Teaching. How to Create Drag and Drop Activities on Google Slides. How to Teach Remotely: Make a Soundtrap Podcast!


How to Strategically Integrate Technology: The Blueprint. Icebreakers. Distance Learning Resource. 5 Tips to Prepare for Blended Learning. How to Strategically Sequence Technology Integrated Lessons. Games. How to Blur Faces and Objects in Your YouTube Videos. Zoom - 25 free virtual video backgrounds by Chris Menard. Zoom Virtual Background not working (part 2)? 3 things to check by Chris Menard. Prufrock Press : Webinars. Prufrock Press’s free webinars bring experts in the field of gifted education to you.

Prufrock Press : Webinars

Explore new products and concepts, take part in engaging Q&As, and learn valuable skills. You can also learn on-demand by watching videos of past webinars. Explore our current webinar offerings below. Times are displayed in Central Time. Register and watch from any device. Past Webinars Recordings of Past Webinars Browse this archive of recordings of past webinars to find informal conversations about engaging topics in gifted education, advanced academic instruction, parenting, and social and emotional learning. Please Note: Registered attendees of our live Zoom webinars receive a certificate of attendance. Explore a listing of our past webinar offerings here. Upcoming Webinars Raising Children With Grit: Parenting Passionate, Persistent, and Successful Kids Presenter: Laila Y. Register Now: May 5, 3:00 p.m. FAQ - Screencastify Submit.

Screencastify. OUTILS NUMÉRIQUES POUR ENSEIGNER & APPRENDRE - Dynalist. Zoom Virtual Backgrounds - How to Use & Create Your Own! Virtual Background. Overview The Virtual Background feature allows you to display an image or video as your background during a Zoom Meeting.

Virtual Background

This feature works best with a physical green screen and uniform lighting to allow Zoom to detect the difference between you and your background. You can upload your own images or videos as a virtual background. You can also use Virtual Background in a Zoom Room. La boite à outils numériques du 58 by valerie.perreaut on Genially. La boite à outils numériques - Des tutoriels vidéos pour apprendre à maitriser certains outils.- Des astuces...- Des zooms sur...

La boite à outils numériques du 58 by valerie.perreaut on Genially

Valérie PERREAUT, ERUN58. Comment filmer sa tête et son écran en même temps - Yzkhy. How to Record Educational Video Content. Filmer écran téléphone portable. How to Create Drag and Drop Activities with Google Slides. The Ultimate Small Room Greenscreen Guide. How to Make Green Screen Videos in the Classroom. HOW TO PUT YOUR IPHONE SCREEN ON YOUR VIDEOS. Venus, Smartphone, Huawei Y9 2019, Feature Phone, Screen Protectors, Aparat Fotografic, Vestel Venus, Computer Monitors free png. Home. Snagit 2019-How to record a PowerPoint Presentation-Voice, Cursor and webcam included. Increase Student Engagement with Interactive Google Slides.


How to make a green screen video for free in VSDC. Increase Student Engagement with Interactive Google Slides. 4 Tips to Improve Your Teacher Google Slides. How to Make Video Tutorials for Students. Must-Have Google Chrome Extensions for Teachers. WEBINARS. Créez de l’interaction avec votre auditoire avec Mentimeter. Détails Publication : 24 octobre 2018 Mentimeter est une application pour impliquer et motiver votre auditoire lors de vos présentations et ainsi créer de l’interaction.

Créez de l’interaction avec votre auditoire avec Mentimeter

Mentimeter vous permet, via un code, de faire voter votre public avec son smartphone et ainsi de partager les résultats en temps réel. Avec Mentimeter, vous obtenez des réponses instantanées en utilisant les smartphones de votre auditoire pour voter puis visualiser les résultats en temps réel. Pas besoin de documentation ou d'administration puisque les résultats sont enregistrés automatiquement. Idéal dans les amphis ou les grandes salles, Mentimeter est simple et facile à utiliser. Il suffit ensuite de partager votre sondage en donnant l’URL et le code associé pour répondre au questionnaire interactif. Aperçu de l'interface : Il est possible de créer des comptes à rebours, de paramétrer les aperçus des résultats, de segmenter son auditoire etc... Convertisseur YouTube : YouTube MP3 et YouTube MP4 gratuit - noTube. Simple, rapide et anonyme, noTube est un convertisseur de YouTube MP3 ou YouTube MP4.

Convertisseur YouTube : YouTube MP3 et YouTube MP4 gratuit - noTube

Telecharger video YouTube n'a jamais été aussi simple. En effet, saisissez des mots clés, collez l'url ou le lien de votre "YouTube Video", choisissez le format MP3 ou MP4, c'est fini ! Services libres en ligne.


Use PowerPoint SLIDE ZOOM the RIGHT WAY. VOIX. Three Ideas for Green Screen Video Projects. Making green screen videos can be a good way to engage students in researching and planning.

Three Ideas for Green Screen Video Projects

That research and planning is fundamental to making a good video. The video is the reward at the end of the process. There are many things that students can do with green screen video production tools.


Insérer un silence avec Audacity. Grâce au logiciel gratuit Audacity, nous allons apprendre dans ce tutoriel animé à insérer très simplement un ou plusieurs silences sur un mp3 ou tout autre fichier audio.

Insérer un silence avec Audacity.

Vous pourrez définir précisément l'endroit où seront générés ces silences et décider de leur durée. Logiciel utilisé: Audacity Version : 1.2.6Taille : 2.12 Mo Pour l'installation suivez les instructions qui s'afficheront à l'écran. How to Create Annotated Screen Capture Images. This morning I got an email from a reader who was looking for a screen capture tool that included tools for drawing straight lines, arrows, boxes, and generally making screen captures look a little more professional.

How to Create Annotated Screen Capture Images

One of the tools that I recommended was Nimbus Screenshot. Nimbus Screenshot is available to use as an extension in Chrome, Firefox, and Opera.


VISIOCONFERENCES. Upper Intermediate English - Apollo 11. Tips and Tools for Teaching Remotely. Over the last week I've received a bunch of emails and Tweets from people looking for my suggestions on tools and tactics for teaching online if schools are closed due to COVID-19.

Tips and Tools for Teaching Remotely

I'm going to start this post with some tips for giving online instruction then get into some recommended tools. Tips for Giving Live Online Instruction If you're going to use a service like Google Hangouts Meet, Microsoft Teams, Zoom, or another service to give live instruction, keep your webcam on as much as possible. Présentation Moodle. ACTIVER MODE ÉDITION,- paramètres supplémentaires,Créer un cours,Administration du cours,ASTUCES,Créer du contenu,Astuces,Les possibiltés de Moodle,Création d'un cours,S'inscrire,Inscrire des utilisateurs,Utilisation de base,Ne pas oublier d'enregister en bas de la page,Inscrire des utilisateurs,Si besoin: méthodes d'inscriptions(auto-inscription),3.

présentation Moodle

Cliquer sur "inscrire"4. Renseignez, le cas échéant, la clé d'inscription (LAF),2. 121 Tools for Distance Learning & Strategies for Student Engagement. With the rapid growth of preventative responses towards the COVID-19 outbreak, it seems distance learning is trend here to stay at least for the next 6-12 months. Being prepared to take your classrooms fully online can be stressful, and finding the right curriculum resources challenging when it may be your first foray into the EdTech space. In this article, you’ll get a comprehensive list of helpful learning tools, learn common benefits and drawbacks of remote learning, and learn a few strategies for keeping students engaged while remote to help you through this challenging time.

If we missed any helpful resources along the way, please let us know and we’d be happy to add it to our list. 100+ Tools for Distance Learning We’ve scoured the web for helpful apps, tools, and platforms to help you as you set up your distance learning environments during your school closures. YopMail - Alternate E-mail Address. As you know YOPmail inboxes are public and password free. Hence it is suggested that you choose unique or difficult inbox names.

However, some users choose simple names for the sake of convenience. YOPmail is aware of this and is concerned with such user’s safety. Thus, each YOPmail inbox has an unique alias as an added security feature. Even if you choose ordinarily named inboxes, YOPmail generates an unique alias address for you, visible in your real YOPmail inbox at the top. Pix - Cultivez vos compétences numériques. How to support students during school closures - School closed! :Guidance for teachers in the event that your school is forced to close! License: CC0 Public DomainCirce Denyer has released this “Closed Sign” image under Public Domain license. It means that you can use and modify it for your personal and commercial projects. Guide reseaux sociaux clemi dane de paris. Usages pédagogiques de la classe virtuelle pour le tuteur à distance. Classilio.

CNED - Accompagnement Ma Classe à la Maison - Classes virtuelles. Dans le cadre de la fermeture de votre école/établissement, vous pouvez avoir accès aux plateformes de continuité pédagogique du CNED et notamment la partie classes virtuelles. Dispositif d’accompagnement des enseignants dans l’académie Accompagnement du dispositif « Ma classe à la maison » : démonstrations et conseils dans les bassins. Balabolka. Balabolka is a Text-To-Speech (TTS) program. All computer voices installed on your system are available to Balabolka.

The on-screen text can be saved as an audio file. The program can read the clipboard content, extract text from documents, customize font and background colour, control reading from the system tray or by the global hotkeys. BigBlueButton - Centre d'aide et de documentation. La version Flash est conservée pour répondre à des usages antérieurs, ce service sera arrêté prochainement.