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Die Briten waren`s! – Mathias Broeckers. Gilbert Doctorow hat auf seinem Blog einen kleinen “Reality-Check” zum Tod von Aleksei Nawalny in einem russischen Straflager geliefert: (..)Was heute Nachmittag im Westen geschah, war eine neue Kampagne, um Wladimir Putin auf der Weltbühne zu verunglimpfen, und zwar auf der Grundlage eines Todesfalls, der, wenn ich die frühere britische Premierministerin Theresa May zitieren darf, “höchstwahrscheinlich” vom britischen Geheimdienst zu eben diesem Zweck verübt worden ist.Bei allen Operationen unter falscher Flagge, die der Westen in den letzten zehn Jahren gegen Russland durchgeführt hat, habe ich argumentiert, dass der alte römische Ermittlungsgrundsatz cui bono dagegen spricht, dass der Kreml in irgendeiner Weise beteiligt war.

So ist es auch heute: Warum sollte Putin Nawalny ermorden wollen, wenn der Mann in Russland inzwischen weitgehend vergessen ist. Lesen Sie das ganze Stück auf Gilbert Doctorows Blog (deutsche Übersetzung unter dem englischen Text) Interview to Tucker Carlson. 11 of 30 Interview to Tucker Carlson. Tucker Carlson: Mr. President, thank you. On February 24, 2022, you addressed your country in your nationwide address when the conflict in Ukraine started and you said that you were acting because you had come to the conclusion that the United States through NATO might initiate a quote, “surprise attack on our country”.

Vladimir Putin: It's not that the United States was going to launch a surprise strike on Russia, I didn't say so. Tucker Carlson: That was a good quote. Vladimir Putin: You were initially trained in history, as far as I know? Tucker Carlson: Yes. Vladimir Putin: So if you don’t mind I will take only 30 seconds or one minute of your time for giving you a little historical background. Tucker Carlson: Please. Vladimir Putin: Let’s look where our relationship with Ukraine started from. The Russian state started to exist as a centralized state in 862. The next, very significant date in the history of Russia, was 988. Vladimir Putin: Good. Mr. The Mother of all Miscalculations - Dmitry Orlov | Boosty.

Notizen vom Ende der unipolaren Welt – 94 – Mathias Broeckers. “Die Europäer sind mit einer neuen wirtschaftlichen Realität konfrontiert, die sie seit Jahrzehnten nicht mehr erlebt haben. Sie werden immer ärmer”, schreibt das Wall Street Journal (Übersetzt mit “Das Leben auf einem Kontinent, der lange Zeit von Außenstehenden um seine Lebensart beneidet wurde, verliert rapide an Glanz, da die Kaufkraft der Europäer dahinschmilzt. Die Franzosen essen weniger Gänseleber und trinken weniger Rotwein. Die Spanier knausern mit Olivenöl. Die Finnen werden dazu angehalten, an windigen Tagen in die Sauna zu gehen, wenn die Energie weniger teuer ist. In ganz Deutschland ist der Fleisch- und Milchkonsum auf den niedrigsten Stand seit drei Jahrzehnten gesunken, und der einst boomende Markt für Bio-Lebensmittel ist eingebrochen. Wer am transatlantischen Nasenring eine überdehnte EU konstruiert, die nur als Köder für die NATO-Osterweiterung dient, um sich dann in einen Krieg gegen Russland ziehen zu lassen, muss sich nicht wundern.

Alistair E Scott: “Whatever happened to Londongrad?” – Global Euronews. Now I live in a city called, London. This is the UK’s largest and most cosmopolitan city. This is one of the world’s biggest financial centres. This is the home of the Parliament of the United Kingdom. The official residence of the King, and the Prime Minister. The capital city. The home of the Intelligence and Security services. A playground of the wealthy with some of the most desirable properties on the planet, at some of the most expensive prices. Well, that was certainly the case just a few short years ago.

The Russian influence was everywhere. The Russian contingent was so highly regarded in political circles, that despite the huge financial presence and flow of monies into and out of the financial district, unbeknown to many, there was absolutely no government agency in place to investigate any potential irregularities which was more than unusual to say the least. So, what changed all of this? 3,960 total views, 754 views today. Counter-Revolution – ‘Do You Know What Time It Is?’ — Strategic Culture. Both the U.S. and Europe have stalked brazenly into traps of their own making, Alastair Crooke writes.

❗️Join us on Telegram , Twitter , and VK To be blunt, both the U.S. and Europe have stalked brazenly into traps of their own making. Caught in the lies and deceit woven around a claimed inheritance of superior cultural DNA, (vouchsafing, it is said, almost certain victory), the West is awakening to a fast-approaching disaster to which there are no easy solutions. Cultural exceptionalism, together with the prospect of a clear ‘win’ over Russia, are draining rapidly away – but exiting delusion is both slow and humiliating. The coming devastation is not just centred around the failed Ukraine offensive and NATO’s weak showing. In the U.S., the run-up to momentous elections is underway.

Predictably enough, the Democratic campaign is not gaining traction. The electoral landscape is a mess. These events ostensibly are disconnected, but in reality, they form a self-reinforcing loop. Trinity’s Shadow – Edward J. Curtin, Jr. I sit here in the silence of the awakening dawn’s stillness stunned by the realization that I exist. I wonder why. It is my birthday. The first rays of the rising sun bleed crimson over the eastern hills as I imagine my birth. The house and my family sleep. Someday I will die and I wonder why. This is the mystery I have been contemplating since I was young. That and the fact that I was born in a time of war and that when my parents and sisters were celebrating my first birthday, my country’s esteemed civilian and military leaders celebrated another birth: the detonation of the first atomic bomb code-named Trinity.

Trinity has shadowed my life, while the other Trinity has enkindled my days. Sick minds play sick word games as they inflict pain and death. Now they are all dead gods, their fates sealed in their tombs. Where are they now? Where are all their victims, the innocent dead of Hiroshima and Nagasaki? Where are the just and the unjust? The wheel turns. Was I born in a normal time? Neocons Want War With China – Global South. By Pepe Escobar and first posted at It was a photo op for the ages: a visibly well-disposed President Xi Jinping receiving centenarian “old friend of China” Henry Kissinger in Beijing.

Mirroring meticulous Chinese attention to protocol, they met at Villa 5 of the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse – exactly where Kissinger first met in person with Zhou Enlai in 1971, preparing Nixon’s 1972 visit to China. The Mr. Kissinger Goes to Beijing saga was an “unofficial”, individual attempt to try to mend increasingly fractious Sino-American relations. He was not representing the current American administration. There’s the rub. Everyone involved in geopolitics is aware of the legendary Kissinger formulation: To be the US’s enemy is dangerous, to be the US’s friend is fatal. After all, they reason, being the US’s enemy is dangerous but manageable for a Sovereign Civilizational State like China. The World Through Washington’s Eyes So much for Kissingerian “diplomacy.”

Prank an Kissinger. Russia, US exchange glances as Prigozhin heads for Moscow - Indian Punchline. Wagner chief Yevgeny Prigozhin leaves the Hqs. of Russia’s Southern Military District, Rostov-on-Don, June 24, 2023. Sometimes one wishes Winston Churchill had left behind an evergreen quote in regard of Russian diplomacy as well, similar to his epic one on Russian politics, which still remains unbeatable — “Kremlin political intrigues are comparable to a bulldog fight under a rug. An outsider only hears the growling, and when he sees the bones fly out from beneath it is obvious who won.” Renegade Wagner chief Yevgeny Prigozhin’s defiance of the regime in Russia has apparently turned into a bulldog fight.

The last we heard is that the oligarch is back in Russia and possibly heading for Moscow. The loquacious Russian commentators have fallen silent. This coincides, strangely, with a sensational disclosure by NBC News regarding Track-2 diplomacy between the Americans and Russians over the Ukraine war. But Russian rhetoric remains hot. Track-2 diplomacy Related. Depopulocalypse II – Solutions That Don’t or Won’t Work. In the first instalment in this series, we looked at the features of the Depopulocalypse: the global phenomenon of fertility collapse in countries rich and poor that threatens to leave our world an exhausted Granny State; the consequences that we are already dealing with, such as the fallout from mass replacement immigration that Western countries have adopted as a genocidal band-aid; and the various structural factors driving this poisonous doom loop.

I’m far from the only one writing about this. A couple of recent essays made valuable contributions to this discussion which are well worth your time. Raw Egg Nationalist wrote about ‘securing the means of reproduction’ in The Rules of the Gamete. His focus is historical, using the Spartans, Scythians, and Comanche to demonstrate that other societies have struggled with low birth rates in the past ... and paid the price for failing to solve it. The ultimate goal of this essay is to articulate solutions to society’s barren womb. Gilead Share. Depopulocalypse II – Solutions That Don’t or Won’t Work. Darum wird niemand i. Can China’s Diplomacy Guide Europe from Washington’s Deadly Embrace? — Strategic Culture.

China must have used their diplomatic efforts to try and unravel the mysteries of how far the U.S. is ‘hell-bent’ on fueling further escalation of the European crisis. China is expending great diplomatic efforts to peacefully unravel the mysteries of how far the United States is hell-bent on fueling the escalation of the European crisis. The People’s Republic of China is flexing its global diplomatic power with wisdom, intelligence, and forbearance. Not only has it succeeded spectacularly in mediating a reconciliation between arch-enemies Iran and Saudi, China is also expending its diplomatic skills to avert a cataclysmic war in Europe. In February, on the anniversary of the beginning of Russia’s special military operation in Ukraine, China presented its peace plan consisting of 12 points. Moscow welcomed the efforts gracefully though the Western powers dismissed them resentfully.

Antony Blinken, the U.S. U.S. Nevertheless, China does not seem to be giving up on its diplomatic efforts. Putin and What Really Matters in the Chessboard — Strategic Culture. It’s fascinating to see how Russian war correspondents are now playing a role similar to the former political commissars in the USSR. President Putin’s meeting with a group of Russian war correspondents and Telegram bloggers – including Filatov, Poddubny, Pegov from War Gonzo, Podolyaka, Gazdiev from RT – was an extraordinary exercise in freedom of the press. There were among them seriously independent journalists who can be very critical of the way the Kremlin and the Ministry of Defense (MoD) are conducting what can be alternatively defined as a Special Military Operation (SMO); a counter-terror operation (CTO); or an “almost war” (according to some influential business circles in Moscow). It’s fascinating to see how these patriotic/independent journalists are now playing a role similar to the former political commissars in the USSR, all of them, in their own way, deeply committed to guiding Russian society towards draining the swamp, slowly but surely.

All the way to Kiev? A Difficult but Necessary Decision — Russia in Global Affairs. Let me share a few thoughts which I have entertained for a long time and which took their final shape after the recent Assembly of the Council on Foreign and Defense Policy that proved to be one of the most remarkable gatherings in its 31-year history. Growing Threat Russia and its leadership seem to be facing a difficult choice. It becomes increasingly clear that a clash with the West cannot end even if we win a partial or even a crushing victory in Ukraine. It will be a really partial victory if we liberate four regions.

It will be a slightly bigger victory if we liberate the entire East and South of present-day Ukraine in the next year or two. Perhaps the worst situation may occur if, at the cost of enormous losses, we liberate the whole of Ukraine and remain in ruins with a population that mostly hates us. And this brings us to the most important but almost undiscussed issue. To stop this snowballing downward slide, the West has temporarily consolidated itself. Proposed Solution. PARTNERS IN DOOMSDAY - Seymour Hersh. The rise and rise of far-right in Germany - Indian Punchline. Germany’s far-right protesters fly national flag at demonstration The political class in Germany is stunned by the findings of a YouGov poll published on Friday that 20 percent of German voters would give their vote to the far-right AfD (Alternative for Germany), making it the second-strongest party behind the centre-right CDU (28%) and ahead of Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s SPD (19%).

There is no mistaking that it is a political earthquake. Given Germany’s proportional representative system — which is unlike the US or the UK where too politics is fractious but is protected by the first-past-the-pole voting system — it is reasonable to estimate that the current “traffic-light” coalition between the centre-left SPD, the Greens (who polled 15%) and the neo-liberal Free Democrats or FDP (7%) no longer has a mandate to rule, after only one and a half years in office. In the general election in 2021, the SPD had won 25.7%, the FDP 11.5%, and the Green Party 14.8% of the vote.

Does this matter? Nr. 8 vom 24. Mai 2023 - Zeitgeschehen im Fokus. «Die Ukraine befindet sich seit Juni 2022 in der elften Truppenmobilisierung» Interview mit Jacques Baud* Zeitgeschehen im Fokus In unseren Medien liest man immer wieder, dass es Putins Ziel gewesen sei, die Ukraine zu zerstören und die Macht dort zu übernehmen. Jacques Baud Das ist falsch. Putin hat das nie gesagt, und die Art der Operation deutet klar darauf hin, dass das nie das Ziel gewesen ist, und auch heute nicht ist. Diese Behauptung taucht in den verschwörungstheoretischen Medien immer wieder auf, ist aber falsch.

Der Grund für die russische Intervention in der Ukraine ist die Misshandlung der russischen Minderheit durch die Behörden in Kiew seit 2014. Unsere Medien erwähnen auch das von Wladimir Putin genannte Ziel der «Entnazifizierung», um zu behaupten, dass es sich um einen Aufruf zum Sturz von Wolodymir Selenskij handelt, wobei sie darauf hinweisen, dass er Jude und somit kein Nazi ist. Aber auch hier lügen unsere Medien. Nein, das ist falsch. Das ist völlig idiotisch. Making Snow Black — Strategic Culture. Does rotting Western Civilisation has any hope of resuscitation and survival?

The infamous Carl Rove (we shall not bother with an explanatory note, whoever remembers this cowboy and is still interested may look him up) twenty and some years ago articulated the gist of the empire’s swaggering ideology: “We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you’re studying that reality — judiciously, as you will — we’ll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out. We’re history’s actors… and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.” Students of “empire” must wonder indeed how this foolish man, if he is still around, would now comment his erstwhile utterance.

The crude vulgarity of Rove’s boasting should not, however, obscure the fact that a similar disdain for reality was articulated before him by Lord Bertrand Russell, by any measure a genuinely substantial figure. Proof abounds. Dr. Trotz allen Lächelns Der Streit in der EU wächst – Anti Spiegel. Michael Hudson America’s Real Adversaries Are Its European and Other Allies | n. Treffen der Shanghai Gruppe. Ukraine Loses Soldiers - Europe Its Economies - All For No Gain. The U.S. Is Winning Its War On Europe's Industries And People.

Baerbock, der Schicksalsschlag unserer Nation – Ständige Publikumskonferenz der öffentlich-rechtlichen Medien e.V. Our Latest Interview with Jacques Baud – The Postil Magazine. Wie das russische Fernsehen auf das Leben und Wirken von Gorbatschow zurückblickt – Anti-Spiegel. 99 ZU EINS Episode 122: Propagandakrieg Ukraine mit Susann Witt-Stahl. : Soros bläst die Kriegsfanfare. Ein weiteres Hiroshima kommt  – es sei denn, wir stoppen es jetzt – Ständige Publikumskonferenz der öffentlich-rechtlichen Medien e.V. Nr. 14 vom 16. August 2022 - Zeitgeschehen im Fokus. Notizen vom Ende der unipolaren Welt – 45 – Mathias Broeckers. Daria Douguine : la guerre en Ukraine, « un choc des civilisations mondialiste et eurasienne » [Interview] Notizen vom Ende der unipolaren Welt – 41 – Mathias Broeckers. Uninformed Consent - Official Full Documentary Release - Watch Now!

Unbedingt lesen! Klaus Schwab & sein großer faschistischer Reset – Schildverlag. Naked capitalism: Finance, economics, politics, power. The Discontinuity – Ukraine War & Aftermath. Biden’s Hollow Middle East Trip | Energy Intelligence. Youtube. 2022 05.26. Ergaenzung zu Kreutzers Lage Mai 22. Teilung der Ukraine. Zur Lage Mai 2022. Was “am Randgebiet” geschieht. Sie erfahren die Tricks des Finanz Business. Wir arbeiten in der Finanzbranche und wir lassen Sie einen Blick hinter die Kulissen werfen. The capitalist network that runs the world - physics-math - 19 October 2011.

Mathias Broeckers. Querschuesse. TopNews. - Centre for Research on Globalization. About Yukidaruma « Yukidaruma Daily.