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To Scale: The Solar System. Fly Through The Solar System At The Speed Of Light With This Video.


Logique planétaire. Planet to scale. Le système solaire à portée de votre souris. If the Moon Were Only 1 Pixel - A tediously accurate map of the solar system. Mercury Venus Earth You Are Here Moon Mars Jupiter Io Europa Ganymede Callisto Saturn Titan Uranus Neptune Pluto(we still love you) That was about 10 million km (6,213,710 mi) just now. Pretty empty out here. Here comes our first planet... As it turns out, things are pretty far apart. We’ll be coming up on a new planet soon.

Most of space is just space. Halfway home. Destination: Mars! It would take about seven months to travel this distance in a spaceship. Sit back and relax. When are we gonna be there? Seriously. This is where we might at least see some asteroids to wake us up. I spy, with my little eye... something black. If you were on a road trip, driving at 75mi/hr, it would have taken you over 500 years to get here from earth. All these distances are just averages, mind you. If you plan it right, you can actually move relatively quickly between planets. Pretty close to Jupiter now. Sorry. Lots of time to think out here...

Pop the champagne! We're always trying to come up with metaphors for big numbers. Science & Environment - How big is space? Big questions demand big answers. And here at Future we have a hard time thinking of a question bigger than: how big is space? So, we set about trying to illustrate it. The resulting picture is so large that we could not squeeze it all on to one image in Photoshop. Instead, we had to create several sections and stitch them together for you. Printed out, the graphic spans 27 pages of A4 paper. But even at this size we only managed to get to the edge of our Solar System – known as the heliosphere. Yet even within this relatively small corner of space, there is a lot packed in there. What is the most distant man-made object?

Scroll (and scroll... and scroll) through our monster graphic to explore our cosmic neighbourhood. And if you want to check out the data we used to construct it, you can find it here. Où se trouve la limite du système solaire ? La nouvelle, annoncée en fanfare par la Nasa et reprise par un nombre incalculable de médias, semblait très impressionnante… Dans le monde entier et à peu près dans toutes les langues, on pouvait apprendre ces jours-ci que « la sonde Voyager 1 a quitté le système solaire ».

Fichtre, pour une nouvelle, c’est une nouvelle… Certes, les rieurs pouvaient se gausser à bon compte de l’agence spatiale américaine, qui a du proclamer une petite dizaine de fois en un quart de siècle, que l’une de ses sondes avait quitté le système solaire, mais enfin, cette annonce est soutenue par un article scientifique, dans la sérieuse revue Science, alors…Alors reprenons l’histoire du début.

La Nasa a conçu les deux sondes Voyager dans les années 1970. C’était l’époque du Flower Power, des longs solos égocentriques des guitar heros, depuis le « Light my fire » des Doors, jusqu’au « Red House » de Jimi Hendrix. Serge Brunier.