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« Pourquoi sommes-nous heureux ? » demande Dan Gilbert. TEDxCharlotte 2010 - Randy Powell - Vortex Based Mathematics.flv. Amy Cuddy: votre langage corporel forge qui vous êtes. Brene Brown : le pouvoir de la vulnérabilité. TEDxByronBay Helena Norberg-Hodge. Ken Robinson: How to escape education's death valley. Micheal Pollan partage le point de vue d'une plante. Complimentary Currency Systems: Richard Logie at TEDxLeeds.

James B. Glattfelder: Who controls the world? TEDx Talks - Derek Kwik - TEDx YouthDay - "Don't Wait. The Time Is Never Just Right" - 2010. TEDxBerkeley - Nipun Mehta - Designing For Generosity. Nos vies valent plus que leurs profits: Bruno Tesson at TEDxPantheonSorbonne. Howard Rheingold: The new power of collaboration. Why We Can't Shop Our Way to a Better Economy: Stacy Mitchell at TEDxDirigo. TEDx - Mike Horn : explorer les limites [vidéo] La conférence TED (Technology, Entertainment and Design) définit sa mission comme « propagateur d’idées ».

TEDx est un programme qui permet aux écoles, aux entreprises, aux bibliothèques ou aux groupes d’amis de profiter d’une expérience similaire à celle de TED par le biais d’événements qu’ils organisent eux-mêmes. Le thème de cet événement était « Explore« . Regardez cette vidéo et buvez les paroles de Mike Horn. Je ne me prends pas habituellement au sérieux, mais ce que nous faisons parfois est sérieux. On m’a dit que j’avais seulement 20 minutes. Comment peut-on compresser 20 ans d’exploration en 20 minutes ? Il m’a semblé pas très intéressant de parler de ce que j’ai fait. J’ai étudié la psychologie du sport à l’université en Afrique du Sud. Une semaine plus tard, j’ai réalisé que ce n’était pas ce qui me rendait heureux. Je suis arrivé en Suisse et c’est là que ma vie d’explorateur a commencé, en passant de ‘avoir tout’ à ‘avoir rien’ et découvrir que c’est ce qui fait la liberté.

TEDxConcorde - Clair Michalon - Les Rroms, derniers porteurs notre culture d'origine. TEDxNewWallStreet - 03/11/2012. TEDxNewWallStreet explores moving banking from the Industrial Age, into the Information Age. In 2009, Marc Andreessen remarked "banking is just information science. " Inspired by Marc's words, Bruce Cahan and the Team set out to organize TEDxNewWallStreet to explore a banking system different than the Industrial Age system we inherited. What if Silicon Valley or other technology clusters grew New Wall Streets, on quite different terms than exist in New York? How would they spearhead technology in faster, cheaper, more transparent and accountable ways that contrast with the recent (and recurring) issues of the game as defined and played on old Wall Street? Let's move beyond pundits who deflect true innovation and reinforce a cynical inevitability by portraying bankers and banking as forever unhealthy or worse.

Such a paradigm is not inevitable. Barry Schwartz el le paradoxe du chois. Nick Hanauer. Jennifer Pahlka: Coding a better government. Kevin Slavin : Comment les algorithmes façonnent notre monde. TOR MYHREN at TEDxDU: Radical Collaboration. TEDxTelAviv - Hedy Schleifer - The Power of Connection. Eli Pariser: Beware online "filter bubbles". Peter Diamandis: Abundance is our future | Nouveaux paradigmes. Paul Stamets : des champignons pour sauver le monde. Luis von Ahn: Massive-scale online collaboration.

Adora Svitak: Ce que les adultes peuvent apprendre des enfants. Simon Sinek: Comment les grands leaders inspirent l'action. Bunker Roy: Learning from a barefoot movement. TEDxUIUC - Sherry Turkle - Alone Together. Sugata Mitra shows how kids teach themselves. TEDxTransmedia 2011 - Jem Bendell - The Money Myth. Britta Riley : un jardin dans mon appartement. My Favorite TED Talks. Ron Gutman : le pouvoir secret du sourire. Nicholas Christakis: The hidden influence of social networks. TEDxGrandRapids - Steve Rosenbaum - Innovate: Curation! Music Revolution Videos - Dailymotion - TEDtalks. Marcin Jakubowski: des plans détaillés en accès libre pour la civilisation. TEDxBlackRockCity - Hollis Doherty - The Woergl Experiment and the Evolution of Money.

TEDxAmericanRiviera - Jenna McCarthy - How to Live Happily Ever After. Mark Pagel: How language transformed humanity. What we learned from 5 million books. TED | Profile. Chaîne de TEDtalksDirector‬‏ Chaîne de TEDxTalks‬‏ Musician Scott Mescudi, aka Kid Cudi, returns to his high school to talk about growing up and his career path in the music industry. Born Scott Ramon Seguro Mescudi in Cleveland, Kid Cudi began rapping while attending Shaker Heights High School and later Solon High School. In 2004, Kid Cudi moved to Brooklyn, NY to pursue his rap career. He released his first mixtape, “A Kid Named Cudi,” in 2008. The mixtape earned Kanye West’s attention, leading him to sign Cudi to his GOOD Music imprint.

As an up-and-coming artist, Cudi contributed hooks and lyrics to songs by West and Jay-Z, including “Heartless,” “Paranoid” and “Already Home.” These collaborations set the foundation for Kid Cudi’s successful solo career. He signed with Universal Motown in 2009 and released his first full-length album later that year. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Derek Sivers: Comment démarrer un mouvement? Brene Brown : le pouvoir de la vulnérabilité.