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Digital Storytelling

Aurasma and ChatterPix: A fun way to bring photos to life with augmented reality! - Ms. Pana Says. I recently discovered the ChatterPix app (FREE) by Duck Duck Moose and instantly knew I wanted to use it to make photos of my students come to life.

Aurasma and ChatterPix: A fun way to bring photos to life with augmented reality! - Ms. Pana Says

When I showed it to the kids, they thought it was absolutely hilarious! Here is Duck Duck Moose’s video which illustrates how it works: In Science, my class has been investigating paper and its properties. One of these invesigations involved writing on two different types of paper and then talking about which was easier/harder to write on and why. I decided to have the kids take photos of each other and then use ChatterPix to add their voices to the photos explaining their observations. Cool Ways to Make Meaning with Tag Clouds #teaching. Scratch 2.0 Starter Kit. Easily Turn Google Spreadsheets into Online Flashcards.

27 Ways To Publish Student Thinking. Publishing student thinking can be among the most powerful ways to improve learning.

27 Ways To Publish Student Thinking

There are a variety of reasons for this, but the biggest reason is that the “threat” of publishing moves the lodestone from the classroom to the “real world.” This, of course, changes everything. What To Publish Note that publishing finished products and the thinking process itself are two very different things–and the idea here is to publishing the thinking itself: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Most of the following can also be used to publish the finished products–essays, documentaries, and other project-based learning artifacts. Below are 27+ ways to make this happen–and most are available as apps. WordPress.comKidblogVoicethreadYouTube AnimotoVimeoGoAnimateEdmodoStoryKitIdea SketchJingStorifyPreziScribdSlideshareTwitterWordleiMovieTumblrInstagramGoogle+SkitchiBooks AuthorMookletBloggerBook Creator Creative Book Builder Image attribution flickr user flickeringbrad. Playfic. A History of Timelines & 5 Tools to Make Your Own.

Through Brain Pickings I discovered a neat set of timelines called the Cartographies of Time.

A History of Timelines & 5 Tools to Make Your Own

The Cartographies of Time are historical map and timeline mash-ups. I've embedded one of my favorite images from the Cartographies of Time below. The Cartographies of Time made me think that it would be fun to have students create their own creative timelines like this one drawn as dragon, but if you would like to have your students create a more "traditional" multimedia timelines, I have a short list of good tools for that too. Better World Flux allows users to create animated visualizations of development data. To use Better World Flux (no registration required) all you have to do is select a data set from the menu provided and select a country or countries from the menu provided. Using XTimeline students can collaborate, just as they would when making a wiki, to build a multimedia timeline.

Create and share visual ideas online. Making video work like the web. Speak to Me: Teaching with Voki. Grades 6 – 12 | Lesson Plan | Standard Lesson Vote for Me!

Speak to Me: Teaching with Voki

Making Presidential Commercials Using Avatars After researching political platforms of past presidents through primary sources and other resources, students create commercials for these presidents using Voki, an online web tool that produces speaking avatars. Grades 9 – 12 | Lesson Plan | Standard Lesson. Bringing Lessons to Life with Animoto.

Grades 9 – 12 | Lesson Plan | Unit It's My Life: Multimodal Autobiography Project Students express themselves verbally, visually, and musically by creating multimodal autobiographies, exchanging ideas with other students and sharing important events in their lives through PowerPoint presentations.

Bringing Lessons to Life with Animoto

Grades 6 – 8 | Lesson Plan | Unit. Marqueed - Simple image collaboration and markup tool. Share, annotate and discuss images. The Best 10 Free Word Cloud Tools for Teachers. 1- Worlde This is a great tool for generating word clouds from text that you provide.

The Best 10 Free Word Cloud Tools for Teachers

Words that appear more frequently in your text tend to have more prominence. Worlde also allows it users to customize their clouds with various fonts, layouts and colours. Once done you can print out your clouds or save them to Worlde gallery to share with others. 2- Tagul This is a web service that enables users to create awesome word clouds. Posters. Stories. Smore Reviews. MapStory : Welcome! PULP-O-MIZER: the custom pulp magazine cover generator. When you purchase your custom pulp magazine cover on a printed product, the reliable Pulp-O-Mizer cranks it up to high gear and - after a few seconds of groaning and sputtering - it spits out a high resolution image at (or even over) 300 pixels to the inch.

PULP-O-MIZER: the custom pulp magazine cover generator

The image is immediately transmitted across the sub aetheric waves, and, well! That's when things really get interesting. We entrust your orders to well trained, electrically motivated henchmen and henchwomen. When your order arrives at our hidden facility these henchpersons burst into action: the presses fly, the hamster wheels spin, the Interociter... well... we think it interocirates, sort of, and when all's done a high quality Pulp-O-Mized product flies out of its mysterious mechanism and is swept up, before it can escape, by the unflinching claws of our own patented Ship-O-Matic.

But even now, the adventure has barely begun! Zeega. Using Go Animate in the Classroom. A Production. Project Based.