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Your favourite books to prompt personal insight and growth - The Indigo Project. The Failure of Fusionism. Conservative parties throughout the West are in crisis.

The Failure of Fusionism

This may not be fully understood by simply looking at recent election results, as conservative parties have continued to win elections. But these parties are currently in a state of ideological flux, and their commitment to existing liberal democratic principles and institutions are in noticeable decay. The conventional perception of conservative parties as steady and secure governing hands has made way for a more volatile and agitated form of politics. Parties that have routinely positioned themselves as defenders of the established order have instead become actively hostile to it. Conservative parties, the Economist noted last year, are now “on fire and dangerous.”

In Australia, the Liberal Party has been engaged in a decade-long civil war that has seen a number of hostile leadership changes (including against two sitting prime ministers). Revolutionary technological changes brought massive social and cultural change. Related. WISDOM TREE ( NEW ) - Bookniture. Man Perfectly Explains Women’s Rage Today Using Brutal Analogy So That All Men Can Finally Understand It. Author A.R.

Man Perfectly Explains Women’s Rage Today Using Brutal Analogy So That All Men Can Finally Understand It

Moxon has recently invited all men to participate in an exercise of empathy. He reframed women’s experiences with violence and sexual assault and presented it in a way that most guys should comprehend… getting kicked in the nuts. At first, it sounds silly, but it doesn’t after you read the whole thing. “Speaking on the societally-macro level, empathy has been largely a one-way street when it comes to gender roles and dynamics,” Moxon told Bored Panda. “In my experience, women are empathetic toward men, while men tend not to be particularly empathetic toward women.” “Put another way, women have to think about what men are feeling as a matter of survival. “When women tell their stories of living with danger and vulnerability in abusive relationships and of survival from assault, our first instinct appears to be to protect ourselves from personal culpability and accountability; we certainly saw that dynamic play out as the Kavanaugh story developed.”

52 Questions To Bring You Closer Together. When’s the last time you had a meaningful conversation? Or deepened your relationship with your friend or partner? Knowing how to have a deep conversation isn’t easy. That said, talking about deep topics – rather than small talk – is crucial to maintaining an intimate connection. In an experiment, social psychologist Arthur Aron found pairs who discussed ‘deep questions’ were much more likely to maintain their level of connection than those who kept to small talk. (SAGE Social Sciences Connection) Since relationships are undoubtedly one of the most important aspects of our lives, we decided to examine several psychological studies, and figure out which conversation topics foster closeness.

*For more insight into the methodology behind these 52 deep questions, see below. Ritualize deep conversation. Forrest Gander’s Grief Sounds. 7 Essential Books on the Art and Science of Happiness. If you, like me, are fascinated by the human quest to understand the underpinnings of happiness but break out in hives at the mere mention of self-help books, you’re in luck: I’ve sifted through my personal library, a decade’s worth of obsessive reading, to surface seven essential books on the art and science of happiness, rooted in solid science, contemporary philosophy and cross-disciplinary insight.

7 Essential Books on the Art and Science of Happiness

TW Best Fiction Books — Spring 2018 – The What. Thirteen New Releases Jan-Apr 2018 personally read by yours truly.

TW Best Fiction Books — Spring 2018 – The What

There are many “Best” book lists compiled and curated by editorial teams around the globe. But, what makes ours different is that I have personally read every book here, a herculean effort requiring intense concentration at a pace of a book a night for three consecutive months. How (and why) did I accomplish this? The short answer is Volumetric Reading, which entails reading for four uninterrupted hours between 9pm-1am after my kids go to bed.

TW Best Fiction Books — Spring 2018 – The What. Booktopia - My Absolute Darling by Gabriel Tallent, 9780008185220. Buy this book online. Click on the Google Preview image above to read some pages of this book!

Booktopia - My Absolute Darling by Gabriel Tallent, 9780008185220. Buy this book online.

A brilliant and immersive, all-consuming read about one fourteen-year-old girl's heart-stopping fight for her own soul. 'You think you're invincible. You think you won't ever miss. We need to put the fear on you. The Only Story by Julian Barnes. From the Man Booker Prize-winning author of The Sense of an Ending, a novel about a young man on the cusp of adulthood and a woman who has long been there, a love story shot through with sheer beauty, profound sadness, and deep truth.

The Only Story by Julian Barnes

Most of us have only one story to tell. I don’t mean that only one thing happens to us in our lives: there are countless events, which we turn into countless stories. But there’s only one that matters, only one finally worth telling. 8 New Books You'll Love This Month. The New Vanguard. In 2016, the feminist press Emily Books held a panel in Brooklyn titled, a bit cheekily, “What Is Women’s Writing?” The New Vanguard. ‘Black Panther’ Movie: What You Should Read After Watching the Boundary-Breaking Film - NYT Watching. In “Black Panther,” American Dreams and American Nightmares Clash. Marvel’s lavish, Africa-set superhero adventure opens on the streets of Oakland, California, in 1992.

In “Black Panther,” American Dreams and American Nightmares Clash

Black Bay Area youth shoot basketballs into makeshift scrap-hoops. Above them, N’Jobu (Sterling K. Brown) code-switches between American and African inflection as Wakandan royalty comes knocking to investigate potential crimes against the crown. The interaction finds the Black Panther, T’Chaka, an African superhero and king, face-to-face with his brother, N’Jobu, an armed revolutionary speaking of Black liberation — on the precipice, no less, of L.A.’s Rodney King Riots, in the nearby city where the Black Panther Party was born. In Black Panther, directed and co-written by Oakland native Ryan Coogler, history and metaphor are intrinsically linked.

The Next Big Idea Club. We’re Not Done Here. Waiting for the light. 2017 Favourites: Wheeler Centre Staff — The Wheeler Centre. Summer reading: An ultimate list. Ho Ho Ho and Merry Christmas to all fellow travellers and happy campers!

Summer reading: An ultimate list

May you all get the holiday break you deserve after a hilarious and ridiculously busy 2017. So much has happened in our industry that I can’t even remember what life looked like last January. Weapons of Math Destruction: How Big Data Increases Inequality and Threatens Democracy: Cathy O'Neil: 9780553418811: Books. Year 9,10 Preparing for Years 11, 12 Mathematics - Maths - Subject - Secondary. Mary Oliver, US poet. The Gift of Fear. Go, Went, Gone: Jenny Erpenbeck, Susan Bernofsky: 9780811225946: Books. The End of Days (9780811225137): Jenny Erpenbeck, Susan Bernofsky: Books. An odyssey a father a son and an epic. Go, Went, gone. Doris Kearns Goodwin. The Stories of John Cheever - Wikipedia. Stories included in the collection[edit] Summaries of Short Stories[edit] "The Five-Forty-Eight" is a short story that follows actions of Blake, whom is the main character.

The Stories of John Cheever - Wikipedia

Modern love. YOU’LL GROW OUT OF ITBy Jessi Klein. AGAINST EVERYTHING Essays By Mark Greif 304 pp. Pantheon Books. $28.95. Elizabeth Hardwick’s “Sleepless Nights. Svetlana Alexievich. The Five Books I Needed To Read When My Mum Died Of Cancer.