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Big Data & Society. Collect your own telematics data. Me and my data: how much do the internet giants really know? To briefly state the obvious, the internet giants are seriously big: Google is not only the world's largest search engine, it's one of the top three email providers, a social network, and owner of the Blogger platform and the world's largest video site, YouTube.

Me and my data: how much do the internet giants really know?

Facebook has the social contacts, messages, wallposts and photos of more than 750 million people. Given that such information could be used to sell us stuff, accessed by government or law enforcement bodies (perhaps without warrants, under legal changes), or – theoretically, at least – picked up by hackers or others, it's not unreasonable to wonder exactly how much the internet giants know about us. US users of the sites are out of luck: there's no legal right under US law to ask a company to hand over all the information it holds on you. Users do have some say in how much companies are allowed to take, usually contained in the terms of service. Things didn't get off to a great start with Google. Or does it? Analytics. Analytics and Big-Data articles and briefings. Big Data, Analytics and a New Era of Efficiency in Government. Buy something from Amazon and you will soon find the online retailer telling you what other products you might like.

Big Data, Analytics and a New Era of Efficiency in Government

Linger too long on your preferred cell provider's website for new phones and you will quickly encounter a live person to chat with online about the options. Each day, companies of all sizes discover new ways to gain customer insights that allow them to target products and services with unprecedented specificity. This same technology can fundamentally change the way government operates, breaking down hierarchies and silos, enabling preventive action, incorporating citizens into every aspect of governance and increasing overall efficiency.

Data analytics offer us unprecedented opportunities to improve the effectiveness of government. This column appears in our monthly Better, Faster, Cheaper email newsletter. Although the term seems enterprise-oriented, a significant component of the big data in the civic realm comes from the community. REINVENTING SOCIETY IN THE WAKE OF BIG DATA. What those breadcrumbs tell is the story of your life.


It tells what you've chosen to do. That's very different than what you put on Facebook. What you put on Facebook is what you would like to tell people, edited according to the standards of the day. Who you actually are is determined by where you spend time, and which things you buy. 3 ways big data is transforming government. Management 3 ways big data is transforming government By Bill CullSep 25, 2013 There is enormous opportunity ahead for government agencies to use big-data technologies to manage data growth, gain new insights and innovate in ways they couldn't before.

3 ways big data is transforming government

Here are some of the ways big data is already beginning to transform government. 1. In May 2012, the multi-agency Medicare Fraud Strike Force uncovered $452 million in false billings in the biggest crackdown on Medicare fraud in history. Despite the progress government and law enforcement agencies have made, they have a long way to go. Other situations require real-time analysis to combat serious threats before they occur. 2. Big-data technologies are helping agencies be more productive, work smarter and be more agile at a time when budgets are tighter than ever. UDP on facebook. Intelligent systems. Neural Networks for Machine Learning. About the Course Neural networks use learning algorithms that are inspired by our understanding of how the brain learns, but they are evaluated by how well they work for practical applications such as speech recognition, object recognition, image retrieval and the ability to recommend products that a user will like.

Neural Networks for Machine Learning

As computers become more powerful, Neural Networks are gradually taking over from simpler Machine Learning methods. They are already at the heart of a new generation of speech recognition devices and they are beginning to outperform earlier systems for recognizing objects in images. The course will explain the new learning procedures that are responsible for these advances, including effective new proceduresr for learning multiple layers of non-linear features, and give you the skills and understanding required to apply these procedures in many other domains. Recommended Background Programming proficiency in Matlab, Octave or Python. Course Format. Scientists See Advances in Deep Learning, a Part of Artificial Intelligence.