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Linking Verbs. Since linking verbs, also referred to as copulas or copular verbs, don't function in the same way as typical verbs in showing action, it can sometimes be tricky to recognize them.

Linking Verbs

These types of verbs: Show a relationship between the subject and the sentence complement, the part of the sentence following the verbConnect or link the subject with more information – words that further identify or describe the subjectIdentify a relationship or existing condition These types of verbs are sometimes described as performing the function of an equal sign because they provide the connection between a subject and a certain state. Words That Are True Linking Verbs Some words are always linking verbs. Forms of "to be" AmIsIs beingAreAre beingWasWas beingWereHasHas beenHave beenWill have beenHad beenAre beingMight have been Forms of "to become" BecomeBecomesBecameHas becomeHave becomeHad becomeWill becomeWill have become Forms of "to seem" SeemedSeemingSeemsHas seemedHave seemedHad seemedWill seem.

Simple Sentences: Subject and Predicate. Think of baby sentences: Johnny hungry.

Simple Sentences: Subject and Predicate

Cat run. English sentences are composed of a topic and something said about that topic, commonly referred to as the subject and predicate. The subject and predicate are often described as a topic and a comment, what is being talked about (the subject) and what is being said about it (the predicate). Each of these elements is characterized by a combination of three elements or perspectives: · a position or slot within a sentence · a certain form or type of grammatical construction · a certain meaning Thus the subject of a sentence typically · occurs at the beginning of the sentence (position), · consists of a noun phrase (form), and · indicates the topic of the discussion (meaning).

The predicate · follows the subject, · starts with a verb indicating an action or state of being, and · conveys a thought about the subject. Action Verbs. List of Action Verbs, FREE List. Writing exactly what you have in mind isn't easy.

List of Action Verbs, FREE List

To help you, you will find below a list of action verbs, English verbs. Ideally, you may begin a phrase with a power verb drawn from of the list of action verbs presented below, whether in its infinitive or past form. And this is the best alternative to weak and boring openings like "Responsible for", "Worked with", and "Duties included", to name but few worn-out formulas. Whenever you write, you want to persuade.

So don't let your writing traitor you. This list of action verbs will be soon organized by general skills and competencies. Download The List of Action Verbs The list of action verbs is provided in CSV format, which is a text format compatible with Microsoft Excel: List of action verbs (simply right-click and save) Verbs:Types of Verbs with Examples. Verbs are the most important component of any sentence.

Verbs:Types of Verbs with Examples

These words talk about the action or the state of any noun or subject. This means that verbs show what the subject is doing or what is the state or situation of the subject. For example: He ran to the store. - Here the verb ran describes the action of the subject ‘he’ She is a creative person. - Here there is no action being done. There are different types and classifications of Verbs; some of the most important ones are listed below: Modal Verbs. List of Verbs.