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PSFK - News, Ideas and Trends for Inspiration. Engadget. The Blog of Scott Hansen » Websites. Boards Of Canada website Less than 2 hours until Boards Of Canada will be streaming the new album here.

The Blog of Scott Hansen » Websites

My old buddy Nick Felton spends a lot of time tracking his every move. After years of hanging with him knowing at the end of the year my stats would also in some way be immortalized in that years annual report, I decided to make use of one of the tools he created to track all that data: Daytum. It might be old news now, considering he’s moved on from Daytum, but it’s taken a while for the type of data I’ve been tracking to reveal something, hence the late-to-the party post. I started obsessively keeping track of all of my music purchases via Daytum mostly just to keep tabs on myself – to make sure I was in fact supporting artists like I claimed I was. The TrendWatch. Trendbeheer. Veille du Brand Content. GEEK LIFE BLOG : BLOG GEEK. LesTempsDansent. Banned! Etude marché, Conseil en stratégie : Marketing, Communication entreprise, Relation client - La Poste entreprise : Le'Hub.

Le vide poches : le blog du planning stratégique 2.0 de PSST (op. Films, programmes TV, jeux, musique, événements, les marques commerciales ne lésinent pas sur les moyens pour nous séduire… jusqu’à lâcher un homme en parachute dans l’espace* !

Le vide poches : le blog du planning stratégique 2.0 de PSST (op

Le « Branded entertainment » arrive, accrochez-vous ! Vous avez dit comment, déjà, brain dead ? Le trendmag.