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The Fun Cheap or Free Queen: "You're Welcome" Wednesday: Tons of home remedy tips and tricks. I’m sure we’ve all gotten the email before. You know what I’m talking about, the spam email that you actually happened to read. You know, the one with tons of random home remedy tips in it that you think, “Huh…I should remember this….” Yes, that one. Well, I thought it was about time to go ahead and post it for you so you don’t have to worry about remembering it any more! The ideas are great and, as it says, worth considering! P.S…see round 2 of amazing random tips HERE. Take your bananas apart when you get home from the store. Store your opened chunks of cheese in aluminum foil. Add a teaspoon of water when frying ground beef.

Add garlic immediately to a recipe if you want a light taste of garlic, and at the end of the recipe if you want a stronger taste of garlic.Leftover snickers bars from Halloween make a delicious dessert. Reheat Pizza Heat up leftover pizza in a nonstick skillet on top of the stove, set heat to med-low and heat till warm. Get Rid of Ants with cornmeal. 75 Extraordinary Uses for Baking Soda. Baking soda is a chemical compound that appears as a fine powder. It releases bubbles of carbon dioxide when it interacts with an acid and a liquid. It’s most commonly used in baking, where it acts as a leavening agent. The following are 75 other uses for baking soda aside from making muffins soft and fluffy. Health Uses 1. Use it as an antacid. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. In the Home 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34.

In Cooking 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. Cleaning Purposes 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. The most amazing thing about baking soda is that it’s very cheap. How to Clean Every Room in Your Home with Items You Already Have. Household Hints. Disclaimer - As with all home remedies on this page, use at your own risk. 1) Flies or bees bothering you? Spray them with hairspray and they will take a quick dive. 2) Sealed envelope - Put in the freezer for a few hours, then slide a knife under the flap.

The envelope can then be resealed. 3) Use Empty toilet paper roll to store appliance cords. 4) For icy door steps in freezing temperatures: get warm water and put Dawn dishwashing liquid in it. 5) Crayon marks on walls? 6) Permanent marker on appliances/counter tops (like store receipt BLUE!) 7) Whenever I purchase a box of S.O.S Pads, I immediately take a pair of scissors and cut each pad into halves. 8) Opening brand new jars can be a feat in itself. 9) Blood stains on clothes?

10) Use vertical strokes when washing windows outside and horizontal for inside windows. 11) Spray a bit of perfume on the light bulb in any room to create a lovely light scent in each room when the light is turned on. 21) . * Clean a vase. Collect cat hair. Top 40 Useful Sites To Learn New Skills. The web is a powerful resource that can easily help you learn new skills.

You just have to know where to look. Sure, you can use Google, Yahoo, or Bing to search for sites where you can learn new skills , but I figured I’d save you some time. Here are the top 40 sites I have personally used over the last few years when I want to learn something new. Hack a Day - Hack a Day serves up fresh hacks (short tutorials) every day from around the web and one in-depth ‘How-To hack’ guide each week.eHow - eHow is an online community dedicated to providing visitors the ability to research, share, and discuss solutions and tips for completing day-to-day tasks and projects.Wired How-To Wiki - Collaborate with Wired editors and help them build their extensive library of projects, hacks, tricks and tips.

Browse through hundreds how-to articles and then add to them, or start a new one.MAKE Magazine - Brings the do-it-yourself (DIY) mindset to all of the technology in your life. News For Dogs & Cats » Blog Archive » A Child’s Letter About Her Beloved Departed Dog. The kindness of a stranger is simply an amazing and touching moment. Here is an email that Debbie, an Itchmo reader, sent us about the story of a child’s letter to God about her dog, Abbey, who had passed away and what happened after she sent the letter: Our 14-year-old-dog, Abbey, died last month. The day after she died, my 4-year-old daughter Meredith was crying and talking about how much she missed Abbey. She asked if we could write a letter to God so that when Abbey got to heaven, God would recognize her. I told her that I thought we could, so she dictated these words: Dear God, Will you please take care of my dog? I hope you will play with her.

Love, Meredith. We put the letter in an envelope with a picture of Abbey and Meredith and addressed it to God/Heaven. Yesterday, there was a package wrapped in gold paper on our front porch addressed, “To Meredith” in an unfamiliar hand. On the opposite page was the picture of Abbey & Meredith and this note: Dear Meredith, Love, God. » What is your acne telling you? The Beauty Gypsy. Quick hand-legs-foot tutorial by `Hellobaby on deviantART.

How to mend it .com - Find out how to mend just about anything. Alternative Sleep Cycles: You Don’t Really Need 6-8 Hours! Most people only think that there is one way to sleep: Go to sleep at night for 6-8 hours, wake up in the morning, stay awake for 16-18 hours and then repeat. Actually, that is called a monophasic sleep cycle, which is only 1 of 5 major sleep cycles that have been used successfully throughout history. The other 4 are considered polyphasic sleep cycles due to the multiple number of naps they require each day. How is this possible? How is this healthy? Well the most important of every sleep cycle is the Stage 4 REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep, which has been shown to provide the benefits of sleep to the brain above all other stages of sleep. When changing over to a polyphasic cycle, the lack of sleep tricks the body into entering REM sleep immediately instead of 45 to 75 minutes into sleep like in the monophasic sleep.

This way, you still get the benefits of 8 hours of sleep without wasting all of the time it takes to get to REM cycles, resulting in a much more efficient sleep cycle. 25 (more) clever ideas to make life easier. . We heard you loud and clear. When we published our first list of clever ideas to make life easier last year, we received an overwhelming response.

So without further ado, here’s another 25 ingenious household tips and organisational tricks that will have you saying, “Why didn’t I think of that?!” Source: Got an empty kitchen shelf? Feeling handy? Cut holes in a the bottom shelf and countersink dog food bowls for a cute and out-of-the-way dog feeding station. Source: Wall mount cutlery trays and add a cup hook in each compartment for brilliant jewelery storage. Source: Avoid messy dresser drawers by “filing” your clothing side-by-side instead of stacking items on top of each other.

Photo: William Warby on Has putting Toy Story on constant repeat finally taken its toll? Source: Packing tip: Protect breakables such as wine bottles or food containers with children’s inflatable floaties. Source: 6 Unconventional Uses for your Dishwasher - It takes the right mix of ingenuity and desperation to discover new uses for old tools, but whoever first tried steaming a salmon fillet in their dishwasher must’ve been drunk. For folks who are curious about what else their kitchen contraptions can do, here’s a rundown of the most unconventional uses for your home dishwasher.

Steam Fish Fillets The best part about steaming fish in your dishwasher—other than novelty of steaming fish in your dishwasher—is how simple it is. All you need to do is season a cut of your favorite fish, wrap it (tightly!) In aluminum foil, place it in the top rack, and allow it to run through an entire normal cycle.

If you’re feeling extra adventurous, check out these recipes for dishwasher lasagna and dishwasher potatoes. Wash Baseball Caps Baseball caps can fade and become misshapen in traditional washing machines. For fledgling roller derby enthusiasts, you can also clean knee pads, shin guards, and other sports equipment in your dishwasher. Clean Footwear. Printable Pages For Your Household Notebook. 9 Pretty Simple Pimple Home Remedies. A few weeks ago when I was digging around for a post to “revive” from way in the depths of Crunchy Betty, my first thought was a very, very old post titled 27 Quick and Crunchy Home Remedies for Pimples.

It’s a great post, full of fun little ideas for when you have a giant monster on your face and want to treat it quickly. I even used several of the ideas in the Simple Pimple Remedies section of Food on Your Face for Acne and Oily Skin. There’s just one problem with it. The picture I used to accompany that post is horrendous. So it was kind of like a creepy clown that’s been baked in the oven at 125 degrees for about 3 minutes. I will not post that picture here, because by gosh and all, I don’t want it haunting me for the rest of my blogforsaken life. So, when I realized I couldn’t “revive” that post as is, I thought, “I’ll take a few new pictures for it.” So here you go. Also, let it be known that these are not ranked by my personal favorites. Kinda magic. Ah. Tomatoes. Now, now. 11 Unusual Household Uses For Food Items That Will Save You Money.

Photo: charles chan * The next time you find yourself in need of a household product like stain remover, shower cleaner or ant deterrent, check the pantry before heading to the store. You might just find what you need, in the form of a common kitchen ingredient. From a green perspective, going the DIY route eliminates some of the harsh chemicals in your home, reducing your family’s exposure to them.

It can also save you money. In a pinch, using cinnamon or cayenne pepper could save you the $5 needed to buy a set of ant traps. And in the long run, buying bulk containers of multi-task products like baking soda and vinegar is cheaper than shelling out for bottles of specialized, one-task cleansers. Post your own tips below, and try these household uses for common foods: Baking soda * Jan Patterson of Cotati, Calif., uses it to remove “stubborn sticky stuff of any kind” from furniture and other household items.

Bananas Use the inside of the peel to polish silver, Reichert says. Beer Cayenne Pepper. 100 Simple Nutrition Tips | Midway Simplicity. “Man Is What He Eats” – Lucretius Good nutrition is one of the most important factors for good health. You can dramatically improve your health by doing simple adjustments to your eating habits. You’ll notice a big difference in your energy levels if you regularly eat foods that have a lot of vitamins and minerals in them, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains and low- or non-fat dairy. There is no doubt that eating well can maximize our life experience.

One of the best resources that I’ve found on the topic of health and well-being is “8 Weeks To Optimum Health” by Dr. Andrew Weil I urge you to get a copy today and start following Dr. Do you have more nutrition tips that you can share with us? Find your passion and what matters most to you in less than 30 minutes using … The P.A.S Technique 2.0: The World’s Easiest Way To Find Your Passion and Purpose In Life?

For more simple living tips follow me on Twitter @MidSimplicity *Photo Credit: by Pink Sherbet Photography. 20 Common Grammar Mistakes That (Almost) Everyone Makes. I’ve edited a monthly magazine for more than six years, and it’s a job that’s come with more frustration than reward. If there’s one thing I am grateful for — and it sure isn’t the pay — it’s that my work has allowed endless time to hone my craft to Louis Skolnick levels of grammar geekery. As someone who slings red ink for a living, let me tell you: grammar is an ultra-micro component in the larger picture; it lies somewhere in the final steps of the editing trail; and as such it’s an overrated quasi-irrelevancy in the creative process, perpetuated into importance primarily by bitter nerds who accumulate tweed jackets and crippling inferiority complexes.

But experience has also taught me that readers, for better or worse, will approach your work with a jaundiced eye and an itch to judge. While your grammar shouldn’t be a reflection of your creative powers or writing abilities, let’s face it — it usually is. Who and Whom This one opens a big can of worms. Which and That Lay and Lie Moot Nor. 6 Life-Changing Uses for Binder Clips (That You Could've Easily Thought Of) from Look What I Found.

Yes, it may seem like an ordinary binder clip. And it is. Make no mistake -- it will keep your papers organized with the best of them. The BEST. But it's so much more. Oh so much. Peep your peepers on these life-changing uses for the seemingly boring binder clip. 1. (via) 2. (via) 3. iPod Dock Just go to your local Apple Store, pretend like you're interested in all the MacBook Airs, and walk right out. (via) 4. (via) 5. (via) 6. (via) Food tips that make life easier. Thirty Rules of Chess. Free Online Courses - Earn Real College Credit You Can Transfer | Education Portal Academy.

Kitchen Cheat Sheet. Um, YES. | Humorous Photos. IMGDaddy. Back to School-Lunch Box Survival Tips on In the next few weeks there is a whirl wind of activity for parents and kids. Even if you do not have children you might be sucked into the vortex of Back to School. Everywhere you go might seem a little more busy and frantic as parents and kids scramble for school suppliesand the perfect Lunch Box. I am a huge advocate of packing homemade, healthy & delicious foods for “to-go” meals. I support Jaimie Oliver’s initiative to get our kids eating healthy whole foods in and out of the home. As I always say: Fit Food not Fast Food. My daughter is finally eligible for the Hot Lunch Program at school. Not only should we have tasty meals made in our home kitchen, we need the perfect portable container. I like it so much that I decided to become an affiliate to help all of us make the right choices.

I am giving away one Easy LunchBox System to one lucky reader. For those of you that want to place an order asap you can do so right here. Lunch Box Checklist Our Favorite Lunch Box Food Entrées Veggies. How to make an elephant from towels | WireSmash. Before And After: My Bar Cart. Hey, do you remember when I found that bar cart at an estate sale for ten bucks and had my husband stand there with his hand on it—like those Keep Your Hand On The Car competitions they used to have at state fairs, except with fewer deep-fried Twinkies—so that I could run and find someone to give me a price on it before another bargain hunter bought it first? And then I took it home and put it on my front porch like the classy broad that I am and took a picture of it to show you that it looked like this? Well, now it looks like this: Yay, gold!

I love gooooooooold. This is what I think every time I see this bar cart—to save you from clicking on that link, I will tell you that this is a line from Austin Powers 3, which is so much less excellent than Austin Powers 1 and even Austin Powers 2 that it's laughable—and that is because I have made this bar cart way, way golder than it was before. Has potential, but could try harder. Sixty Years Of Memories.

Online Monthly Budget Calculator - Free Tool From Frugal Pig. Seven Surprising Uses for Baking Soda - Lifestyle. Sunburn Remedies - Home Sunburn Remedies. Find The Lowest Price on the New Car You Want – Without Stepping Foot in a Dealership. 15 ways to use vodka. Really Random Tips | 8 smart organizing tips for the kitchen. Foods That Affect Sleep Habits - Sleep Inducing Foods. Cleaning File.

Massive Money Saving "Trick" Discovered. How to Develop a Photographic Memory. Life Hacks. D.I.Y. Curls: How To Rag Roll Your Hair. Smart tips to make life easier. How To Use A Sock To Get Beautiful Curly Hair Without Heat.