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CherMedia » Accueil. Visual Bookshelf. L'agora des livres :: Communaut. LibraryThing | Cataloguez vos livres en ligne. LibraryThing for Libraries. Thingology (LibraryThing's ideas blog) Summary: Tim, LibraryThing’s founder, is going to be giving a one-day, almost-free introduction to PHP programming on Friday, June 27, alongside the preconference day of ALA 2014 in Las Vegas, NV. “Enough PHP to Be Dangerous” will cover the basics of PHP, the most common web programming language. It’s designed for people with little programming experience.(1) Instruction will be project-based–a series of brief explanations followed by hands-on problem solving. You won’t emerge a PHP master, but you’ll know enough to be dangerous! (2) We’ll presume some familiarity with the web, including basic HTML. Where? How do I sign up? We’ll close applications on Monday, April 14 at 4:00 PM EST.

What Does it Cost? Why do I need this? Why are you doing this? Is this officially connected to ALA, LITA, Library Code Year, etc.? Will the class be broadcast? Want to help out? 1. : share everything you like. Libfly, la bibliothèque communautaire ... Le choix des libraires. Le choix des bibliothecaires. Babelio - Vos livres en ligne - Connectez vos biblioth.

Le blog de Babelio. - La communauté des e-lecteurs.