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Programming for students

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LiveCode | Create apps for multiple platforms. Quickly. Easily. Free. Hackety Hack! Learn. Create a 3D T-Rex Game Grades 2+ | Blocks Dance Party Minecraft Hour of Code Escape Estate Grades 2+ | Blocks, Python Code a 3D Space Invaders Game Minecraft Timecraft Rodocodo: Code Hour Pre-reader - Grade 5 | Blocks NASA's Space Jam Make a Flappy game Long Live Wakanda Grades 6+ | Blocks Hello World CodeMonkey Jr.: Pre-coding for Preschoolers Pre-reader | Blocks My Google Logo Grades 2-8 | Blocks Coding Town Grades 2-5 | JavaScript Mario's Secret Adventure: Build Your Own 3D Mario Game CodeCombat: Goblins 'n' Glory Grades 6-8 | JavaScript, Python Code Farm: Plant a Garden Blocks Jumper: Game Creation Make Shapes with Code Pre-reader - Grade 5 | JavaScript, Language independent (can be taught in multiple languages) AI for Oceans Grades 3+ | AI and Machine Learning The Grinch: Saving Christmas with Code Bot is sus?!

Grades 2-8 | JavaScript | Internet Explorer 11, Microsoft Edge, Chrome, Firefox, Safari Code Club World: Make cool stuff with free coding games and activities Grades 2-5 | Blocks Dragon Blast Design your Hero. SNAP! (Build Your Own Blocks) App Inventor. Squeakland : home of squeak etoys. WiBit.Net :: Learn to code from the ground up! Squeakland : home of squeak etoys.

Daisy the Dinosaur. Stencyl: Make iPhone, iPad, Android & Flash Games without code. Move The Turtle. Programming For Kids. Programming With Blocks. Syntax is a royal pain in the neck for beginning programmers. For a lot of kids learning computing or programming syntax is the single largest hurtle.

It’s hard to teach both a new (programming) language and a new way of thinking and problem solving at the same time. This tends to be a big stumbling block for teaching a lot of basic computing concepts. For years there have been tools developed that remove syntax from the equation. Alice and Scratch are probably the most well-known and popular of these tools.

What I find is that tastes are different. All of these tools have some great features and either university or private research behind the development. GP is a free, general-purpose blocks programming language (similar to MIT's Scratch) that is powerful yet easy to learn. Alice Alice is a 3-d environment from Carnegie Mellon. Kodu is a coding environment originally developed by Microsoft Research for the Xbox 360 but now also available for Windows PCs. Snap! Hopscotch - Coding for kids. ScratchJr - Home. HTML Glossary.