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Allemagne. Submarine Cable Map. Chine. Développement durable. Nicaragua. Canal de Panama. Mexique. Afrique. Qu'est-ce qu'une terre rare ? (par Bernadette Mérenne-Schoumacker) Japon. Etats-Unis. Pays émergents. Édugéo, le géoportail de l'éducation. Languedoc-Roussillon. Population, migrations. France. Europe. Métropole, urbanisation. Ports, transports maritimes. Eau. Atlas Caraïbe. Vincent Callebaut Architecte LILYPAD. PROGRAM : Floating Ecopolis for Climate Refugees / Mixing Uses LOCATION : Oceans SURFACE AREA : 500.000 m² PERSPECTIVES : Philippe Steels / Further to the anthropogenic activity, the climate warms up and the ocean level increases. According to the principle of Archimedes and contrary to preconceived notions, the melting of the arctic ice-floe will not change the rising of the water exactly as an ice cube melting in a glass of water does not make its level rise.

However, there are two huge ice reservoirs that are not on the water and whose melting will transfer their volume towards the oceans, leading to their rising. It deals with the ice caps of Antarctic and Greenland on the one hand, and the continental glaciers on the other hand. Another reason of the ocean rising, that does not have anything to do with the ice melting is the water dilatation under the effect of the temperature. Vincent Callebaut Architect Vincent Callebaut Architecte. Dossiers documentaires Géographie. Perspective Monde. Publications et services - Les indicateurs de la stratégie nationale de développement durable 2010-2013.

Richesse, pauvreté

Firmes, industrie, mondialisation. Revues de géographie.