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Hacking the Thesis | A methodology for managing your thesis: An MFA perspective. My name is Gabe Tippery. In August 2012 I successfully complete my MFA thesis entitled “Learning to Be in the Digital Era: A Holistic Learning Framework for Design Education” (13mb PDF). My path to a completed thesis was not a smooth journey by any stretch of the imagination, and if you are interested in that story I welcome you to read all about it. Now I am pretty proud of it, but that is not what this site is about. Ultimately, a large factor in what made my thesis successful is that that I am also a person who possibly spends WAY TOO MUCH time thinking about HOW I work. You see, HOW you work is not at all the same as the WORK YOU DO. What I want to share with you is an insight into HOW I worked on my thesis… not what my thesis was about.

During my thesis journey, I developed what I think is a pretty good workflow and system that can be repeated by others to make their journeys a little smoother and that is what this site is about. But first we need to get a few things on the table. Teaching and Learning in the Rhizome: challenges and possibilities | Jenny Connected.

June 22, 2015 by jennymackness On Thursday 18th June Frances Bell and I presented a session at Liverpool John Moores University’s Teaching and Learning Conference, which earlier in the year put out a call for papers which could address the theme: ‘Locations for learning: where does the learning take place?’ We immediately recognized that our research into rhizomatic learning would fit this theme. The rhizome has been used as a metaphor for teaching and learning by many educators who are interested in encouraging learners to explore new spaces for learning. This is the Abstract we submitted. We can no longer preserve the illusion that learning is bounded by the classroom or other formal educational structures.

Over 400 delegates, mostly from the University but also including a few external presenters like ourselves, signed up for the conference and more than 80 sessions were presented over the two days. Learning requires boundaries. We were very pleased with how this session went. MOOCs: What's Next? What If The Problem Isn’t With MOOCs But Something Else? | EduGeek Journal. Is this another post about how MOOCs are misunderstood ideas that the critics all get wrong? Not quite. There are problems with MOOCs, but I’m still looking at the conversation about MOOCs in general (continuing from my last post kind of). The general conversation about MOOCs (and for that matter other ed tech innovations such as flipped learning, gamification, etc) tends to be all over the place: insightful, missing the forest for the trees, really odd, kind of just there, etc.

All of that is great and makes for interesting discussion. One of the concepts that seems to be getting more traction the past few weeks is “motivation.” The article about “Why Technology Will Never Fix Education” has already been the subject of many insightful observations. The real obstacle in education remains student motivation. I don’t think we can just pass over that last statement with just a simple “for good or ill.” Of course, this article is not the only one. I would say: no. The Mixing Panel.