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Title Insurance Tips for First-time Home Buyers

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What Is Real Estate Due Diligence? Once you make an offer on a home and it's accepted, there's a period lasting a few weeks before you close the deal.

What Is Real Estate Due Diligence?

During this window of time, buyers are often told to “do their due diligence” on the home they soon hope to own. But just what is real estate due diligence, anyway? In the world of real estate transactions, due diligence is a fancy term for “do your homework.” Before buying a property, you should fully investigate it for potential problems that could cost major money to fix after you've moved in. “Due diligence in residential real estate means [making sure] you’re getting the asset you’re paying for,” says Larry Anweiler, an Arizona real estate broker who teaches real estate at Kaplan University. Think of this as your last opportunity to kick the tires, turn on and off all the lights—and generally make sure you're not getting a lemon. Due diligence is definitely worth taking seriously, so here's a checklist of what you'll want to scrutinize before closing the deal.

5 Home-Buying Nightmares Your Title Insurance Could Prevent. Imagine that you have found your dream home.

5 Home-Buying Nightmares Your Title Insurance Could Prevent

Your offer is accepted, you close the deal, you move in. Then, just as you've started to make the house your own, the mail carrier delivers news that turns your world upside down: There was a lien against a previous owner, and now it's been passed on to you. That’s exactly what happened to Lori Moore and her husband. “We had barely gotten everything settled in the house when two weeks later we received a letter from an attorney about a pre-existing lien on the house against the prior owner that now carried over to us as the new owners,” says the Louisville, KY, resident. The lien had been missed during the title search process because, Moore says, the county clerk had filed it in a way that made it hard to find.

At first, Moore says, they weren't too concerned. Title Insurance Basics: Everything You Need to Know About Title Policies. Preparing to buy a new home can be overwhelming.

Title Insurance Basics: Everything You Need to Know About Title Policies

And once you’ve finally found the right one, closing is still a complicated process. Plus, few buyers are aware of basic terms—much fewer specifics. However, aspects of title insurance (a relatively new product in Canada) can mean the difference between a satisfactory transaction resulting in ownership of a new home—and financial ruin. So what exactly is it? Title insurance is a contract used to reimburse loss or damage due to problems concerning the ownership of property, including title defects, liens against the property, undisclosed heirs, and more.

Though the buyer pays for both, lender’s policies are required whereas owner’s policies are optional. But before either policy can ever be issued, there is one vital step: Title Search Title searches are one of the very first steps in the real estate closing process. Once identified, some of these issues can be resolved.

What Is Title Insurance? What Do Title Companies Do? National Title Co. Problems with title can limit your use and enjoyment of real estate, as well as bring financial loss.

What Is Title Insurance? What Do Title Companies Do? National Title Co

Title trouble also can threaten the security interest your mortgage lender holds in the property. What do title companies do? Title insurance companies provide protection against hazards of title and unlike other kinds of insurance that focus on possible future events and charge an annual premium, title insurance is purchased for a one-time payment and is a safeguard against loss arising from hazards and defects existing in the title – prior to your insured ownership. There are two kinds of Title Insurance Owners coverageLenders, or mortgagee, protection Owners title insurance ordinarily is issued in the amount of the real estate purchase and lasts as long as the insured – or his/her heirs have an interest in the property concerned. What is Title Insurance and Why Do You Need It? You understand the benefit of car insurance and homeowners insurance, but chances are you’ve never thought about title insurance until you started the process of buying a house.

What is Title Insurance and Why Do You Need It?

What is title insurance? It’s a policy that insures that you won’t have any unknown claims made to the ownership of your home. What could go wrong? A clean or clear title is important because the title is what gives you ownership of a property. Imagine buying your dream home, closing the deal and then realizing the previous owner hadn’t paid property taxes for several years. An ounce of prevention Unlike most insurance policies, you pay just a one-time fee and your property is covered for as long as you or your heirs own it. As you’ve probably guessed by the one-time fee, title insurance doesn’t work the same way most other policies do. In some areas, the cost of the title search and the title insurance are separate, while in other regions they are lumped together. What kinds of policies are there? Shop around. Florida Title Insurance Company - Artesian Title. - The Washington Post.

What Is Title Insurance? What Do Title Companies Do? National Title Co.