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Charles Darwin University’s first MOOC to focus on evolution theory - Minglebox. The great grandson of naturalist Charles Darwin will introduce “Charles Darwin, Evolution and Tropical Australia”, the first Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) created by Charles Darwin University and commencing on November 11. The free four-week course is open to anyone with a computer and internet access and will provide an introduction to naturalist Charles Darwin, the theory of evolution, Alfred Wallace and biogeography, and an overview of adaptation of tropical organisms in Northern Australia. Pro Vice-Chancellor Academic Professor Martin Carroll said the course would provide participants with access to live video conferences and online discussions and opportunities to interact with participants from around the world.

“There are no prerequisites for participating in the MOOC and you can participate as much or as little as you wish. The course is designed so that you can personalise your own learning journey,” Professor Carroll said. About Charles Darwin University: [Infographie] E-learning à la française : peut mieux faire. Le marché français de l’e-learning pèse 200 millions d’euros en 2013… soit 2% du marché mondial. Mais ce pourcentage pourrait être multiplié par quinze d’ici dix ans, d’après une infographie réalisée par educadis, un site dédié à l’éducation en ligne. Sur ce marché en effet, la France serait un acteur majeur en Europe, avec des acteurs dont la visibilité croît depuis quelques temps :; i-Music School, ou encore Enaco, sans oublier DigiSchool, spécialiste de l’e-learning sur mobile. Mais comme l’indique également l’infographie, l’Hexagone a encore des progrès à faire pour rattraper les Etats-Unis.

Exemples : La France compte 4 MOOCS, les Etats-Unis 500 ;1 étudiant américain sur trois suit au moins un cours en ligne ;les Etats-Unis sont présents sur 62% du marché mondial de l’e-learning. Free Online Courses, Workplace Skills Training, Interactive Education and Multimedia Learning | ALISON. Canal-U.

EDU. Universités numériques > Par domaine et discipline. Free Online Courses, Workplace Skills Training, Interactive Education and Multimedia Learning | ALISON. The OpenCourseWare Consortium. Libres Savoirs" November 2003, ParisTech launched an ambitious project to promote, gather and give free access to the largest number of courses materials from the then 11 member Instituts : " ParisTech Libres Savoirs " meaning literally "ParisTech free Knowleges".

This is the main goal of the ParisTech Graduate School website. December 2008, thes website underwent a major evolution; now it offers on one hand access to Open Course Ware and PhD Thesis and on the other hand the homogeneous institutional display of all the Credits, Training programs and Books written by faculty members. The whole website content is structured and can be searched according to the leftmost column containing the ten main fields of scientific expertise of ParisTech. OpenCourseWare | Free Online Course Materials. TED: Ideas worth spreading. Khan Academy. Training. Advance Your Education With Free College Courses Online - Udacity.
