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Product Engineering Services guide to 360° Digital Transformation. A Comprehensive Guide to 360° Digital Transformation: Product Engineering Services Digital transformation has been a wave of the 21st-century encompassing Internet, the dire need for connectivity and higher productivity.

Product Engineering Services guide to 360° Digital Transformation

The tech business industry has rapidly cruised towards quality driven product engineering services. The brimming enthusiasm of tech service and race of highly advanced technology has led to numerous explorations. It has brought out various dimensions in the technology business industry. This has been a major stealer of the limelight because it is speculated to be evaluated over $1 Trillion by 2021. The complex requirements should be able to fulfill business goals without any compromises. Mitigate 360° risks Technology business industry mainly focuses on a brisk upgrade and migration to newer options as per the trends. Scale, Modify & Innovate The core product engineering-based business enabler is leveraging scalability in its real sense. Embrace digital transformation A. Worried about your social media security consider these 5 tools. Our social media accounts are no longer just means to express ourselves on the internet but have become part and parcel of our persona.

Worried about your social media security consider these 5 tools

Indeed, a person’s digital twin is sometimes as important as the person themselves. Hackers have long targeted these social media accounts as a means of mining the user’s personal details and later use them for their own unscrupulous purposes. Even worse is the case when hackers seize control of these accounts and use them to defame the user’s or hold them hostage to their whim. It is thus of the utmost importance that your social identity be as zealously guarded as you would your physical personage. 1. Several tools are available to provide timely reminders of unauthorized activity and to raise flags when unexpected behaviour occurs on the account. 2.

Password Managers securely maintain your passwords so that they are safe from the predatory tentacles of hackers. 3. 4. 5. Reasons why a Bad Ui/UX can Kill a Great Mobile App. Do you wish to make your mobile application the next big thing?

Reasons why a Bad Ui/UX can Kill a Great Mobile App

And a sure-shot winner in the online marketplace? Then you have to beat the close to 4 million apps currently present in the app store. Technologically speaking, there have been some unparalleled advances that human beings have made creating opportunities in it. Earlier we functioned with heavy desktops which later got converted into lighter laptops and then later to mobile devices changing the way we conduct business.

What makes React JS best choice for SaaS Applications. First developed by Facebook, ReactJs later spread out to some of the most prominent SaaS applications which have become an important part of our daily lives like Netflix, Yahoo!

What makes React JS best choice for SaaS Applications

Mail, Instagram and many more. Whether you are a novice and on the lowest part of the learning curve or an expert, it is a known fact that ReactJs has met the user expectations and in many cases even exceeded it. ReactJs was open-sourced from 2015 with its library mainly used for building the user interface. Top 10 Custom Software Development Methodologies. Custom software development has become a pressing need for many organizations.

Top 10 Custom Software Development Methodologies

Earlier it was not a necessary call, but today, with technology finding its way into our lives, it has become an essential part of the overall strategy. Custom software development cannot happen overnight. It has to be planned with goals, objectives, budget and time span that you need to execute the project. After factoring in these aspects, a development methodology is selected. The decision to decide on development methodology is incumbent on every single aspect of the project.

You may also like: Traditional vs. Purpose and Role of DevOps in Custom Software Development. Do you have any system of checks ensuring all the coding and testing principles are followed to the core?

Purpose and Role of DevOps in Custom Software Development

As important as this question is, equally important is seeking answers for it. If your answer to this question is a No then remember your custom software development project is at stake. In the yesteryears, traditional methods of solutions witnessed several communication problems. The conflicts and lack of coordination between the internal departments were apparent, and due to this, the work quality suffered. React Native vs Flutter for Cross-Platform App Development. React Native vs Flutter can be a good foundation for further analysis and research.

React Native vs Flutter for Cross-Platform App Development

In considering which framework to use for cross-platform app development, it will be wise to ask two questions. Are you looking at developing your apps at a rapid pace? Google's New ML-Powered Voice Recording App - DZone AI. Google is heavily investing its resources in AI and machine learning research intending to shell out products and services for the future.

Google's New ML-Powered Voice Recording App - DZone AI

So whether it has to do with computational photography or email suggestion features, Google has always been active on this front. Recently, Google also launched the famed “Google Recorder”. You might wonder that there are several voice recorder apps in the market so why this? But we all know it, if it is from Google it has to be a contender for the top slot! Before we explore further, let us see whether Google reads the race or not!

The recently launched Google Recorder app is one of the applications that has been powered by a machine learning algorithm that transcribes audio with an unparalleled precision rate. You might also be interested in: Everything You Need to Know About Voice Recognition Technology. Purpose and Role of DevOps in Custom Software Development. Do you have any system of checks ensuring all the coding and testing principles are followed to the core?

Purpose and Role of DevOps in Custom Software Development

As important as this question is, equally important is seeking answers for it. If your answer to this question is a No then remember your custom software development project is at stake. In the yesteryears, traditional methods of solutions witnessed several communication problems. The conflicts and lack of coordination between the internal departments were apparent and due to this, the work quality suffered. Know how to ensure data security for E-Commerce Business through custom made software. Custom software development has become the be-all and end-all for eCommerce businesses.

Know how to ensure data security for E-Commerce Business through custom made software

With the wealth of information available today, online retail spaces have evolved like never before. Conducting businesses online has really flourished because customer preferences are changing. The eCommerce sales are stated to touch $4.5 trillion by 2021. How to integrate security testing in your custom software development cycle. A well-strategized custom software development project involves developing and building software following the custom software development cycle process. Developing software involves the toils and hard work and mostly tedious work process flow.

With the blitz of cyber attacks and security gaps, the creation of the software is not the only goal. Rather now a new aspect in the entire cycle is infusing security measures which the managers and coordinators have to proactively ensure that every aspect of their software development. How 5G is going to transform Mobile Application Development. Like how these technologies mattered to us at pivotal points in our life, 5G technology has now become the new mantra!

Our earlier struggles of unending buffering of videos, our wait to see our favorite photos or the downtime of an urgent email waiting to be sent are all going to Rest in Peace with the promises 5G network is about to bring. With the dawn of the new year, 5th generation wireless technology is all set to become a roaring reality! Our article endeavors to address everything about 5G technology to ease your queries and doubts. Are Progressive web applications future of mobile app development? The mobile application development has been inundated and overwhelmed with the importance of Progressive web application development. Companies are increasingly oriented their strategies towards progressive web applications and the reason for this changeover is there is a much visible increase in the conversion rates contributing to their business. What is a progressive web application? Progressive applications are hybrid applications that possess the characteristics of a smart native app but are loaded with a browser.

A disruptive technology of sorts, it is a cross-germination of the best of both websites as well as mobile apps. It is treated like any other website by Google rendering it highly indexable. Why use Progressive web applications? The webmasters can let the content be made available in a variety of ways. E-learning Industry Expansion through Mobile Application Development. Mobile applications are becoming a prerogative for organisations of the millennia.

With the onslaught of different technologies in mobile application development, the education industry seems to have made the best possible use of these technological tools. Older and traditional methods of education have been taken over by the contemporary E learning applications that have brought about a huge change in the learning process. Learning with mobile apps is in trend as they provide students the ease and convenience to study, disseminate and exchange information anywhere, anytime. Smart classroom technology- IoT in Education Industry. IoT for schools has been a great endowment to the education industry like it has been for many industries. As revealed by IT consulting and strategy companies IoT in the education industry has expanded boundaries and also created many learning opportunities by providing a competitive set of tools to educators thereby smoothening the process of learning. A popular news broadcaster categorically mentioned that California in 2009 passed a law that demanded every college textbook to take the electronic form by 2020.

Florida also two years later passed yet another law that demanded public schools to convert their textbooks into digital versions. Many nations are now resorting to smart classes to embrace the latest technology trends for the educational industry. Among these technology trends, IoT is considered the best of the lot. What is the Internet Of Things? How IoT is influencing the future of Business Models. With devices controlling every aspect of your life, the Internet of things has slowly seeped in our lives as a powerful element. The future of IoT not just for households but also businesses will bring in many changes that are impactful and will drive growth in continuous momentum. How Cloud-computing is transforming mobile application development. A colossal $623.3 billion is supposed to the estimated size of the global cloud computing market.

Node.js vs Springboot Java -Which one to choose and when? A comparison between Node.Js and Java (Spring boot framework) is essential. How AR and VR are Enhancing the Consumer Experience. In recent years, shopping applications have seen the embracing of the most advanced technologies that have transformed the conventional business landscape. Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) have literally transformed the way, people purchase their products. Top 5 Custom Software Development Trends Every Business Should Know.

How to choose the right company for your staff augmentation needs. New joinees in the workforce are like a shot in the arm for any company. CoronaVirus: the what, how, when and why of it. Product Engineering Services Benefit Your Organization? Enterprises have increasingly sought to shift from traditional waterfall development models to more flexible agile and lean methods of software engineering in order to cut down turnaround times and ensure blocker-free, transparent progress and increased customer-centricity. Dynamic Configuration for Node.js. Having a dynamic NodeJS configuration allows software systems to change their configuration at runtime. Though the benefits of this are legion, it may not be obvious at the start.Here at Chapter247 Infotech, we ensure that our Node.js applications are dynamically configured for easier implementation of authorization protocols, feature flags, and A/B testing procedures Let’s dive deeper and learn how dynamic configuration gives a definite edge to the Node.js applications here at Chapter247 Infotech.

5 Ways Cloud Technologies is Transforming Mobile Application Development. ABCs of Building a Chatbot for your business. How the top 10 Global Companies are using Node.js in the production. 3-Minute Guide to understand- What is Chatbot and chatbot solution. 10 Tips to choose the right Custom Software Development Company. 10 Powerful Node.JS Frameworks to accelerate the Web Development. Choosing the Right Stack For Your Next Web Project: Full Stack vs MEAN Stack vs MERN Stack: When to use what in 2019. 5 Reasons that make MEAN stack the right choice for building your Web Application.

13 Reasons that suggests React is taking the Web Development world by storm. 5 Reasons that make NodeJS the apt platform for building an ECommerce marketplace. 5 things to look for before shortlisting a Custom Application Development Company. How much does it cost to hire a ReactJS Developer? What is Progressive Web Application and how it can Help your Business? How to access and hire the best ReactJS Developer for App Development. Personalised guest experience with custom software for hospitality industry.

Mobile Applications: A Growing Trend in the E-learning Industry. 6 Aspects to Consider when Choosing a Mobile or Web Development Service. All you need to know, How to build a chatbot? Your Guide to Mobile App Development: Web vs Native vs Hybrid. 5 Signs that show your business needs Custom Software Development. Why MEAN is the Best Tech-stack for Software Development. How to make Chatbot with Artificial Intelligence and AI powered chatbot. Why ReactJS is better for Web Application Development? Ultimate guide to understand Blockchain development- What is Blockchain Technology. Choose The Best Platform For Ecommerce Website Development. How IoT is becoming the future of business models.

Progressive Web Applications - Future of Mobile App Development. Points to Consider Before Choosing the Best Software Development company. Strategic Importance of Cloud Computing solution in Business Organizations. How is 5G going to influence Mobile Application Development. 5 Tips for Hiring Top Node.js Developers. How to build a react CRUD application using MERN stack. How Custom Made Software can ensure Data Security for Ecommerce Business. Laravel VS Yii - A clash of PHP Frameworks. 12 Key Reasons to Choose Codeigniter Framework for your Next Web Application. Chatbots and Artificial Intelligence- Future of Digital Learning. A Futuristic Chatbot creation platform to improvise lead generation strategy.

Benefits of AI for Ecommerce Businesses. How to lace security testing in your custom software development cycle. Top 5 PHP Frameworks for Enterprise Web Application Development. Purpose and Role of DevOps in Custom Software Development. IoT in Education Industry- Smart Classroom Technology. Chapter247 Infotech Accomplishes Another 5-Star Rating on Clutch. React Native vs Flutter - Which one to choose for Cross-Platform App Development. Things You Need to Know About Google's New ML-Powered Voice Recording App. 10 reasons to hire Indian developers for your custom software development. Advantages of Migrating AngularJS to Angular Framework. Elearning application solution for simple study. How Chapter247 Infotech Enabled A Leading Travel Portal Skyrocket Its Revenue. Learn About All the New Features of Angular 9.

All that you need to know about custom software development outsourcing. Top 10 Custom Software Development Methodologies for Custom Software Development. Chapter247 Infotech Client Reviews. Chapter247 Infotech Reviews & Profile. Top 10 Web Development Trends for 2020. Know about Top mobile app development trends for 2020. What is react 360 ? How to create virtual reality experience with react 360?

Know the Top 10 Benefits of React-Native for Cross-Platform App Development. Everything you need to know about custom software development. LinkedIn. Software Development Company.