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Fotógrafos. Genres journalistiques. Collectif Regards Croisés. Je serais bien incapable de dater ma première photo.

Collectif Regards Croisés

Je sais juste que je me suis retrouvé membre du Club Photo de mon lycée, entouré de mes meilleurs amis. Je me souviens des odeurs vinaigrées des différents bains de développement, de la lumière apaisante des lampes inactiniques et de la fascination de l'apparition progressive de l'image. J'ai ensuite délaissé très longtemps cette passion. Je ne m'y suis réellement replongé qu'il y quatre ou cinq ans avec l'achat d'un reflex numérique. Et depuis, quel plaisir de me balader avec lui. Mon territoire est urbain et peuplé. Et quand la magie opère, quel bonheur de la partager ...

Hervé Bégou Biographie lES images qui me racontent. Women Behind Bars: Jane Evelyn Atwood’s ‘Too Much Time’ “Curiosity was the initial spur.

Women Behind Bars: Jane Evelyn Atwood’s ‘Too Much Time’

Surprise, shock and bewilderment soon took over. Rage propelled me along to the end.” Matt Black Photography. Spécial livres : Out of the Phone - The Mobile Photo Book 2014 Edition. Fotoaplauso. Exclusive: 29 Instagrams That Defined the World in 2014. Dino - Serena De Sanctis. Photographie - Adrien Tache. Contemporary Photography. In documenting a unique phenomenon, the German photographer Frank Herfort has journeyed to the most remote areas of the former Soviet Union.

Contemporary Photography Weather Man: Life at a Remote Russian Weather Station. Vyacheslav Korotki is a man of extreme solitude.

Weather Man: Life at a Remote Russian Weather Station

He is a trained polyarnik, a specialist in the polar north, a meteorologist. In the past thirty years, he has lived on Russian ships and, more recently, in Khodovarikha, an Arctic outpost, where he was sent by the state to measure the temperatures, the snowfall, the winds. The outpost lies on a fingernail of a peninsula that juts into the Barents Sea. The closest town, by any definition, is an hour away by helicopter. He has a wife, but she lives far away, in Arkhangelsk.

Diana markosian. Goodbye My Chechnya For young girls in Chechnya the most innocent acts could mean breaking the rules.

diana markosian

A Chechen girl caught smoking is cause for arrest; while rumors of a couple having sex before marriage can result in an honor killing. The few girls who dare to rebel become targets in the eyes of Chechen authorities. About — Mark Neville. “Mark Neville has re-imagined what documentary photography could be, should be.

about — Mark Neville

Instead of the bland ‘deconstructions’ that pass so lazily as ‘critical’ in contemporary art, he makes extraordinary pictures and finds extraordinary ways to get them back to those he has photographed.” David Campany Mark Neville works at the intersection of art and documentary, investigating the social function of film and photography. Pablo Chignard- grenoble. Jeanlarive. Louisa Marie Summer · Photography · New York. Mikhail Mordasov, photographer. Pierre Witt photographe montagne, photographe Alpes, photographe à Lyon. ANTONIO OLMOS Photographer. Anastasia Taylor-Lind. Progress slow in Haiti’s isle of ill-content. Newly installed solar-powered street lamps stand as a beacon of hope, lighting up the rocky terrain as idle bulldozers collect dust along the lush mountainside.

Progress slow in Haiti’s isle of ill-content

In a nearby village, a new public square slowly rises out of the red dirt, but local cooks working at a poorly financed community restaurant struggle to keep hunger at bay. Nearly 11 months after the Haitian government launched an emergency intervention on this island five miles north of mainland Haiti in response to a Miami Herald report about the deadly migrant smuggling operations from its shores, elements of change are starting to emerge. “There is a little bit of hope,” said Clemond Francois, 43, standing on the beach in the seaside village of Basse-Terre, which has no roads. Powerful Photos Reveal The Real People Behind The Military Uniforms. Whether you think soldiers are upstanding heroes or jack-booted thugs, few of us actually take the time to consider the people behind those imposing uniforms.

Powerful Photos Reveal The Real People Behind The Military Uniforms

Photographer Devin Mitchell, however, created a touching photo project called “The Veteran Art Project” that examines what lies on the other side of the uniform. Using Photoshop, Mitchell has created images of uniformed servicemen and women whose mirrored reflections reveal who they are – and vice versae. “The military community has expressed their interest in using my art to communicate how many of them feel to be living double lives while serving in the military,” Mitchell told Mic. “People who have never served have shown interest in knowing more about the diversified aspects of what causes veterans to feel that way.” Regardez au moins les 54 premières secondes de cette vidéo. C'est tout ce qu'on vous demande. Vous ne pourrez pas vous arrêter après ça, juré ! Marion Pedenon. Nadège Abadie.

La france vue d'ici. Chemins de Compostelle. © Yvon Boëlle photographe ”...A ma connaissance, personne n’a mieux qu’ Yvon Boëlle capturé la réalité des pèlerins de Compostelle et l’espace où ils se trouvaient.

Chemins de Compostelle

L’espace justement, décor et témoin privilégié de ce qui se joue à l’instant du déclic sur le chemin qui le traverse. Qu’importe dès lors où se situe ce camino, méséta castillane, Aubrac, Mancha, une forêt, le halage d’un canal, les rues d’une ville ou la ruelle du hameau, puisque tous se rejoignent pour nous dire ce que fut la solitude du passant à cette heure non datée où le photographe l’immortalisa…”Jean-Claude Bourlès, écrivainSuivre l’actualité du photographe sur FacebookUne vidéo des images sur Youtube“L’expoLa marche aux étoiles. PhotoWings. Here are some excerpts from this fascinating interview: Malcolm Daniel on our shared photographic heritage.


From a historical standpoint, there are things to be learned from the past. From a more spiritual aspect, great works of art have the power to move us, whether they're made now or whether they were made 50 years ago, 100 years ago or 1,000 years ago or more. And so each time we lose something that has that power, we've lost an opportunity to be changed by it. Malcolm Daniel tells the story of his predecessor Maria Morris Hambourg's forthright job interview with Philippe de Montebello, then museum curator and director at The Met.

Photographs of Teenage Gangs of New York City in 1959. In the summer of 1959, 25 year old photographer Bruce Davidson read about the teenage gangs of New York City. Connecting with a social worker to make initial contact with a gang, Davidson became a daily observer and photographer of this alienated youth culture. At the time there were an estimated thousand gang members in New York City. CLAUDE NORI - PHOTOGRAPHE. The home of photojournalism. Echo Photo Agency. Teaching by using games is an established practice in lots of countries. But not in Sicily where problems like illiteracy, poverty, no respect for rules and laws are daily routine. In the city of Gela, one of the most problematic and emblematic areas of Sicily, there is a teacher who has honed a revolutionary teaching method based on the game of chess.

Reportages en cours. The Berlin Wall, 25 Years After the Fall - In Focus. This weekend, Germany will observe the 25th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall. The German Democratic Republic (East Germany) began erecting the barrier in 1961, building on existing checkpoints, and fortified it over nearly 30 years: The initial waist-high wooden gates gave way to massive concrete structures with buffer zones known as "death strips. " The Berlin Wall was intended to halt the steady stream of defections from the Eastern Bloc; during its existence, only about 5,000 people managed to cross over, escaping into West Berlin. More than 100 are believed to have been killed in the attempt, most shot by East German border guards. In 1989, waves of protest in East Berlin and a flood of defections through neighboring Hungary and Czechoslovakia led the government to finally allow free passage across the border.

Collectifs de photographes. Il photographie l’absence de conversations due aux smartphones. Regarder son mobile, c’est s’isoler ou se rapprocher des autres ? Les 20 meilleurs blogs photo selon Life. Le site du vénérable Time vient de lancer ses Awards des meilleurs blogs photo et autant vous le dire tout de suite, la sélection est superbe (l’inverse m’aurait étonné de leur part). 6MOIS. Le bloc-notes de Wilfrid Estève. Journalisme & Photographie. Xavier Lucas, le directeur de la photo du magazine du quotidien français Le Parisien, a demandé à Scout Tufankjian, l’auteur de la photographie de Michelle et Barack Obama la plus « likée », de jeter un « œil américain » sur le duel qui oppose deux femmes pour la Mairie de Paris. En savoir plus. Les Sworn Virgins - Ces femmes devenues hommes. Dans certaines zones rurales et reculées du Nord de l’Albanie subsiste une pratique unique et peu connue : le phénomène de “burnesha” ou “sworn virgin”.

Start Here - Eric Kim Street Photography Blog. Portfolio Download PDF > Download PDF > See How Solar Energy Can Change Lives. Ko Win Zaw Oo is a 38-year-old fisherman living in a small village called Lui Pan Sone in eastern Burma. Early each morning, the father of two boards his small boat to go fishing. His daily catch, as well as his second day job, help sustain his family. Earlier this year, however, his life changed when he received a solar panel from the United Nations’ Habitat program. “With [electric light powered by] the solar panel, this fisherman can now prepare his boat one hour earlier every day,” says Spanish photographer Ruben Salgado Escudero.

Sorrow on the Mountain - Gallery: Sherpa Pride and Sacrifice. Sage Sohier - Photographs. Sage Sohier - Photographs. Documenting Scotland with Photography. Verve Photo- The New Breed of Documentary Photographers. Posted by Geoffrey Hiller in Finland. Tags: Finland trackback. Alaska Stock Images. Eric Lafforgue Photography. Photographie Archives - Vinyculture. Astronomy Photographer of the Year. This year the Royal Observatory’s annual Astronomy Photographer of the Year competition received a record 1700 entries.

We had images from astrophotographers in over 50 countries from as far afield as Colombia, Hong Kong, New Zealand and the Philippines. For the first time we even received a photograph taken from the edge of space! The photographs show a beautiful and diverse array of astronomical highlights from the last two years. Federico Tovoli Am de sud. Meeri Koutaniemi Photojournalism. Les restes de la grandeur passée des discothèques italiennes. Summer Over the City. The photographer George Steinmetz, whom Lauren Collins Profiled in the magazine in 2010, has shot his iconic aerial photographs from the skies over more than seventy countries, including China, Israel, and Libya.

American Recreation: A Field Study. Back to the Slums of His Youth, to Defuse the Ebola Time Bomb. The Mennonites of Bolivia - in pictures. Street photography from Eastern Europe. Pictures of the year. FOTO8, the home of photojournalism. Pilgrims’ Progress. Les sites abandonnés des Jeux olympiques d'Athènes 2004, 10 ans plus tard, en... Webdocumentairement vôtre, partie 1. Scrublands : Antoine Bruy. Uchujin-Photos -japon-tokyo-sommeil-dormir. MICHAEL WOLF -japon-tokyo-metro.

Best photos on the web. Flatland Gallery - artists - Ari Versluis & Ellie Uyttenbroek (Exactitudes) - works. Visura Magazine. Photo Journal. Photography - Los Angeles Times. : Jenny Riffle. Nafise Motlaq - Iranian Fathers and Daughters. Burma-instagram -time Lauren Decicca and Andre Malerba. Photojournalism. Pluie-neige-nuit- Christophe Jacrot. AMY POWELL - famille - soeur - reflet. Anna zemella - VENISE. La famille :Alain Laboile Photographies. Olivier Borson - VENISE. Bolivia's - sel - GOTH Weekend in North Yorkshire. Abandoned Homes Inhabited by Wild Animals. The Successful Roma: Scenes of a Struggling Philadelphia Newspaper. Spectacular Photos of a Powerful Volcano Erupting in Chile. CLAUDE NORI - PHOTOGRAPHE. Gregory crewdson.