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Andres Villalobos

CodeKit: THE Mac App For Web Developers. PutsReq. Ten Common Mistakes in Node.js Development. Since the moment Node.js was unveiled to the world, it has seen a fair share of both praise and criticism.

Ten Common Mistakes in Node.js Development

The debate still continues, and may not end anytime soon. What we often overlook in these debates is that every programming language and platform is criticized based on certain issues, which are created by how we use the platform. Regardless of how difficult Node.js makes writing safe code, and how easy it makes writing highly concurrent code, the platform has been around for quite a while and has been used to build a huge number of robust and sophisticated web services. These web services scale well, and have proven their stability through their endurance of time on the Internet. However, like any other platform, Node.js is vulnerable to developer mistakes.

A framework for building native apps using React. React Native Build native mobile apps using JavaScript and React Build native mobile apps using JavaScript and React React Native lets you build mobile apps using only JavaScript.

A framework for building native apps using React

It uses the same design as React, letting you compose a rich mobile UI from declarative components. import React, { Component } from 'react';import { Text, View } from 'react-native'; class WhyReactNativeIsSoGreat extends Component { render() { return ( <View><Text> If you like React on the web, you'll like React Native. Firma electrónica. : Crowdsource Your Developer Hub. HTML52PDF: generate PDF, Word, ODF and RTF documents from HTML5 + CSS code. An open-source distributed database built with love - RethinkDB. Google Web Components. DemocracyOS - Better decisions, together. Version Control on your Server. Tinychart – simple, ready-to-go charts. Non-app Mockup - Brainstorm and express your ideas on paper. Non-app Mockup is a beautiful printable PDF that will help you brainstorm and explain websites, mobile/tablet applications.

Non-app Mockup - Brainstorm and express your ideas on paper.

It includes: A web application thumbnails overview Tablet and mobile application thumbnails overviews. QuteBits/stackin. Meteor. Realtime MVC Framework for Node.js. Nitrous. Exploiting Instagram to help a friend sell $4,000 of neckties in one day. AngularJS Performance in Large Applications. Planning A Front-end JavaScript Application -Telerik Developer Network. Android Studio. Android Studio is the official IDE for Android app development, based on IntelliJ IDEA.

Android Studio

On top of IntelliJ's powerful code editor and developer tools, Android Studio offers even more features that enhance your productivity when building Android apps, such as: A flexible Gradle-based build system Build variants and multiple APK file generation Code templates to help you build common app features A rich layout editor with support for drag and drop theme editing Lint tools to catch performance, usability, version compatibility, and other problems Code shrinking with ProGuard and resource shrinking with Gradle Built-in support for Google Cloud Platform, making it easy to integrate Google Cloud Messaging and App Engine This page provides an introduction to basic Android Studio features. For more detailed guides to using Android Studio, start by browsing pages in the Workflow section. Justinmind: Interactive wireframes for web and mobile.

Gwendall/way.js. aFarkas/lazysizes. Css - Page layout changes after exiting full screen (html5 video element) Ngrok - secure introspectable tunnels to localhost. AirDroid. Web-based online coding environment. Two-Factor Authentication.

A Collection of Useful / Often-Requested JavaScript Utilities. JavaScript Kit- Your comprehensive JavaScript, DHTML, CSS, and Ajax stop. Learn AngularJS Online - Codementor. Considering the fact that Google developed AngularJS, naturally the web inspection tool for AngularJS they developed is pretty much mandatory to download.

Learn AngularJS Online - Codementor

The Batarang extends the Chrome Developer Tools, adding tools for debugging and profiling AngularJS applications. The best way to learn Javascript is by doing, and JSFiddle is an excellent place to play with your Javascript and other web development codes such as HTML and CSS. Through the site, which purports itself as a Web Playground, you can quickly fiddle with your code and share your results. The site also allows you to add in pretty much any Javascript library such as jQuery to test out your stuff, so you will definitely want to be using this site to test things. With Yeoman's streamlined web development workflow, you can quickly and easily kickstart your AngularJS projects and save yourself from manually setting up anything, making web development much easier.

StackShare. Material Design. Split expenses with friends. Share code real-time in your browser. Google/nogotofail. Eloquent JavaScript: A Modern Introduction to Programming. The Best Plugins for Sublime Text. Good day, everyone!

The Best Plugins for Sublime Text

I tried to collect the best ST plugins, which really allows to improve your workflow. I searched many sites and here's what I did. WebInspector Amazing tool for debagging JavaScript, the full-fledged inspector of a code for Sublime. Features: breakpoints for project stored in user settings with absolute paths, console, debugger steps and breakpoints, stack trace. Online regex tester and debugger: JavaScript, Python, PHP, and PCRE.

RegExr: Learn, Build, & Test RegEx. Optimizing Performance — Web Fundamentals. In our shared pursuit to push the web to do more, we're running into a common problem: performance.

Optimizing Performance — Web Fundamentals

Sites have more features than ever before. So much so, that many sites now struggle to achieve a high level of performance across a variety of network conditions and devices. Performance issues vary. At best, they create small delays that are only briefly annoying to your users. At worst, they make your site completely inaccessible, unresponsive to user input, or both.


Andy the Android Emulator. - Visual Collaboration for Creative People. Login. Creating a Single Page Todo App with Node and Angular. Today we will be creating a very simple Todo application using the MEAN (Mongo, Express, Angular, Node) stack.

Creating a Single Page Todo App with Node and Angular

We will be creating: Single page application to create and finish todosStoring todos in a MongoDB using MongooseUsing the Express frameworkCreating a RESTful Node APIUsing Angular for the frontend and to access the API While the application is simple and beginner to intermediate level in its own right, the concepts here can apply to much more advanced apps.

The biggest things we should focus on is using Node as an API and Angular as the frontend.

Javascript libraries

Detectify - Go hack yourself! Cómo hacer pruebas de seguridad en tu sitio web de forma gratuita. Si tenemos un sitio web y queremos analizar los posibles agujeros de seguridad del mismo, lo mejor es contratar a un experto en la materia que pueda hacer un estudio completo que ayude a mejorar las defensas ante hackers; pero si queremos hacer unas primeras pruebas sin tener que rascarse el bolsillo, hay algunas opciones que podemos probar antes: – Realiza un análisis superficial para detectar malware, virus, agujeros XSS y problemas de SQL injections.

Cómo hacer pruebas de seguridad en tu sitio web de forma gratuita

No requiere demostrar que el sitio web escaneado es nuestro (algo común en este tipo de herramientas), pero tampoco realiza un examen muy serio. Si el informe de webcheck sale negativo, es porque realmente hay un gran problema en la programación del sitio. – Obtiene un informe extremadamente completo, pero solo es gratis durante 14 días. Es necesario, incluso en esos 14 días, demostrar que somos los propietarios del sitio web que queremos analizar. Si conocéis alguna más, podéis incluirla en los comentarios. Exclusive Access to Top Developers.

Google Partners. Lista de tareas imprescindibles para el correcto mantenimiento de un blog creado con Wordpress. Sin lugar a dudas WordPress es uno de los mejores CMS y además uno de los más fáciles para que cualquiera pueda comenzar con un blog en poco tiempo, pero luego de los primeros pasos básicos en el aprendizaje de este sistema de gestión de contenidos, existen varias tareas que deben de realizar regularmente, las cuales permiten que el blog funcione de la mejor manera posible y principalmente tratar de proteger el blog, tanto del ataque de un hacker, como así también de cualquier error que se pueda producir y que provoque la pérdida de datos.

Lista de tareas imprescindibles para el correcto mantenimiento de un blog creado con Wordpress

TrackDuck - FEEDBACK VISUAL. How to Increase Landing Page Conversions With the Psychology of Desire. Create desire for your products and services with these psychological hacks. Image by Sergio Fabara Muñoz via Flickr. Creating desirable offers isn’t rocket science; all you need to do is understand what makes your prospects tick. Once you understand what they really want, you’ll have the tools you need to create irresistible offers that your prospects won’t be able to pass up.

Writing Rails-flavored AngularJS. When I think about Ruby on Rails and AngularJS in the same codebase, I kind of cringe. After spending more than a year trying to reconcile how Rails plays with Angular, not only have I been unsuccessful, but I have not been satisfied with any of the suggested solutions. There is a ton of material on the numerous Rails hacks you should employ so that Rails and AngularJS feel compatible; however, I’m beginning to wonder whether this problem is being approached from the wrong direction.

Instead, how can we hack AngularJS so that it plays nice with Rails? As a Ruby on Rails developer, I want to feel that I’m writing a Rails application. I’m OK with a page refresh when I’m browsing between features. Rails comes bundled with vanilla jQuery, which is very easy to get started with, but it is difficult to maintain. My solution to solve this problem is appropriately called Angular Sprinkles. Raddio - Collaborative Live Radios for Friends! More than just video chat. Share Your World. Cabin — Keep it in the family.


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Meeet. Genymotion. Emble - the easiest way to plan events with your friends. Panique/php-mvc. Netflix Roulette. Free Screen Sharing and Online Meetings. Mailwise - Read Just What You Need. Grammar and Spell Checker for Better English Communication. Here I Go - Planificador integral de viajes personalizados. A cli app that reminds you to move around every once in a while! Install npm install -g sike what is sike? Sike is a node cli tool that alerts you at set intervals, a set duration or a set time to get up and be active for a few minutes with command line messages and the triggering of system sounds. why sike? Sometimes, you find yourself getting stuck into some issue or feature implementation or any other thing really and before you know it hours have passed. Also if you spend a lot of time rooted to one position it's not particularly good for your body, you need to get up a move every once in a while.

Sike will alert you at given intervals, times or durations prompting you to get up and move about a bit or go grab a drink etc. It's something that I personally find useful and maybe somebody else will. End of Three Fitness — End of Three Fitness. Picdeck.