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PBL and Global Inquiry

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Environmental Inquiry, Sustainability, Natural Curiosity. Evaluating Sources « Library Learning Commons. The credibility of your research depends on the credibility of your sources.

Evaluating Sources « Library Learning Commons

First consider the kind of resource you are consulting. This will help you to assess the quality: a source that is written to provide factual information has different characteristics than a source that presents expert opinion, or makes a case for a particular point of view. What is Its Purpose? Was it written to inform, or to report on research? Does it summarize a body of research and provide citations, or is it reporting on new, original research? Who is the Intended Audience? Leadership In Inquiry. Inquiry flourishes as a disposition to learning and in the stance or approach of the teacher as both a professional learner and instructor.

Leadership In Inquiry

A culture that nurtures teachers as inquirers, and that has a clear vision to support inquiry, provides a context in which teachers will encourage students as inquirers. The following examples provide opportunities to observe the work of teacher-librarians, teachers, and school-based administrators, and to recognize the system-wide change needed to support the evolution of inquiry that is both collaborative and reflective. Education: Inquiry - 21st Century Skills. What new skills do students need?

Education: Inquiry - 21st Century Skills

The 21st century: What will it look like? The machine is us/ing us What does it mean to be information literate in the 21st century? We are living in a cognitive age where globalization challenges us to develop innovative thinking, collaboration, communication, and critical thinking abilities. The Global Classroom Project: 2013-14 - Follow, Connect, Share. You can keep up to date with projects, news, and event announcements via the official project blog - How you choose to be involved in the #globalclassroom community is up to you; however, we HIGHLY recommend formally registering for Global Classroom 2013-14, and joining this wiki.

The Global Classroom Project: 2013-14 - Follow, Connect, Share

This makes it easier for us to contact you, and enables us to maintain up to date contact directories for teachers searching for potential collaboration partners (see below). The registration process takes 5 minutes, and only has to be done once (unless your contact details have changed). Registration Forms* *If you teach multiple year levels, or an ICT Integrator / Principal, please register for the age groups you teach. Flat Stanley Exchange Registration. Projects By Jen. Support Material: Reading and Analyzing Nonfiction (RAN) Chart. This support material is incorporated into critical challenges at grade 6, however, it can be adapted for use at all grade levels.

Support Material: Reading and Analyzing Nonfiction (RAN) Chart

The following document can be adapted and re-saved for your needs. RAN Chart This graphic organizer helps students record and build on prior knowledge as they work through inquiries and the research process. To use this chart, students: record existing understandings (What I Think I Know) confirm existing knowledge based on evidence from research (Confirmed or Yes, You Were Right) identify and address misconceptions based on research (Misconceptions) record new information gathered (New Information) propose new questions or wonderings that arise during the inquiry (Wonderings).

The chart may be completed as a whole-group, small-group or an individual activity. From Reality Checks: Teaching Reading Comprehension with Nonfiction K-5 by Tony Stead, copyright 2004, with permission of Stenhouse Publishers. Nine Tenets of Passion-Based Learning. How to Reinvent Project Based Learning to Be More Meaningful. By Thom Markham This is a crucial time for education.

How to Reinvent Project Based Learning to Be More Meaningful

Every system in every country is in the process of figuring out how to reboot education to teach skills, application, and attitude in addition to recall and understanding. Angela Maiers at BIF9: Whispering to the World. The room is the smartest person in the 21st century, but only if every person in the room contributes everything they have.

Angela Maiers at BIF9: Whispering to the World

Instead, we are told growing up that we don't matter and we stop contributing. Angela Maiers, Founder and CEO of Maiers Educational Services, tells the story of how a classroom of students went from believing that they don't matter to believing that their contribution can change the world. Teaching Students How to Conduct Inquiry-Driven Research. The Critical Thinking Consortium - Home. The Difference Between Doing Projects Versus Learning Through Projects. The Difference Between Doing Projects Versus Learning Through Projects.

The Difference Between Doing Projects Versus Learning Through Projects

Combined Grades - Inquiry-based Learning. The Inquiry Process Explained Visually for Teachers. Critical Thinking Model 1. To Analyze Thinking We Must Identify and Question its Elemental Structures Standard: Clarityunderstandable, the meaning can be grasped Could you elaborate further?

Critical Thinking Model 1

Could you give me an example? Could you illustrate what you mean? What does engagement look like? The first post in this series suggests that teachers must practice caution when designing engaging lessons.

What does engagement look like?

Disempowerment and distraction are just two potential problems that may result from teachers trying to own the responsibility of student engagement. Another problem is distorting what engagement looks like. Addressing this last problem is the focus of this post. The Challenges and Realities of Inquiry-Based Learning. Inquiry Learning Teaching Strategies Getty By Thom Markham Teachers in a rural southeast Michigan high school were recently discussing the odd behavior of the senior class. It seems the 12th graders were acting more civilly toward the junior class in the hallways. The prom was also quieter and more well-mannered than in previous years.

Project Based Learning. Deeper Learning: Performance Assessment and Authentic Audience. In a conversation with a veteran educator -- a man with years of experience teaching English and acting as a headmaster -- I was confronted with a prejudice so ingrained in my teaching that I was almost embarrassed to admit it.

Ten Things I've Learned in Going Project-Based. It's a few days before Christmas and I expect a challenge. Students will be checked-out or hyper. However, to my surprise, they are fully engaged in a project that combines reading, writing, global awareness and critical thinking. Educational Technology and Mobile Learning: 6 Great Videos on Teaching Critical Thinking. Maker Faire. 20 Collaborative Learning Tips And Strategies For Teachers. Questioning – Top Ten Strategies. “Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is to not stop questioning.” – Albert Einstein. Explore - DIY. ePals Global Community. Where Your Class Meets The World. The Global Read Aloud. Inquiry-Based Learning - About Us. Learning with the world, not just about it ...

Global Community. The Global Classroom Project. A little while ago, we came across a thought provoking blog post from Jennifer Klein, exploring the sometimes complicated, but rewarding world of global connections and collaboration. With Jennifer’s permission, we are re-publishing the post as a three part series, with the intention of starting a conversation with the wider #globalclassroom community. We hope you will take the time to read through, and share your answers to our reflection questions in the comments below. Part 1 of the series is published here Don’t expect immediate success–deep, constructive global relationships require a marathon, not a sprint. photo credit: kaneda99 via photopin cc. Inquiry, Innovation and ICT.

Inquiry is process whereby learners wonder about and explore the world around them, investigate personally meaningful problems, issues or situations, construct new understandings and reflect on and share what they have learned with others. Challenge Based Learning - Home Page.