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50 Sophisticated Words You Should Start Using Instead. Your New Year's resolutions might have included getting more exercise, or going back to school to get your degree.

50 Sophisticated Words You Should Start Using Instead

Might we humbly suggest you also take this time of starting things anew by phasing out some of the played-out words in your vocabulary and replacing them with creative alternatives? Don’t feel bad; everyone you know has been guilty of letting a "fail" or an "LOL" slip at least once in a while. But those words are tired. They need a long rest. Here are 50 sophisticated utterances to deploy instead. Cyber Substitutes Supreme: Epic doesn’t mean what you think it means.

Better Buzzwords Donjon: Men, have you been relegated to a small segment of the house referred to as your "man cave? " Underage Upgrades Alas: "Oh, snap" is so out. Professional Pick-me-ups. Synonym Finder » Find synonyms, antonyms & definition for (almost) any word. Sesquipedaedalus: Prettiest Words: A Work in Progress. 100 Beautiful and Ugly Words.

The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows. Common Themes in Literture. Free English idioms, idiomatic expressions, proverbs and sayings. Alan S. Kennedy's Color/Language Project - The Idiom List. 100 Words for Facial Expressions. By Mark Nichol Face it — sometimes you must give your readers a countenance-based clue about what a character or a subject is feeling.

100 Words for Facial Expressions

First try conveying emotions indirectly or through dialogue, but if you must fall back on a descriptive term, try for precision: 1. Absent: preoccupied 2. Agonized: as if in pain or tormented 3. Subscribe to Receive our Articles and Exercises via Email You will improve your English in only 5 minutes per day, guaranteed! 12 Responses to “100 Words for Facial Expressions” Lucia Hello! 117 Most beautiful words in the English language. 100 Mostly Small But Expressive Interjections. David Bier Thanks for this – what a fun post considering there’s no actual narrative in it!

100 Mostly Small But Expressive Interjections

Cecily Some of these interjections are quite culturally and age specific, so if people need to be told what they mean, they should probably not be using them.For example, to many Brits, va-va-voom is not old-fashioned at all, but instead is firmly linked to the long-running ads that footballer Thierry Henry made for the Renault Clio. Himanshu Chanda Whoa ! What a biiiig list. And yes this ones really great.

You understand exact meaning of those interjections while reading comic strips Michael Huzzah! Synonyms for words commonly used in student's writing. Amazing- incredible, unbelievable, improbable, fabulous, wonderful, fantastic, astonishing, astounding, extraordinary Anger- enrage, infuriate, arouse, nettle, exasperate, inflame, madden Angry- mad, furious, enraged, excited, wrathful, indignant, exasperated, aroused, inflamed Answer- reply, respond, retort, acknowledge Ask- question, inquire of, seek information from, put a question to, demand, request, expect, inquire, query, interrogate, examine, quiz.

Synonyms for words commonly used in student's writing

75 Contronyms (Words with Contradictory Meanings) Words that deserve wider use - Word Warriors - Wayne State University. Here’s a list of neglected but eminently useful words that visitors to this site -- and we, to be downright honest -- would like to bring back into fashion.

Words that deserve wider use - Word Warriors - Wayne State University

You're right -- some never have been in fashion, but perhaps they deserve to be. Many submissions have been edited for content, grammar and especially for accuracy. Not all these words will make our list of top choices, but there's a great deal of quality here, most are wonderful additions to anyone's vocabulary, and all could use some exercise.

100 Exquisite Adjectives. By Mark Nichol Adjectives — descriptive words that modify nouns — often come under fire for their cluttering quality, but often it’s quality, not quantity, that is the issue.

100 Exquisite Adjectives

Plenty of tired adjectives are available to spoil a good sentence, but when you find just the right word for the job, enrichment ensues. Practice precision when you select words. Here’s a list of adjectives: Subscribe to Receive our Articles and Exercises via Email You will improve your English in only 5 minutes per day, guaranteed!