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Text Generator □□ no more lorem ipsum or random text. Witchcraft Archives - Page 2 of 42. Wire Clamp Making Tool : 9 Steps (with Pictures) - Instructables. My first instructable, so be gentle :) It was about time to make a good old mechanical project, to take a break from all the electronics I usualy do.

Wire Clamp Making Tool : 9 Steps (with Pictures) - Instructables

So, I decided to make myself a Clamptite replica. It is a tool used to make all sorts of clamps from a simple piece of wire. Clamp is stronger than traditional screw clamp, and it has much lower profile and no sharp edges. People even used this tool to fix stuff in submarines! The tool is nowhere near the exact dimensions of the real deal. Here is a quick video of its making, or you can follow the steps in this instructable to make one! My first instructable, so be gentle :) It was about time to make a good old mechanical project, to take a break from all the electronics I usualy do. It is a tool used to make all sorts of clamps from a simple piece of wire. The tool is nowhere near the exact dimensions of the real deal.

Here is a quick video of its making, or you can follow the steps in this instructable to make one! Bastl Instruments. Buy Here Midilooper is a device that listens to MIDI messages (control information about notes, dynamics and other parameters) and loops them in a similar way an audio looper would loop pieces of audio.

Bastl Instruments

However, loops of MIDI messages remain in the control domain, which means a lot of other processes can happen on top of them - timbre modulation, envelope adjustments etc. Since looping is one of the fastest and most intuitive ways of music-making, we made the controls of the Midilooper quickly accessible to encourage uninterrupted flow. 3Dプリンタ×木工DIY 自作ジョイントで棚を作ってみた - いろいろ作るよ! ちょっとした棚を作るために、3Dプリンタでジョイント部品を作り、木工材料と組み合わせてみました。

3Dプリンタ×木工DIY 自作ジョイントで棚を作ってみた - いろいろ作るよ!

3Dデータも併せて公開します。 参考資料 以前から木単管というプロダクトを知っており、オシャレなので、丸棒を使った家具をいつか作ろうと思っていました。 単管パイプ用のジョイントを調べると、ワイヤーを使ったシンプルな形状のものが見つかりました。 ユカイな生きものロボットキット. つくりかた はじめに 箱の中の“安全について”を、保護者の人と一緒に読んでください 基本の作り方.


Gravure et couteaux - Forge. X-Carve. DIY Japanese Making stuff from scratch in the wild. Complete Guide to Living the Van Life. Himmeli : L'esprit du design Finlandais ! Communauté Francophone Consoles Open Source - Caanoo GPH / OpenPandora. L'Air du Bois - Découvrez, fabriquez, partagez. L'arcade sous toutes ses formes. » PH10, le test du jour: pâtes de fruits passion abricot. Depuis que j’ai découvert que j’aimais les pâtes de fruits, les vraies, moelleuses à souhait, il y en a régulièrement à la maison.

» PH10, le test du jour: pâtes de fruits passion abricot

Pour varier les plaisirs il suffit de changer les parfums. Et pour ça, Pierre Hermé et son PH10 sont incontournables. FabLabs. Welcome to!


Here are few suggestions about how we can help you and how you can participate and talk with us if you have any question or problem regarding the platform. Discuss with the community You can ask for support to the administrators and the whole community in the Discuss section within the Site feedback category. Site feedback category we would also love to hear your ideas and suggestions regarding, its features, development, how it works and how we can improve it. Discuss with the community. 100 Wild Huts. Pix populi, la photo à l'image des photographes : forum photographie, apprentissage et matériel. Hacked Gadgets – DIY Tech Blog.

DIY projects. Inaluxe. Yipe!


More rain, wind and sunshine, good ol' nature just doesn't stop. After some 20 plus years of neglect (aside from the most pragmatically brutal trimming) the garden we inherited with our newish property has flourished after the first decent winter-spring and summer rains in close to 15 years. ReadyMade. Cool Copper Projects Warm metallic hues are easy to love but often pricey.


When you create the look... ❀ Sebellia Créa… ❀ Alors, que je vous dise, comme beaucoup de filles, je suis très frileuse surtout au niveau des pieds.

❀ Sebellia Créa… ❀

Donc je me suis dit pourquoi ne pas chercher un modèle de chaussettes ou chaussons rigolos à faire moi-même. En cherchant sur le net, je suis tombé sur le blog de Nicole où elle proposait un modèle de chausson qui m'a tout de suite charmé. Oui je sais vous allez me dire : "elle se sent bien ? Des chaussons de laine au mois de mai ! Instructables - Make, How To, and DIY.

DIY Gadgets - Page 4. By Julie One of the scariest health epidemics of my generation was HIV.

DIY Gadgets - Page 4

I remember quite clearly its emergence on the scene, the graphic news footage of those first infected, people slowly dying from something so misunderstood and scary. It doesn’t seem to be big news anymore, but it’s still killing people all over the world. Well, OraSure, the company that brought us the first healthcare administered oral specimen HIV test available all the way back in 1994, have now developed OraQuick, a simple at-home test that allows people to test themselves in the privacy of their own homes for the virus that causes AIDS. DIY Electronics. Technologies & Innovations. Exemples de projets Domotique. La Grotte Du Barbu. Blog, zine hacking.

Limor. DIY Electronics. Arduino. DIY - Objets Digitaux - Fab Lab.