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E-Marketing, e-Commerce, Réseaux Sociaux, Entreprise 2.0. The Ad Industry's Cutting Edge Blog. AdFreak. Need a new reason to cry at weddings? Tosando, a Japanese company that offers musical instruments and lessons, is pleased to oblige with this intense, time-tripping tear-jerker. The short film tells the story of a widowed, middle-aged father and his daughter on her wedding day. At the reception, dad sits at the piano and attempts to play Pachelbel's Canon, which opens the floodgates for memories both happy and sad. The flashbacks are a tad disorienting at first, but you'll get the gist.

(RocketNews24 has a handy breakdown/translation for those in need.) Resources for Online Business Owners. Réseaux Sociaux & Social Media - Facebook & Twitter - Web Marketing. Marketeur 3.0. Market research & statistics: Internet marketing, advertising & demographics.