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Resources for Online Business Owners

Publications - Home of MediaDailyNews, MEDIA and OMMA Magazines Business For When To Use Magazine-Style Themes For Blogs? - Smashing Magazine Advertisement When designing a custom theme or deciding on an already-existing theme, bloggers have a lot of factors to consider and there is no shortage of options, particularly for WordPress users. A growing number of blogs are moving away from traditional blog layouts in favor of magazine-style themes; however, the layout and presentation of content has a major impact on visitors and there is no one-size-fits-all solution. Key Differences Magazine themes have a few characteristics that distinguish them from traditional blog themes. Magazine themes only use excerpts or headlines on the front page, while standard blogs will use either full posts or excerpts.A magazine theme functions more as a portal to content on the rest of the site. A good visual guide for the distinction between a traditional theme and a magazine theme is the Gridline series. Gridline Lite1 uses an excerpt for the most recent post and smaller excerpts for other posts below that. Pros and Cons Pros of Magazine Themes 1.

Bringing Back Google Maps on iOS 6 Are you one of the millions who welcomed iOS 6 but hated the fact that Google Maps no longer works on your iOS device since the update? The app may be gone, but did you know that there is a web version of Google Maps that you can use on iOS 6? Add a bookmark to the page to your Home Screen and no one will be the wiser. However, if you’re sceptical about using the mobile version Google Maps, we’ve found an alternative app called Maps+ which uses Google Maps and actually works similar to the original Google Maps app. In addition, you get almost every function of Google maps where you can search online for locations, add pins or bookmarks and do a little more with the GPS tracking and location-based alarms. We’ll take a look at these two alternatives to the dreaded Apple Maps. 1. All you have to do is to launch Safari on your iOS device and go to the website Another handy feature is the live traffic feed. 2. If you prefer an app instead of a web app, then try out Maps+.

Retail news discussions and analysis. RetailWire ...Plug in. Fre How to make a million Euros new idea... As the time limit for my purpose of making a Million Euros in less than 5 years keeps running I read about one popular method and a brilliant idea that I want to share with you: 1-To make a dollar in profit from each of a million people. Or a penny from a hundred million. It almost never works because the challenge of reaching that many people is just too great. Far easier is to make a thousand dollars from each of a thousand people ( I might follow the objective of getting a thousand "friends" on facebook to start with), or even $10,000 from a hundred organizations in this case the paper work and the time consuming will worth the effort. And you can learn much earlier in the process if you've gotten it right or not. The irony is that many products and services that have reached huge masses of people actually have significant margins (Windows, for example, or a cup of Starbucks). Next week I will attend an Investment conference in Helsinki will post the best picks...

8 tips to enhance your WordPress blog SEO 1 – Optimize your title tag In terms of SEO, the title tag is one of the most important things: In fact, the title appears as a link in search engines results and social bookmarking sites. Unfortunely, most WordPress themes displays the title tag in a non-optimized way. I had recently written a tutorial here at Cats Who Code to obtain a really SEO-friendly title tag. 2 – Create an archive page In my opinion, all blogs should have an archive page: It allows your readers to quickly browse your blog and find what they’re looking for, and this page is also very good for SEO. 3 – Use the correct H tag structure (h1, h2, h3..) When I download free WordPress themes, I’m often scared to see how badly the H structure is used: h2 are everywhere. h1 for the post title h2 for inside titles h3 for inside subtitles and so on… 4 – Use a good permalink structure If you’re not using permalinks yet, don’t even ask why do you get so bad results from search engines. 7 – Create a robot.txt file

Econsultancy | Community of Digital Marketing and Ecommerce Prof Make one million EUROS 25 Premium Like Though Free Blogger Templates | Graphic and Web Design Blog -Resources And Tutorials Last days I was “assaulted” with questions about Blogger tips and tricks and also how to’s about design. Few years back my web blogs were based on Blogger and that’s why I have tested lots of Blogger themes and designs. Most of themes below are magazine style and some of theme are just designed for personal blogs. All of the themes were created by highly experienced web designers and they meet all professional criteria. A great part of the themes bellow were originally designed for WordPress and converted to Blogger. Just to avoid repeating the same words…Demo and Download, I’ve decided to add a link to official template page on template name and the Demo link on the screenshot. Hope you will enjoy! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. I would like to thank for this beautiful templates to all webdesigners and contributors and as a sign of respect please leave the footer copyright notice intact.
