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Carol Rossetti. Peggy Orenstein | Blog. It’s taken me awhile to read the story I wrote in 2007 for MORE magazine on being tested for BRCA mutations. I find it difficult to go back and read anything I’ve written about cancer. It’s emotional, painful. Once a part of the journey is in the past I’d like to keep it there. But that’s not my destiny, I guess. So I went back and read the piece and found I still stand by it, I still like it and I think it still has value, especially now, although at the time I didn’t know or understand about gene patenting. I can’t really say whether that’s true-I haven’t read all the media.

But if it is, for the record, I thought I’d reprint my piece here and you can see exactly what it feels like to go through testing. Was My Breast Cancer Just a Fluke? The thing I remember most about being told I had breast cancer was how the colors in my home office — where I’d been tidying up for the day, preparing to go to a movie with my husband — went flat. As far as I knew, that was true. A Schism in Our DNA. - Accueil. Insolente veggie. Le blog de la Fée Myrtille. La maison des babayagas. Encore féministes ! Olympe et le plafond de verre. Association Mix-Cité, Accueil. Osez le Clito ! Lâche-moi la vulve! : Un regard féministe sur le monde. Femmes Engagées. Hypathie - Blog féministe et anti-spéciste. La Barbe Groupe d’Action Féministe. Sexactu – Maïa Mazaurette - Parler de sexe sans parler de cul. Alternative libertaire. Les Entrailles de Mademoiselle.

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