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Is Your To-Do List Really About What You Intend To Do? I’m a big believer in the to-do list. Every night I create a list of what I intend to do the next day, and it turns out I’m not the only one. A 2012 LinkedIn survey found that over 60% of professionals reported creating to-do lists, though curiously, only 11% of people said they actually got through everything on their lists. Research from IDoneThis, a service that lets teams share their accomplishments, found that when they had a to-do feature, 41% of to dos were never completed. And only 15% of “dones” actually started as “to dos.” In other words, our to-do lists often have little to do with our lives. Why is that? So how to reform the process? Then you can create a daily to-do list that contains an element currently missing from most literature in this genre: Honesty. Honesty requires making a very limited to-do list. The point is to turn the to-do list into a list of things that actually get done.

Be sure to pace yourself. How many items do you put on your daily to-do list?


Code. Meditation. The Habits Of Supremely Happy People. Martin Seligman, the father of positive psychology, theorizes that while 60 percent of happiness is determined by our genetics and environment, the remaining 40 percent is up to us. In his 2004 Ted Talk, Seligman describes three different kinds of happy lives: The pleasant life, in which you fill your life with as many pleasures as you can, the life of engagement, where you find a life in your work, parenting, love and leisure and the meaningful life, which “consists of knowing what your highest strengths are, and using them to belong to and in the service of something larger than you are.” After exploring what accounts for ultimate satisfaction, Seligman says he was surprised. The pursuit of pleasure, research determined, has hardly any contribution to a lasting fulfillment. Instead, pleasure is “the whipped cream and the cherry” that adds a certain sweetness to satisfactory lives founded by the simultaneous pursuit of meaning and engagement.

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