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Interfaith Marketplace. The 2015 "Stillness" wall calendar explores ways we each experience spirit.

Interfaith Marketplace

It includes information about 14 faith groups and 370 significant religious and cultural occasions. Excellent education resource for: faith leaders, educators, corporate managers and family home rituals. I am in every religion as the thread through a string of pearls.Whenever you see extraordinary holiness, know that I am there. Interfaith Marketplace. Religions for Peace Australia. Dialogue Australasia Network  Scarboro Missions - Golden Rule Videos. Golden Rule Videos Return to Main Golden Rule pageReturn to Main Multi-lingual PageSee Rotating Golden Rule Texts (English) Table of Contents Golden Rule Movie Featuring Youth This video, entitled "Animating the Golden Rule", features students in three Toronto high schools embodying golden rule values by way of skits, artwork, interviews, music, dance & rap.

Scarboro Missions - Golden Rule Videos

The film eloquently demonstrates how character education can be engendered in young people using play, creativity and the arts. Children talk about the Golden Rule. Golden Rule Chronology. ...Joyful Mama's Place...: Holy Week for families. Dear Friends This post is quite a bit longer than what I normally write, but I have such a deep desire to share with you what I have learnt recently about ways in which Christian parents can really minister the redemptive message of easter to their little ones.

...Joyful Mama's Place...: Holy Week for families

It is my prayer that you will be encouraged and blessed by this. We worship at a charismatic Protestant church where the liturgical year of the church is not really observed. We do have special Christmas and Good Friday services, but that is about the extent to which the traditional seasons of the church is acknowledged. Mark D. Roberts — When You Want Easter to be as Meaningful as Christmas.

Where Two or Three are Texting: Incarnation and Sacrament in a Virtual World. Where Two or Three Are Texting: Incarnation and Sacrament in a Virtual World The young people in our schools and parishes are increasingly citizens of a virtual world where they carry out many traditionally “physical” activities, including living out their faith!

Where Two or Three are Texting: Incarnation and Sacrament in a Virtual World

Other Christian communities are experimenting with “online church.” What is an "online church" and is it an option for Catholics? How does the "digital continent" influence the way we prepare young people and catechumens to receive the sacraments? This webinar will explore these questions and offer some avenues for appropriate use of digital technologies in living our faith. The Seven Last Words Main. HollywoodJesus: Pop Culture from a Spiritual Point of View � Reviews - Movies, DVD, TV, Comics, Books, and Music.

RESource. Catholic Social Teaching - Notable Quotations - Catholic Charities of St. Paul and Minneapolis. Catholic Social Teaching « Faith in a better world. Blogging "As One Voice" Your mission should you choose to accept it. Hungry Planet: What The World Eats. What The World Eats - Shocking Photos. This photographic report exposes the proliferation of processed foods in the Western diet and in the diets of many developing countries the world over.

What The World Eats - Shocking Photos

Is it any wonder that we are seeing increases in diet & lifestyle related diseases? What are your thoughts? The project These images are from the book 'Hungry Planet: What the World Eats' by Peter Menzel and Faith D'Aluision. It's an inspired idea: to better understand the human diet, explore what culturally diverse families eat for a week. Mexico Britain North Carolina, USA Australia Germany California, USA Italy. Liturgy Brisbane. This Week’s Ordo.

Liturgy Brisbane

Reflections for the Sunday Readings (Year A) Australian Academy of Liturgy - Home. Scripture stories to read and color. Confronting the lie: God won’t give you more than you can handle. Romcal - The General Roman Calendar. Catholic Podcasts & Online Radio. Angels by Thomas Nelson. Angels by Thomas Nelson. 101 Practical Fasting Ideas for Lent Redux.


3-Minute Retreats - Daily Online Prayer. Maria Lectrix. Into the Desert: Lent, Fasting and Film. The traditional forty days of Lent, Popes Benedict XVI and John Paul II have reminded us, recall our Lord’s forty days of fasting in the desert.

Into the Desert: Lent, Fasting and Film

In Lent we are invited to join Christ in the desert, to recapitulate Israel’s forty years of wilderness wandering. Lent is a penitential season, but also an invitation to a closer intimacy with God. The Pentateuch presents the forty years of wilderness wandering as a punishment for unbelief, but the prophets offer a startling complementary vision of the desert as a privileged time of intimacy between God and Israel, a romantic season in which God wooed Israel as his bride (Jeremiah 2:2, Hosea 2:16).

The two aspects are inseparable; the time of privileged closeness to God must also be a penitential experience of wilderness wandering. Pope Benedict has recently reminded us of the three specific practices the Church proposes especially during Lent: prayer, fasting and almsgiving. Peter Kreeft - Featured Audio. Index. What Makes a Saint? - The Spirit of Things. Rachael Kohn: They come in all shapes and sizes, ages and even religions; saints are the religious virtuosos who bring hope, succour and even a few miracles.

What Makes a Saint? - The Spirit of Things

And this Sunday, Mary MacKillop Australia's first Catholic saint, has been canonised in Rome by Pope Benedict XVI. I'm Rachael Kohn and on The Spirit of Things we talk to someone who's there right now, singing in the choir, Sister Mary Cresp. Music . Worship . Service. RPCA Singing the Psalms. Music for Mass: Singable Settings, Psalms and Acclamations.

PostdocFellows. Institute of Sacred Music. Cambridge GO - Gateway Online. New Liturgical Movement: Music in Catholic Worship (1972-2007) National Association of Pastoral Musicians at 55 Williamsburg Lane, Centerville, OH 45459 US - Home. Mosaic Resources : Australia's largest online shop for religious books, theology books and spirituality books. Browse online for Christian books, Bibles, music, DVDs, software, academic, eBooks, gifts & more! Andrew Ironside.


Indigenous spirituality. Other. Blogs. Purchasing resources.