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Knots. How to eat wild stuff and not get poisoned (how-to) Primitive Camping Supply List Essentials. Van Gogh's Letters - Unabridged. Twelve Virtues of Rationality by Eliezer Yudkowsky - StumbleUpon. By Eliezer Yudkowsky The first virtue is curiosity.

Twelve Virtues of Rationality by Eliezer Yudkowsky - StumbleUpon

A burning itch to know is higher than a solemn vow to pursue truth. 10 Ways to Complain Less and Be Happier. “Instead of complaining that the rose bush is full of thorns, be happy the thorn bush has roses.”

10 Ways to Complain Less and Be Happier

~Proverb We all complain. Even if you argue that you are the happiest person in the world, you still complain sometimes. Sometimes we complain without even realizing it, but rarely is it ever helpful. Sure, a common complaint can bond two people who may have nothing in common, but too much complaining would just break down the relationship. For example, I once had a friend who constantly griped about her health, her family, her relationships, school, and the list goes on.

No matter what I said or did, it never seemed to cheer her up. So what happens if you are the one stuck in the negative attitude? It’s easier to complain instead of fixing a problem, like quitting a job or having a talk with someone. Laugh House - Crazy Extreme Free Climbing with Unnecessary Spin Move and Awesome Dismount. 0706140402101moore_5-2.jpg (JPEG Image, 800x480 pixels) The Out of Body Experience by Anthony Peake. Raise Your Vibrational Frequency.


Ask physicist Brian Greene anything. Untitled. Solipsism. Solipsism ( i/ˈsɒlɨpsɪzəm/; from Latin solus, meaning "alone", and ipse, meaning "self")[1] is the philosophical idea that only one's own mind is sure to exist.


As an epistemological position, solipsism holds that knowledge of anything outside one's own mind is unsure; the external world and other minds cannot be known and might not exist outside the mind. As a metaphysical position, solipsism goes further to the conclusion that the world and other minds do not exist.

Varieties[edit] There are varying degrees of solipsism that parallel the varying degrees of serious skepticism. [edit] Epistemological solipsism[edit] Epistemological solipsism is the variety of idealism according to which only the directly accessible mental contents of the solipsistic philosopher can be known. Methodological solipsism[edit] Methodological solipsism may be a sort of weak agnostic (meaning "missing knowledge") solipsism. Main points[edit] See also: Solipsism: Relation to other ideas (below) History[edit]

The World’s Six Most Beautiful Lakes. World’s Beautiful Lakes: Five-Flower Lake, China The pristine water of Wuhua Hai, or Five-Flower Lake, is the pride of Jiuzhaigon National Park in China.

The World’s Six Most Beautiful Lakes

The shallow lake glistens different shades of turquoise and its floor is littered with fallen ancient tree trunks. Wuhua Hai is one in the legendary 108 haizi, or multicolored lakes, in the national park that according to legend, were created after an ancient Goddess dropped a mirror that her lover had given her, smashing it into 108 pieces.

I'm a 1. 251 170 107 126 124 140 91 212 194 376 209 267 176 318 198 143 200 105 438 144 214 63 78 177 74 131 171 75 173 100 150 96 71 202 100 160 195 146 90 100 85 67 251 125 99 94 112 76 75 146 50 73 60 212 210 61 96 167 149 100 96 99 199 76 125 90 203 99 139 56 142 98 215 95 85 35 35 339 210 126 111 228 76 134 86 89 461 95 74 42 72 66 53 86 86 52 80 48.

i'm a 1

Quiz – How healthy is your diet? A self test. Get Topic Updates Share Advertisement Quiz Written by Sandy Kendall & Medically Reviewed by Scott Pearlman, M.D.

Quiz – How healthy is your diet? A self test

You've probably heard some of the expert recommendations for healthy eating, but how does your own diet rate? The Wall by Niels Christian Wulff.

The Stars

Ascension-Raising Your Vibrational Frequency. 11.11.11 Opening Of The Portal Of The Divine. 2012 ~ A Shift In Consciousness. The Egg. The Egg By: Andy Weir You were on your way home when you died.

The Egg

It was a car accident. Nothing particularly remarkable, but fatal nonetheless. You left behind a wife and two children. Plato's "The Allegory of the Cave". "In fact, you get pretty good at understanding how the patterns in the show work, and everyone else chained up is like, 'Holy shit bro, how did you know that that tree was going to fall on that guy?

Plato's "The Allegory of the Cave"

' and you're like, 'It's because I fucking pay attention and I'm smart as shit.' You're the smartest of the chained, and they all revere you. " Glaucon: "But Socrates, a tree didn't really hit a guy. The Cube Game -– Find Out The True Nature Of People. In this video I am going to play with you The Cube game.

The Cube Game -– Find Out The True Nature Of People

This psychological game is from the book “Secrets of the Cube” . Watch the video, remember your answers and check the meanings of your imagined objects below. I forgot to ask one question about the cube. Sometimes All You Need Is A Little Inspiration to Keep Rolling. The Creators Project.

His Holiness