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[Boîte à outils] 5 applications pour créer sa propre infographie. Esthétiques, claires, efficaces et surtout très virales, les infographies en tous genres envahissent la toile. Très sollicitées pour mettre en avant les chiffres clefs d’une études, les principales tendances d’un marché, elles sont utilisées par un panel d’acteurs : agences, cabinet d’études, blogueurs, médias, etc.

Surfant sur cette tendance, plusieurs startups ont mis au point des web applications permettant à n’importe quel internaute de créer tout seul une infographie en ligne, en y insérant ses propres données. Pour l’heure, une majorité de ces services (en anglais) sont encore en version bêta et donc perfectibles. A moyen terme, ces plateformes pourraient néanmoins venir concurrencer les métiers de web designers ou tout au moins réinventer certaines collaborations. Tour d’horizon des 5 principaux outils actuellement disponibles. 1. En mars dernier, la plateforme de datavisualisation a lancé une nouvelle fonctionnalité baptisée Create. 2. 3. 4. 5. Getting Started with Stencyl on Stencylpedia.

A Brief Introduction to Stencyl Introduces you to the various parts of the Stencyl workflow. Takes 30 minutes. Step 1: Create a New Game Get started with Stencyl.View Step 2: Gather Resources Work with Actors, Tilesets, Sounds and Behaviors.View Step 3: Customize Actors Attach behaviors to the player actor.View Step 4: Create a Scene Build a level for your game.View Step 5: Test your Game Run your game in Flash Player.View Create a game from scratch In this course, you'll create a "Space Invaders" like game from scratch. The Beginning Introduction A summary of what you'll learn.View Step 1: Create a Game Get started.View Step 2: Create Actors Learn about Animations and Physics.View Step 3: Actor Collisions Create a Collision Group.View Step 4: More Actors Create a few more actors.View Build the Game Out Step 5: Import Sounds Learn about Sound Effects vs.

Step 6: Create a Scene Build out a scene and test your game.View Step 7: Add Background Music Learn about Events too! Add Logic Step 8: Make the Ship Move. TOOLS. Spezify. V.U.E. SpicyNodes. Exploratree by FutureLab. Gource visualisation tool. Gource is a software version control visualization tool. See more of Gource in action on the Videos page. Introduction Software projects are displayed by Gource as an animated tree with the root directory of the project at its centre. Directories appear as branches with files as leaves. Developers can be seen working on the tree at the times they contributed to the project.

Currently Gource includes built-in log generation support for Git, Mercurial, Bazaar and SVN (as of 0.29). Gource can also parse logs produced by several third party tools for CVS repositories. Synopsis view the log of the repository (Git, SVN, Mercurial and Bazaar) in the current path: gource Donations If you like Gource and would like to show your appreciation and encourage future work on this and other open source projects by the author, please consider making a donation! Bitcoin: 15WP34zkaZFJCyzCAKLt9qrWSvDuBN7XLv Related Software You may also want to check out Logstalgia, a web server access log visualization tool. News. Visuwords™ Live art that's fun! iSketch. Thinking Machine 4: Play the Game. Datawrapper.

VizThink | All you need to know about Visual Thinking. Gamestorming. Gamestorming. Visual Literacy: An E-Learning Tutorial on Visualization for Communication, Engineering and Business. Learn.