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Autour de l'ebook. CROWDFUNDING PUBLISHING. Ten Bold Predictions for Book Publishing in 2012. By Jeremy Greenfield, Editorial Director, Digital Book World, @JDGsaid It’s been a stormy year for book publishing, with many major players in the industry making big changes. In 2011, Amazon became a publisher, more best-selling authors sprouted out of what once was the slush pile and publishing companies migrated business from print to digital at an accelerated rate. Some of the events of 2011 were of the “you coulda seen it coming” variety – Borders closing or Random House going to the agency pricing model. Much of it, however, was shocking – think big-six publisher HarperCollins acquiring Nashville-based Christian publisher Thomas Nelson.

Now that 2011 is coming to a close, what’s on tap for 2012? We spoke with book industry experts, observers and players to get their bold predictions on what extraordinary events await us in the coming twelve months. Hear more insight into the future of the book business at Digital Book World Conference + Expo 2012, this January 23-25 in New York. 1.

Publier un livre avec les Editions Edilivre. TEST. Kindle Fire : pas une tablette, mais un hyper-livre de poche. Comme quelques autres "early adopters", je me suis procuré la nouvelle tablette d'Amazon : le Kindle Fire. Présentée comme la seule alternative solide à l'iPad, le Kindle Fire est à la fois un concurrent et une nouvelle expérience. Selon Amazon, les ventes du nouveau Kindle ont explosé depuis son lancement le 15 novembre. On parle de plus de 3 millions de tablettes vendues en moins d'un mois. Les chiffres ci-dessous montre le nombre de connections à Internet depuis le Kindle Fire. Impressionnant : Les chiffres de vente sont à confirmer, mais ils rappellent néanmoins ceux du lancement de la tablette d'Apple à ses débuts.

Logique : le Kindle n'est pas né après l'iPad, c'est une amélioration d'une liseuse déjà ultra-dominante sur le marché, et qui donne accès désormais à l'ensemble du catalogue d'Amazon, le plus gros supermarché culturel d'occident, auquel on peut ajouter 10.000 applications Android. Tout d'abord, la sensation est très différente. Bref, je ne peux déjà plus m'en passer. Comment créer un fichier ePub ? Home - le book lab. LES ÉDITIONS NUMÉRIKLIVRES | Comprendre le livre numérique | Le site compagnon des Éditions Numeriklivres et de la coll. Comprendre le livre numérique. Le livre numérique, vu par un utilisateur averti… C’est vraiment de la publi-information à ce niveau… Effectivement il est en droit d’aimer sa liseuse, mais là ce n’est pas juste un plaidoyer pour le livre numérique en général, c’est de la propagande pour amazon kindle… Le titre de l’article, au lieu d’être « Le livre numérique, vu par un utilisateur averti…» ça devrait d’ailleurs plutôt être « Les produits Amazon, vus par un utilisateur **converti**… » Le cloud tel qu’il le présente peut sembler attractif, mais tel le loup de la fable de la Fontaine « le loup et le chien », au confort d’un service nébuleux sur lequel je n’ai aucun contrôle, je préfère pouvoir coller mon fichier ePub sur l’appareil que je veux, et retrouver la page que j’étais en train de lire, que cela soit depuis ma liseuse Bookeen ou depuis mon téléphone Android avec le logiciel FBReader.

Se contenter de souscrire à un service, c’est vraiment signer un contrat en blanc avec une entité dont l’unique but est le profit. Quel est la contrepartie pour le lecteur ? Les communautés de lecteurs et les outils coopératifs » Footnotes* Feedbooks | Votre libraire 100% numérique. WALRUS - Livres enrichis - Enhanced books. 70 éditeurs pure-players francophones. 9 livres scientifiques de 2011! « mikiane daily. Framabook » Le pari du livre libre. Labo de l'édition. Editeur d'ebooks et d'applications pour tablettes et smartphones - Europa apps. Home. Pak369. Welcome to BookieJar beta. Startup Spotlight: BookieJar looks to connect readers and authors.

Deyun Wu BookieJar wants to connect readers to the authors they love, helping readers discover new titles and allowing authors to more easily promote and publish their digital works. Founded by former Microsofties Deyun Wu and Bruno Botvinik — who sold the mobile search company MotionBridge to Microsoft in 2006 — the six-person Kirkland startup offers a number of services to readers and writers. One of the most intriguing is a new electronic signature product, dubbed Autograph Now, which allows readers to request a digital autograph from an author. Wu will be talking about that service and others as one of the presenters at MIT’s Northwest Startup Demo on December 1st. We chatted with Wu for the latest installment of Startup Spotlight. Explain what you do so our parents can understand it: “BookieJar is a social reading and publishing platform that offers complete and ongoing eBooks. VC, Angel or Bootstrap: “We raised a small amount from friends and family.

With our “Autograph Now!” Untitled. How iBooks Author Stacks Up to the Competition [CHART] With the announcement of iBooks Author last week, the world of self-publishing seemed to open up a little wider, especially for authors looking for an easy way to format and distribute their own content. At the same time, people raised concerns about the content restrictions of the iBooks Author tool. According to the contract in iBooks Author, books that writers charge for through the iBooks 2 store are subject to fees, which isn't new — iTunes does the same thing with apps in the App Store. But the contract also stipulates books created with the Author tool may only be sold in the iBooks 2 store, and nowhere else. While some writers may deem the Apple iBooks store an adequate revenue stream, others may not welcome the regulations.

Still, self-publishing holds potential for many authors, especially now that 29% of U.S. adults own some kind of tablet or ereader. Are you an ebook publisher using something that didn't make the list? Can ebooks fuel innovation? Startups explore the potential. A group of startups met up this week in Redmond for the first Ebook Innovation Summit, a small gathering of companies involved in different aspects of the electronic book business — spending the day demonstrating their latest projects and talking about their common challenges.

The summit highlighted the emergence of an innovative segment of the startup community, rising up in the shadow of, and working on ebook technologies for a variety of platforms. Roy Leban, whose startup Puzzazz makes puzzle books for Amazon’s Kindle, organized the event. He said afterward that he was surprised — and pleased — to learn that many of the startups in the sector face similar challenges, particularly in dealing with large partners, and in ensuring that they can provide top-quality content to their customers. Free content was also a big topic, with many of the startups finding that it can be worthwhile as an opener given the willingness of many readers to also pay for content in premium formats.