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Republicans, Wall Street score victory in dismantling class-action rule. American Billionaires Created MILO. Cookies are Not Accepted - New York Times. Yale's College Republicans hold BBQ near a hunger strike to increase protesters' anguish. Most union-busting techniques are explicit, like legal challenges and anti-union campaigning.

Yale's College Republicans hold BBQ near a hunger strike to increase protesters' anguish

But when all else fails, go for the gut. Yale University's local College Republicans chapter held a barbecue on Friday near the fasting site of campus union organizers participating in a hunger strike directed against the university. Trump Pulls Back Obama-Era Protections For Women Workers. With little notice, President Donald Trump recently signed an executive order that advocates say rolls back hard-fought victories for women in the workplace.

Trump Pulls Back Obama-Era Protections For Women Workers

Tuesday's "Equal Pay Day" — which highlights the wage disparity between men and women — is the perfect time to draw more attention to the president's action, activists say. On March 27, Trump revoked the 2014 Fair Pay and Safe Workplaces order then-President Barack Obama put in place to ensure that companies with federal contracts comply with 14 labor and civil rights laws. The Fair Pay order was put in place after a 2010 Government Accountability Office investigation showed that companies with rampant violations were being awarded millions in federal contracts.

In an attempt to keep the worst violators from receiving taxpayer dollars, the Fair Pay order included two rules that impacted women workers: paycheck transparency and a ban on forced arbitration clauses for sexual harassment, sexual assault or discrimination claims. Trump's Plan to Gut Obama's Climate Policies: What You Need to Know. Andrew Harrer/CNP via ZUMA Wire President Donald Trump will issue his long-promised executive order rolling back federal government efforts to fight climate change Tuesday.

Trump's Plan to Gut Obama's Climate Policies: What You Need to Know

The wide-ranging order, which will be accompanied by other environmental directives, targets Obama-era policies across the government, including in the Environmental Protection Agency, the Department of Interior, and the Department of Defense. It directs the EPA to revisit the Clean Power Plan, which limits carbon pollution from power plants and was considered the centerpiece of former President Barack Obama's climate policy.

Additionally, Trump is asking the Justice Department to stop defending the plan in court. The president will instruct agencies to rescind a moratorium on coal leasing on public lands; rewrite limits on methane emissions from the oil and gas industry; and ignore the EPA's current calculation on the costs of carbon pollution. Labor nominee Acosta cut deal with billionaire guilty in sex abuse case. There was once a time — before the investigations, before the sexual abuse conviction — when rich and famous men loved to hang around with Jeffrey Epstein, a billionaire money manager who loved to party.

Labor nominee Acosta cut deal with billionaire guilty in sex abuse case

They visited his mansion in Palm Beach, Fla. They flew on his jet to join him at his private estate on the Caribbean island of Little Saint James. They even joked about his taste in younger women. Steve King's Racist Comments in the Age of Donald Trump - The Atlantic. Updated March 13, 2017 at 2:08 p.m.

Steve King's Racist Comments in the Age of Donald Trump - The Atlantic

Steve King has always made a habit of speaking his mind, and quite frequently his mind has been controversial, blatantly false, or outright racist. The Republican congressman from Iowa is the man who said in 2013 that while some children brought to the U.S. illegally were good kids, there were others “who weigh 130 pounds and they’ve got calves the size of cantaloupes because they’re hauling 75 pounds of marijuana across the desert.”

That may have been his most famous moment, but it was hardly alone. He called Barack Obama “Kim Jong POTUS.” Graphics Show Fox News Takes Two VERY Different Approaches To The Clinton/Pence Email Scandals. Indianapolis news. Ignoring Trump, Chaffetz seeks charges related to Clinton emails. On Nov. 9, literally the day after the election, House Oversight Committee Chairman Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) said his pre-election plans had not changed: he remained focused on Hillary Clinton and her email server management.

Ignoring Trump, Chaffetz seeks charges related to Clinton emails

In December, he said it again. In January, he said it again. Yesterday, as the Associated Press reported, the Republican congressman took the next ridiculous step. So let me get this straight. There’s evidence that Russia launched an illegal espionage operation to help put Donald Trump in the Oval Office. FCC made a case for limiting cost of prison phone calls. Not anymore. Federal regulators no longer are pressing to cut the costs of most prison phone calls, backing away from a years-long effort to limit charges imposed by a handful of private companies on inmates and their families.

FCC made a case for limiting cost of prison phone calls. Not anymore.

The shift by the Federal Communications Commission comes as the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit on Monday considers whether commissioners went too far when they capped prices for inmate calls that had reached more than a $1 per minute. To make phone calls from most federal and state prisons, inmates generally must set up accounts with a private company to hold money deposited by family members. The companies typically have a contract with the prisons, which receive a portion of the call revenue. Federal regulators had pushed since 2013 to lower the costs, saying the prices made it too hard for relatives to stay in touch. House Republicans Just Voted to Eliminate the Only Federal Agency That Makes Sure Voting Machines Can’t Be Hacked. In a little-noticed 6-3 vote today, the House Administration Committee voted along party lines to eliminate the Election Assistance Commission, which helps states run elections and is the only federal agency charged with making sure voting machines can’t be hacked.

House Republicans Just Voted to Eliminate the Only Federal Agency That Makes Sure Voting Machines Can’t Be Hacked

The EAC was created after the disastrous 2000 election in Florida as part of the Help America Vote Act to rectify problems like butterfly ballots and hanging chads. (Republicans have tried to kill the agency for years.) The Committee also voted to eliminate the public-financing system for presidential elections dating back to the 1970s. “It is my firm belief that the EAC has outlived its usefulness and purpose,” said Committee chair Gregg Harper (R-MS), explaining why his bill transfers the EAC’s authority to the Federal Election Commission.

Thirty-eight pro-democracy groups, including the NAACP and Common Cause, denounced the vote. DEA: CBD Oil Declared Schedule 1, Claims Cannabis Product Has No Medical Benefits. According to the DEA, CBD oil is now to be considered a Schedule 1 substance.

DEA: CBD Oil Declared Schedule 1, Claims Cannabis Product Has No Medical Benefits

The Drug Enforcement Administration, the United States federal agency tasked with regulating and policing controlled substances, issued the new ruling Wednesday, and it goes into effect Thursday. What Is CBD Oil? CBD oil, short for cannabidiol oil, is derived from the cannabis or marijuana plant. Legislators’ breathtaking dis of voters. It’s both breathtaking and hardly surprising.

Legislators’ breathtaking dis of voters

With a scope never before seen in North Carolina politics – and with an all-too-familiar disrespect for democracy – Republicans in Raleigh are engaging in a stunning reach for power this week. They want to change the ideological makeup of election boards. Alt-right leader: 'Hail Trump! Hail our people! Hail victory!' The president of the alt-right National Policy Institute Richard Spencer's remarks were posted Sunday on YouTube by "Red Ice Radio," which describes itself as "covering politics and social issues from a pro-European perspective.

" The Atlantic magazine, which is recording footage of Spencer for a documentary they're working on, also published a video of the same event showing audience members apparently giving the Nazi salute. A horrific ad in support of North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory depicts the rape of a little girl, in an attack on his Democratic opponent. North Carolina has lost a string of big investment ventures over Republican Governor Pat McCrory’s decision to sign the contentious HB 2 – which voided all local ordinances protecting LGBT rights, banned transgender people from using their preferred bathroom, and permits businesses to discriminate against LGBT people on the grounds of religious belief.

5 Times Republicans in Congress Screwed Veterans. Trump flip-flops on whether women’s sexual allegations should be believed. Donald Trump strongly denied that he had groped and kissed women without their consent, following a number of news reports detailing allegations made by four women. (The Washington Post) Donald Trump strongly denied that he had groped and kissed women without their consent, following a number of news reports detailing allegations made by four women. Limbaugh: The Left Sends Out "The Rape Police" Whenever There's Sex With "No Consent" (Also Known As Rape) RUSH LIMBAUGH: You know what the magic word, the only thing that matters in American sexual mores today is?

One thing. You can do anything, the left will promote and understand and tolerate anything, as long as there is one element. Trump mocks reporter with disability. Mike Pence for Congress. Florida Is New Punchline to All Abortion Jokes. House Seeks Names of Fetal Tissue Researchers, Prompting Claims of Intimidation. When FOX News tries to attack Bernie... - Occupy Democrats. House Republicans seek to open up national forests to mining and logging. MMS: Error. Sarah Palin says Obama's lack of support for troops caused son's PTSD, domestic abuse. This is the dumbest thing that happened on the Senate floor today. John Boehner's outrageous plan to help a foreign leader undermine Obama. House Speaker John Boehner has invited Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to speak to a joint session of Congress in February, on the topic of Iran.

On the surface, this might seem innocent enough. Israel is a close American ally. Adam Savader, ex-Romney intern, arrested for blackmail - Kevin Robillard. A former intern for the 2012 Republican presidential ticket of Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan and for Newt Gingrich’s presidential campaign was charged with cyberstalking young women and blackmailing them into sending nude photos in federal court on Tuesday. Scott DesJarlais, Pro-Life Republican Congressman And Doctor, Pressured Mistress Patient To Get Abortion. WASHINGTON -- A pro-life, family-values congressman who worked as a doctor before winning election as a Tea Party-backed Republican had an affair with a patient and later pressured her to get an abortion, according to a phone call transcript obtained by The Huffington Post. The congressman, Rep.

If you can’t beat ‘em, gerrymander away their electoral votes. The electoral college is maligned by some as an outdated mode of doing our democratic business—one that has on three occasions, allowed the loser of the popular vote to assume the highest office in the land. PA voting machine ‘taken out of service’ for flipping votes to Romney: report. NSA Analyst Proves GOP Is Stealing Elections. Four Ways the Ohio GOP is Already Stealing the 2012 Election. Man arrested for tossing voter registration forms in Virginia. Jason Chaffetz Admits House GOP Cut Funding For Embassy Security: 'You Have To Prioritize Things' 6 Big Lies By Republican National Convention Speakers, Day One. "Fuck You, Tyrants!": Ron Paul Supporters Rebel On Convention Floor. New Court Filing Reveals How the 2004 Ohio Presidential Election Was Hacked. Democrats Mock GOP For Protecting Own Health Care In Repeal Vote. House Republicans vote to cut funds to implement food safety law.

Tycoons Laughing All the Way to the Bank. Father First, Senator Second ( Zombie Lies: Republicans Revive False Claim That Obama Tax Hikes Would Hurt Small Businesses. Multi-Millionaire Rep. Says He Can’t Afford A Tax Hike Because He Only Has $400K A Year After Feeding Family. Issa: We Won’t Investigate News Corp’s Alleged Hacking Of 9/11 Victims Because We Don’t Want To Pick On The Media. Hinkle: I paid young man $80 for encounter. Rick Perry Doubled Texas’ Debt, Then Balanced Budget Through Accounting Gimmicks. Labor takes on racism in GOP "Pledge" Johnson proves to be a big spender - and taker: Firm pays him $10 million. John Boehner's push to redefine rape - War Room. Republican Secretary of State in Indiana indicted on voter fraud - National Political Buzz. How to Respond When a Congressman Calls You a Liar - Gawker.

Aides To Former Maryland Gov Indicted For Ordering Calls To Suppress Votes. Venn Diagram: Rape vs. Flat Tire. GOP invites preacher who advocates jailing gays to give House prayer. GOP Freshmen On Medicare Attacks: Let's Let Bygones Be Bygones. Rep. Sally Kern (R-OK): Blacks Are In Prison Because They Don't Want To Work Hard. Jon Kyl Is Sorry If He Gave Anyone The Impression That The Things He Says In Public Are Factual. Rep. Gingrey promises GOP will make "covenant with Moses" signed in blood not to raise taxes on rich. GOPers Demand Sean Duffy Salary Tape Be Pulled From The Internet (VIDEO) Newt fears Islamist-atheist America - 2012 Elections. From Hawks to Doves in Five Days Flat - Politics.

In states, parties clash over voting laws that call for IDs, limits on where college students can cast ballots. Transplant patients a target of Arizona budget cuts. House GOP Determined To Exceed Own Stereotypes. Complaint filed in Election Night robocall - Karl Rove: '45 Percent Of NPR Listeners Were Saddam Hussein' Junior Florida Republican Party staffer had $1.3 million charged to party credit card. GOP pledges to block all bills until tax dispute resolved. Right wing declares war on the poor: Kate O'Beirne calls parents of school lunch recipients child abusers. BP Investigation Blocked By Senate. Joe Miller's private "guards" were active-duty military - Glenn Greenwald. Revealed: GOP senator who railed against healthcare and earmarks got $960,000 healthcare earmark.