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National Security Archive/COLD WAR/Interviews. 7 Things To Remember About Classroom Feedback. Worldmapper: The world as you've never seen it before. This Chart Explains Every Culture In The World. Cultures are complicated, and anyone attempting to explain or group them will struggle to avoid giving offence.

Political scientists Ronald Inglehart of the University of Michigan and Christian Welzel of Luephana University in Germany put forth their best effort by analysing data and plotting countries on a “culture map.” Their system stems from the World Values Survey (WVS), the largest “non-commercial, cross-national, time series investigation of human beliefs and values ever executed,” which dates back to 1981 and includes nearly 400,000 respondents from 100 countries. The latest chart, published several years ago, includes data from surveys conducted from 1995 to 1999, 2000 to 2004, and 2005 to 2009. Check it out: So what’s going on in this chart? On the y-axis, traditional values emphasise the importance of religion, parent-child relationships, and authority, according to WVS.

Here’s how WVS explains the main trends: The 15 Maps That Explain The World In 2012. If the world were a village of 100 people (20 pictures). Search millions of free academic articles, chapters, and theses. What Colour are You? | Our Better World. By Andrew Purchase A few days ago, while I was working at my desk, my five-year old daughter, Ella, appeared at my elbow. She had been doing some thinking. She was holding a periscope in her hand. (In her other hand she had her grubby stuffed rabbit). A toothy grin. Ella had evidently been giving a great deal of thought to something in the adult world above. "Daddy," Ella did not wait for the next appropriate gap in my concentration.

"Daddy! " "Daddy, I have a question for you. " "Yes, Ella," I automatically mouthed as the document I was reading continued to detain my full attention. Same colour "Daddy," the emboldened little voice chirped. Through the intense concentration on my thoroughly boring document, I could hear the unmistakable ring of profundity emanating from a child at elbow height.

It was that feeling you get when you are sleeping, enjoying some dream, and your wife prods you in the ribs, prompting you to turn off the ringing alarm clock next to your head. "Say that again, Ella. "