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Food and Recipes

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30 x De aller lekkerste manieren om meer groenten te eten. Jij mag dan misschien al helemaal overtuigd zijn van het verwerken van zoveel mogelijk groenten in je gezonde maaltijd, maar met deze waanzinnige recepten kun je werkelijk iedereen de mond snoeren.

30 x De aller lekkerste manieren om meer groenten te eten

We houden van onze veggies, en veel mooier gepresenteerd dan op onderstaande manieren kan het bijna niet. 1. Spinazie en ricotta courgette ravioli 2. Gehaktballetjes van bloemkool en feta met pittige Marokkaanse tomatenpasta en noedels van courgette. 3. 56 Awesome Fermented Food & Drink Recipes. Welcome to Girl Meets Nourishment - I am so happy you are here!

56 Awesome Fermented Food & Drink Recipes

Have a look around and I hope you find exactly what you need. Have you checked out my facebook page yet, or my pinterest, Instagram, and youtube page? Psst...this post may contain affiliate links to products or services I use, enjoy, or recommend. By making purchases through these links, you are supporting the companies or products I believe in, and you're supporting Girl Meets Nourishment. For this, I could not thank you enough! I love me some good lacto-fermented foods…I try to eat or drink some daily, whether it be kombucha or a scoop of homemade sauerkraut. I have shared this information before, but I thought it would be great to share again and then include 56 awesome fermented food and drink recipes all in one spot for you!

But first let’s learn more about the amazingness that is lacto-fermented foods… What is Lacto-Fermentation & What’s so Great About It? What about Mold? What Salt to Use? Now onto the recipes! Kombucha. Recipes & Meal Help. 50 Smoothies : Recipes and Cooking. 1.

50 Smoothies : Recipes and Cooking

Banana Blend 2 bananas, 1/2 cup each vanilla yogurt and milk, 2 teaspoons honey, a pinch of cinnamon and 1 cup ice. 2. Strawberry-Banana Blend 1 banana, 1 cup strawberries, 1/2 cup each vanilla yogurt and milk, 2 teaspoons honey, a pinch of cinnamon and 1 cup ice. 3. Strawberry Shortcake Blend 2 cups strawberries, 1 cup crumbled pound cake, 1 1/2 cups each milk and ice, and sugar to taste. How-to: Whipped Coconut Cream from Coconut Milk. Things have been oh-so-creamy around my blog the past few weeks.

How-to: Whipped Coconut Cream from Coconut Milk

Cream pies everywhere. And much chatter of coconut milk and all its glorious attributes and uses. But I was being a tad lazy when it came to my pies.. Why? Well, as you read in my recipes, I was simply giddy about the new product I discovered called "Healthy Top" - a cashew and coconut based whipped topping of sorts. Coconut Cream 101. Chilled can of coconut milk - the top layer of opaque "cream" - this is what you want to whip... Put to use: "Almost Tiramisu" Pie.. When I was little one of my favorite family recipes was an Easter cake called "Lamb Cake" I veganized the recipe a few years back: Lamb Cake Gone Vegan. Well until I discovered coconut milk cream, I never knew that the "whipped creamy frosting" thing could happen for vegans. - Recepten. Foods You Need to Eat More of If You're Over 40. As you get older, your body doesn’t work as smoothly as it once did.

Foods You Need to Eat More of If You're Over 40

When you turn 40, you may notice your digestive system has slowed a bit. You might see the beginnings of wrinkles, and complications down the road, such as heart disease and dementia, may start to enter your mind. But a big part of combating these age-related issues is eating healthy. Here are 15 foods you should eat more of if you’re over 40. Blueberries | Eike Leppert/iStock/Getty Images Blueberries Blueberries are loaded with antioxidants. Next: Sprinkle some of this on your oatmeal. Cinnamon Cinnamon | Derkin/Getty Images Cinnamon has been shown to reduce blood sugar. 14 Inflammation-Fighting Foods., laat echte Spaanse delicatessen, wijnen en (flamenco) (...) 5 Healthy Reasons to Eat Quinoa. The United Nations named 2013 ‘The International Year of Quinoa’.

5 Healthy Reasons to Eat Quinoa

In this way the grain’s nutritional potential and its raising worldwide popularity was recognized once again. Quinoa is the magic grain of South America. It was the staple food of the Incas and the Andean peoples before the Incas, so it holds the character of the ancients. It is very nutritious and contains all of the amino acids your body needs and it has amazing health benefits. Originally, quinoa was roasted and made into flour, which served as a basis for traditional types of bread. Here are great reasons why eating quinoa is a good idea: Quinoa is high in antioxidants Antioxidant-rich foods protect you from many chronic and degenerative diseases (including cancer) by destroying free radicals, which can injure and kill healthy cells. When researchers analyzed different Andean indigenous grains, it emerged that quinoa had the highest antioxidant activity. Quinoa is a complete source of protein Quinoa is rich in fiber.

Food. Nutrition Australia. Fruit and vegetables fall into five different colour categories: red, purple/blue, orange, green and white/brown.

Nutrition Australia

Each colour carries its own set of unique disease fighting chemicals called phytochemicals. It is these phytochemicals that give fruits and vegetables their vibrant colour and of course some of their healthy properties. What’s in a colour? RED Red fruits and vegetables are coloured by a natural plant pigment called lycopene.