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Have benefits of a growth mindset been overstated? In the education world, fixed mind-set is usually contrasted with growth mind-set.

Have benefits of a growth mindset been overstated?

In this context, fixed mind-set refers to students holding the idea that their cognitive abilities, including their intelligence, are set at birth, and they just have to accept their limitations. With a growth mind-set, however, the student recognizes that, although it might be difficult, they can grow their abilities. A growth mind-set has been associated with a much better approach to learning and improved academic achievement, but new research suggests that this difference has been over-stated.

A recent meta-analysis of growth mind-set research found that over half the effect sizes weren't significantly different from zero (157 of 273 effect sizes),a small number (16) actually found a negative association between growth mind-set and academic achievement, anda little over a third (100) were significant and positive. The study found that Age was not a factor, nor was at-risk status. Metamemory. Research has found that people are most likely to successfully apply appropriate learning and remembering strategies when they have also been taught general information about how the mind works.


The more you understand about how memory works, the more likely you are to benefit from instruction in particular memory skills. When you have a good general understanding of how memory works, different learning strategies make much more sense. You will remember them more easily, because they are part of your general understanding. You will be able to adapt them to different situations, because you understand why they work and which aspects are important. You will be able to recognize which skills are useful in different situations. [taken from The Memory Key]

Choice page. [infographic] Fake news or real news? 10 tips to getting the facts for yourself - Stone Soup Creative. I read a good article today on NPR’s All Tech Considered, Fake Or Real?

[infographic] Fake news or real news? 10 tips to getting the facts for yourself - Stone Soup Creative

How To Self-Check The News And Get The Facts. Except I figure people who aren’t schooled in figuring out the difference aren’t likely to be reading an NPR article. So I quickly put together this infographic based on the article and a link provided to a google doc, False, Misleading, Clickbait-y, and/or Satirical “News” Sources, prepared by Melissa Zimdars, an assistant professor of communication and media at Merrimack College. Fake news. It's complicated. - First Draft News. This article is available also in Deutsch, Español, Français and العربية.

Fake news. It's complicated. - First Draft News

Six lessons from my deepfake research at Stanford – JSK Class of 2019. Rhythm and Resistance - Rethinking Schools Online. SummaryNow Shipping!

Rhythm and Resistance - Rethinking Schools Online

Rhythm and Resistance offers practical lessons about how to teach poetry to build community, understand literature and history, talk back to injustice, and construct stronger literacy skills across content areas and grade levels—from elementary school to graduate school. Rhythm and Resistance reclaims poetry as a necessary part of a larger vision of what it means to teach for justice.Please download the book flyer and share with your networks!

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Simple Rubrics for Common Core Speaking and Listening Standards - Teaching the Core

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The Best Theory Of Knowledge Resources In 2015 – So Far

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Teaching Knowledge Questions In IB Theory Of Knowledge

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How To Get A Liberal Arts Education (Without Going To University)

Why? Because nobody can predict which job skills will stay in-demand in the future but what we do know we will need lots of people who are flexible, have wide understanding of the world and are excellent communicators. The Liberal Arts has a bad reputation because it often attracts the slackers who go to University more for the country club atmosphere, the keg parties or because their parents gave them no other option. In computer science, math or sciences you can fall behind very quickly if you don’t do the daily work but in the Liberal Arts many people succeed at “bullshiting” their way through a degree with last minute essays and cramming right before exams. Fact checking and fake news lesson plans - The ultimate teacher guide. The internet comes with an overload of information.

Fact checking and fake news lesson plans - The ultimate teacher guide

Though this is a benefit to most teachers and students, internet has a dark side. Photoshop shows you pictures of things that didn’t actually happen, websites have articles with fake content, and amateur journalists invent impressive statistics that are actually a hoax. On the internet, anything may look real, but it isn’t. Think twice before you cite. Documents Alive. Gamification. Online Advocacy.