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The Scale of the Universe. Scale of the Universe 2. Meteocat. El temps a Catalunya. Planetarium - Interactive star map and virtual sky. Impact: Earth! Earth :: an animated map of global wind, weather, and ocean conditions. Earth wind map. Lab 7: Future of the Forest. Introduction The forests located in the mountains of southern Appalachia are typically lush and humid. Image Source: Southern Appalachian Forest Commission. As the climate changes, how will the forest change?

In the western United States, will we see a return to grasslands and chaparral? In the Northeast, where will the sugar maple tree find the right conditions for optimal sap production? How will farmers need to adapt their practices to optimize syrup production in the future? In this lab, you'll view interactive graphics that show the predicted climatic conditions for the next 40 to 70 years under a variety of models and emissions scenarios.

After completing this investigation, you should be able to: describe how the climate has changed in the recent past (since 1950) and how it is predicted to change in the future; and describe how tree (and plant) species distributions have changed in the past and are predicted to change in response to changing climate. - Animation. Aigua en temps real. Meteocat.Generalitat de Catalunya - Predicció a curt termini. Estat del cel Cel cobert o molt ennuvolat en general. Precipitacions S'esperen precipitacions febles i disperses a la meitat oest del territori i a la resta del Pirineu. A la resta del país en són possibles fins a migdia i se n'esperen a partir de llavors, aïllades en conjunt. Temperatures Temperatures mínimes similars o en lleu ascens; màximes en descens lleuger o puntualment moderat.

Visibilitat Regular i localment dolenta, amb algunes boirines. Vent Bufarà de component est fluix amb cops moderats, més reforçat al litoral i prelitoral central i sud durant les hores centrals del dia. Estat de la mar. §. Formerly the site for the High Definition Earth-Viewing System (HDEV) : Operational: April 30, 2014 – End of Life: August 22, 2019.

See more information below. Currently, live video of Earth is streaming from an external HD camera mounted on the ISS. The camera is looking toward Earth with an occasional solar panel passing through the view. To learn more about the HDEV experiment, visit HDEV's experiment investigation page. ISS Tracker Black = on the nighttime side of the Earth Gray = The ground support computer has stopped sending video to YouTube and will be reset shortly.

ISS High Definition Live Streaming Video of the Earth After HDEV stopped sending any data on July 18, 2019, it was declared, on August 22, 2019, to have reached its end of life. Click here to read the Final Report: High Definition Earth Viewing (HDEV). Highlights: For all questions regarding the current external camera or the former HDEV experiment, please contact our team. BOLIDES - Visualizing meteorites.