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Michael Mosley. The Truth About Exercise re-aired August 14, 2013. About the Series This three-part special follow best-selling British author, journalist and popular TV personality Dr. Michael Mosley as he conducts experiments on himself to improve his health and discovers how the human body works. “I have always been interested in self-experimentation as a research device because so many of the most important discoveries came from scientists and doctors who used themselves as test subjects,” Mosley says, “but I had never before performed a series of trials on my own health.” He says that when routine blood work last year revealed troubling signs — including borderline diabetes and high cholesterol — his doctor recommended medications. “But I chose instead to seek out doctors and scientists doing cutting-edge research into these problems, which so many others face as well, and use these specials to demonstrate the journey I took to find those solutions.”

Dr. About the Episodes Eat, Fast & Live Longer Guts. How Intermittent Fasting Can Help You Live Healthier, Longer. By Dr. Mercola In the featured documentary, Eat, Fast, and Live Longer,1 British author and journalist Dr. Michael Mosley documents his journey as he decides to try fasting, to see if it might improve his health. At the outset, his blood work revealed he was borderline diabetic and his cholesterol was high, which his doctor wanted to treat with medication. Concerned by this diagnosis—especially as he considers himself somewhat of an expert on conventional health strategies—Dr. "I have always been interested in self-experimentation as a research device because so many of the most important discoveries came from scientists and doctors who used themselves as test subjects," he says, "but I had never before performed a series of trials on my own health.

" His journey takes him across the United States, where he meets with both long-lived, healthy folk, and health and longevity experts, to learn the secrets of their success. Your Body Was Built for Periodic Cycles of 'Feast and Famine' Fasting triggers stem cell regeneration of damaged, old immune system | USC News. In the first evidence of a natural intervention triggering stem cell-based regeneration of an organ or system, a study in the June 5 issue of the Cell Stem Cell shows that cycles of prolonged fasting not only protect against immune system damage — a major side effect of chemotherapy — but also induce immune system regeneration, shifting stem cells from a dormant state to a state of self-renewal. In both mice and a Phase 1 human clinical trial involving patients receiving chemotherapy, long periods of not eating significantly lowered white blood cell counts.

In mice, fasting cycles then “flipped a regenerative switch,” changing the signaling pathways for hematopoietic stem cells, which are responsible for the generation of blood and immune systems, the research showed. The study has major implications for healthier aging, in which immune system decline contributes to increased susceptibility to disease as people age. Fasting cycles More stories about: Diet, Stem Cells. The Beginner's Guide to Intermittent Fasting. I have been intermittent fasting for over one year. I skip breakfast each day and eat two meals, the first around 1pm and the second around 8pm. Then, I fast for 16 hours until I start eating again the next day at 1pm. Surprisingly, since I’ve started intermittent fasting I’ve increased muscle mass (up 10 pounds from 205 to 215), decreased body fat (down 3% from 14% to 11%), increased explosiveness (set a personal best with a clean and jerk of 253 pounds a few months back), and decreased the amount of time I’ve spent training (down from 7.5 hours per week to 2.5 hours per week).

In other words, I’m stronger, leaner, and more explosive even though I go to the gym less and eat less. You may be wondering… How is this possible? Slow down, friend. Free Bonus: I created an Intermittent Fasting Quick Start Guide with a summary of the benefits of intermittent fasting and 3 fasting schedules you can use depending on your goals. What is Intermittent Fasting and Why Would You Do It? 1. 2. 3. 4. Why Restricting Your Eating Time Period To 8 Hours Will Transform Your Health & Fitness. *Edit Feb. 12 2015: I added a list of studies supporting the benefits of IF at the end of the article, be sure to read further for more information.

Intermittent fasting can provide many important health benefits, including improving your insulin/leptin sensitivity, helping your body more effectively burn fat for fuel, increasing mental clarity and overall energy levels, and more. For years I agonized over finding the diet, eating schedule, and workout routine that best suited my goals and lifestyle. It took up a ton of mental energy and time.

However, it didn’t matter what I tried or how enthusiastic I was about a new plan of attack for my diet and fitness, sooner or later I would fall off track for various reasons, with much disappointment. I tried the ‘six small meals a day’ plan, I tried a 100% whole-food diet, I blended, I chopped. But this all changed when I discovered intermittent fasting (IF). Why So Many Struggle With Their Weight As Dr. How & Why Intermittent Fasting Works.

How I Reached a Muscular 8% Body Fat by Literally Trying not to Try. After a weekly Run “Angelo, look at you, you have become so lean. Congrats but you must have been spending all your time focusing on your body, don’t you have any other priorities, you are a grown man! What are you doing in London, you are all the time in the gym or did you use any effective drugs?” These were more or less the reactions from my friends and family. I had visited my homecountry, Greece for holidays for a short time. “I have to let you down because actually, my body is the least of my priorities at the moment. Most of the times the conversation was over after my reply. Having just returned to England from holidays and catching the few glimpses of sunlight to maintain the Greek summer mood But how did this happen? This post will give you all the explanations. Dialectics and conflict: I think that most people were certain that I pressurized so much myself because deep inside we take for granted that results are a pure outcome of extra effort.

The Ketogenic Diet. Intermittent Fasting, in simple words - The Dutrition Blog. It is a very popular and highly controversial way of dieting at the same time. Intermittent Fasting or IF, is a diet protocol the promises fat loss and muscle hypertrophy with the fastest results. Reality or fantasy? Too much stuff have been written about it and nowadays almost everyone in the fitness industry is advocating intermittent fasting. So without further ado, let’s see what’s true and what’s not, and how YOU could benefit from intermittent fasting.

What is Intermittent fasting It is a way of structuring your meal times during the day. More specifically it proposes fasting, or “not eating“, for quite some time, and then feed your body on a window of time. That is the very general overview, just to get the hang of it. There are many approaches to intermittent fasting, but it all comes down to… Oh, I am not gonna say that just yet, keep reading. It all started with various religions, where they all preached of fasting for health reasons and also as a way to come closer to God. Autophagy. Neuroscientist Shows What Fasting Does To Your Brain & Why Big Pharma Won’t Study It. Four%20ways%20to%20use%20exercise%20to%20boost%20your%20brain%20power%20 %20Health%20 %20wellness%20 %20The%20Boston%20Globe. 12 Ways to Boost Your Brain Power | Etzetra. Have you misplaced your keys one too many times in the last month?

Unfortunately as we age, our brains ability to retain information gradually decreases. But there is hope – researchers have discovered that there are things we can do in our lives to help improve our memory and concentration. In fact, researchers believe that you could potentially add 10 years to your brain’s useful life by simply making some changes. Here are 12 brain boosters you should try: Drink green tea. Recent studies have shown that by drinking five or more cups of green tea every day you decrease your likely hood of psychological distress by 20 percent.

Dance. Exercise. Eat eggs. Switch tasks throughout the day. Drink juice. Laugh. Get enough sleep. Cut back on TV. Add some spices. Learn a new language. Remember to floss. Source: Ways Your Brainpower Can Be Boosted More by Jennifer: 5 Foods to Help when You’re Sad Why Cutting Wheat Will Help You Lose Weight 8 Benefits of Basil Essential Oil. 12 Ways to Boost Your Brain Power | Etzetra. From Flying in the Military to Launching a Business. I’ve had two careers in my life: tech entrepreneur and military officer. On the surface these appear completely divergent, but in reality, military experience cultivates excellent entrepreneurial traits that most other career paths just can’t effectively emulate. The traits I developed in the military have undoubtedly made me a better entrepreneur. Here are some examples: Being comfortable with being uncomfortable. The military is constantly putting you in mentally and physically uncomfortable situations that require you to perform at your best.

Military: The second time I stood in the doorway of an airplane before jumping out of it I thought to myself, “I’ve already survived this once, why am I doing it again?” The adrenaline of the first jump was long gone, and at that point, I had to choose between accepting defeat or trusting my preparation, training and equipment. Related: What I Learned From the Military: Business Lessons From 8 Veterans in Franchising Leadership during a crisis.

A SEAL's Perspective: 5 Ways to Be a Better Leader. Entrepreneurs aren’t average people. The average person doesn’t hedge their bets against the odds and zig while the rest of the flock chooses to zag. But having the courage and audacity to enter into an unknown market, create a brand new product or meet with new partners is exactly what leads to entrepreneurial success for the simple fact that an entrepreneur’s purpose defines them. The desire to improve, learn and grow is intrinsic for the entrepreneur because they have found a purpose that suits their life’s mission. But remaining competitive is a daily sport, and if you fail to live up to your purpose as a leader then you run the risk of failing to lead. After spending 13 years in the SEAL Teams, there are five lessons I want to share that can make you a better business leader (after all, sharing knowledge is power, right?).

Related: From Flying in the Military to Launching a Business Test yourself -- daily. Workout (i.e. sweat!). Strive to become better, not the best. Be humble. A SEAL's Perspective: 5 Ways to Be a Better Leader. Mirroring People: The New Science of How We Connect with Others: 8601415711493: Medicine & Health Science Books @ Exercise and Brain. Home. Hot News! Exercise Rejuvenates Your Brain | Bottom Line Health. Staying active is a key to a vigorous, healthy body as we grow older. But exercise is just as important for mental health. Walking, biking or swimming helps keep your memory and reasoning ability sharp and your mood bright while it strengthens your heart, arteries — and muscles. Like every organ, the brain requires a steady supply of oxygen and nutrients to maintain vigor. A sound mind needs a healthy body, and a healthy body needs exercise.

Heart disease, diabetes and other illnesses can have a devastating effect on the brain, and exercise cuts the risk that you’ll get them. In recent years, scientists have learned a lot about what happens inside the brain when we think, form memories and learn new things… and what determines whether our moods are up or down. Not that long ago, everyone believed that after maturity, no new brain cells were born — your supply of several hundred billion declined gradually but inexorably with advancing years. Keep it interesting. The Ultimate Brainpower Workout | Bottom Line Health. We have known for a long time that exercise helps keep our bodies fit. Now: More and more evidence shows that exercise also promotes brain fitness. For example, a study recently published in Archives of Neurology showed that moderate-intensity exercise reduced the odds of developing mild cognitive impairment, which often precedes Alzheimer’s disease, by 30% to 40% in the 1,324 study participants (median age 80).

But what type of exercise does the best job of strengthening the brain, and how much is needed for optimal effect? What you need to know… After age 40, we lose about 5% of our brain cells (neurons) per decade — a process that often accelerates in those who are age 70 and older. Since the average person has hundreds of billions of neurons, his/her cognitive reserves — that is, the brain’s healthy cells that help compensate for damage by recruiting other brain areas to assist with tasks — may be sufficient to maintain mental agility… but not always. Best exercises for the brain… Shadow Syndromes: The Mild Forms of Major Mental Disorders That Sabotage Us: John J. Ratey: 9780553379594: Books. Amazon. A User's Guide to the Brain: Perception, Attention, and the Four Theaters of the Brain: John J. Ratey: 9780375701078: Books.

Psychotherapy Brown Bag: Attentional training in social anxiety disorder: A novel computer-based treatment approach. By Michael D. Anestis, M.S. I came across a study this morning with startlingly impressive findings. What's more, the article was published in the most prestigious clinical psychology journal (Journal of Abnormal Psychology) and was written by several of my current colleagues at Florida State University and an FSU alum, and yet I did not know about it until just hours ago. This goes to show just how difficult it is to keep up with all of the research transpiring in this field, even when it takes place in the same building as my own office.

In this particular study, Brad Schmidt, Tony Richey, Julie Buckner, and Kiara Timpano (2009) investigated the potential utility of a computer-based intervention for social anxiety disorder (SAD) that aims to adjust the degree to which individuals with SAD attend to threat cues (e.g., facial expressions that might indicate others are evaluating them negatively). The difference between the two conditions was based on the placement of the probe.

How to increase serotonin in the human brain without drugs. How to Increase Dopamine Naturally | Be Brain Fit. How to Increase Dopamine Naturally | Be Brain Fit. Seducing a Girl by Leading the Seduction Dance. Do you know what separates just a good male dancer from one who women love and just can’t seem to get enough of? They both need to be good at leading and know how to use their body to the music; the difference, however, is that a good dancer will try to show off his own “moves” while the one who’s being asked out to dance again and again will use leading to make her look amazing. I remember an exercise we did when I started learning couples dancing, one dedicated to helping you understand how to lead – as a male partner you stand in place and while the song is playing you’re only using your hands to lead her and have her make the dance look great.

Can there be a more perfect analogy for seduction? You extend your hand firmly to show what will happen next and even though she’s free to choose whether to follow your directions or not, if you do it right she will do so more often than not. At no point do you try to force her into a particular position though. For Men, Leading is Seducing Cheers, Stop Making Women Not Want to Sleep with You. Hello everyone! Apologies for the delay since my last article; things have been pretty crazy lately. I have been looking through the forums recently and found my favorite thing in the world: a pattern between your sticking points. The reason I love these so much is that, when I see a lot of people making the exact same mistake, it gives me hope that one small tweak to your perspective and behavior is all it will take for LOTS of you to stop dropping the ball and start getting laid instead.

Today’s article will focus on something that has been coming up a lot lately. When you guys type the sticking point into the forums, it usually sounds something like this... “She showed me a lot of sexual interest, so I took her on a great date and then afterwards, she rejected me!” Or “She told me she wanted to have sex, so we got a drink at a bar and started making out, but then she refused to come home with me afterward!” Lover Sex: Providers Need Not Apply Unfair? Yes. No Going Backwards Why is that? 10 Surprising Reasons Women Will Have Sex with You. Easy Nutritional Tracking for Six-Pack Abs. Improve Every Aspect of Your Game Through Testosterone Optimization.

How to Decipher Female Subcommunication. "The Secret Language" : Lessons in understanding attraction building through sub communication : seduction. The Tail End.