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MicroMIDI: a Ruby DSL for MIDI. Helios Kernel. Download the library: helios-kernel-0.9.1.tar.gz [2 kb] Download the docs: helios-kernel-0.9.1-guide.pdf [290 kb] Download the source: helios-kernel-0.9.1-src.tar.gz [8 kb] Contact author: Helios Kernel is an open-source Javascript library which provides an opportunity to manage a Javascript code split into a set of separate modules. Comparing to other script-loading libraries, Helios Kernel introduces an approach which is common in many other programming languages and which is usually available out-of-the box — an opportunity to declare a module's dependences inside the module itself.

To achieve this approach, Helios Kernel library declares the include() function which you may use in the head of your module to include other modules: include ( " path/to/someLibrary.js " ) ; include ( " path/to/someOtherLibrary.js " ) ; function init ( ) { someLibrary . doSomething ( ) ; var mySomething = new someLibrary . Something ( ) ; someOtherLibrary . doSomethingElse ( ) ; } Jeresig/jquery.hotkeys - GitHub. Madrobby/keymaster - GitHub. LDAP SDK for Java - UnboundID Products - UnboundID. LDAP SDK for Java The Better Choice The UnboundID LDAP SDK for Java is a fast, powerful, user-friendly, and completely free Java API for communicating with LDAP directory servers. It offers better performance, better ease of use, and more features than other Java-based LDAP APIs, and it's the only one that's being actively developed and enhanced. The UnboundID LDAP SDK for Java is free to use and redistribute in open source or proprietary applications under the GPLv2, LGPLv2.1 and the UnboundID Free Use License.

Get quick answers and all the details you need from our LDAP SDK Documentation » Benefits Features Resources Featured Downloads LDAP SDK for Java Download now » LDAP SDK for Java (Minimal Edition) Download now » LDAP SDK Documentation Click here » © Copyright 2013. Terms of Use | Privacy | Site Map. Kivy: a crossplatform framework for creating NUI applications. Faraday: advanced HTTP requests made easy. Faraday is a library for making HTTP requests and to serve as a backbone for writing API wrapper libraries such as twitter. It has an interesting philosophy, but to really appreciate it you must first understand what problem it solves. In the beginning, there was an ordinary HTTP request: require 'net/http'data = Net::HTTP.get URI.parse(' Here we’re accessing repository information from the GitHub API.

This one line of code should suffice for your simplest scripts, but it will never do for your production-ready apps. This request won’t work. To handle all of the above, one line of code is now far from enough: This is closer to what I would consider to be a minimal boilerplate code for proper requests. But this still isn’t enough. Imagine implementing any of these features on top of existing code, especially if it already shipped in form of an app or a reusable library. For example, this is how to setup a simple Faraday stack for basic use: Introducing Celluloid: a concurrent object framework for Ruby. I've spend a lot of time recently working on a new concurrency library for Ruby called Celluloid. In short, its goal is to make working with threads as easy as working with Ruby objects in most cases, while still remaining loaded with all sorts of power user features for the edge cases.

It's heavily inspired by Erlang and the actor model (hence "celluloid") and represents my best effort to port as many of these concepts over while making them more Ruby-like. This is the first in what I hope will be a series of blog posts describing various concurrency problems you might encounter in Ruby and how Celluloid can help solve them.

If you're already sold on using threads in Ruby, feel free to skip the next section of this post. However, as threads have remained a perpetual pariah in Ruby as a language, I feel some explanation is in order as to why you might actually consider using them. Ruby and Threads Rubyists generally don't like threads. Concurrent Objects: How do they work? Using a ! Firmafon/to_google_spreadsheet - GitHub. Paper.js. UnBBoolean - Boolean Set Operations for Java3D. Compass Home | Compass Documentation. Polycode. UTF8-CPP: UTF-8 with C++ in a Portable Way. Babylon Toolkit : a toolbox for developing 3D applications with Silverlight 5 - Eternal Coding. [05/10/2011 : Adding StatesManager] I just created a new Codeplex project for adding some high level features to Silverlight 5: You can also grab it using NuGet : With Babylon.Toolkit you will be able to create effects around your shaders.

Shaders must be compiled with a custom build task you can install with the ($Project)\Libs\ShaderBuildTaskSetup.msi. To use your shader, just create a class inheriting from Effect class (or encapsulating an effect): Effect instances are optimized by using a shaders and registers cache. You can affect effect’s parameters by using direct affectation or by using EffectParameter class: You can find a complete shaders sample in the project Babylon.Toolkit. Ambient color Emissive color Diffuse color and texture Alpha transparency One point light Babylon.Toolkit provides 2 cameras classes: For instance, here is a sample code of an application using OrbitCamera: Arirusso/unimidi - GitHub. Arirusso/nibbler - GitHub. EchoTeam/mavg - GitHub. Cityhash - The CityHash family of hash functions.

CityHash provides hash functions for strings. The latest stable version is cityhash-1.1.1.tar.gz. Differences between versions are explained in the NEWS file. The functions mix the input bits thoroughly but are not suitable for cryptography. We provide reference implementations in C++, with a friendly MIT license. The code's portable; let us know if you encounter problems. To download the code use the .tar.gz file or use svn with these instructions. The README contains a good explanation of the various CityHash functions. CityHash64() and similar return a 64-bit hash. CityHash32() returns a 32-bit hash. CityHash128() and similar return a 128-bit hash and are tuned for strings of at least a few hundred bytes. CityHashCrc128() and CityHashCrc256() and similar are additional variants, specially tuned for CPUs with SSE4.2.

Snappy - A fast compressor/decompressor. Mikbe/commandable - GitHub. Goliath. Goliath is an open source version of the non-blocking (asynchronous) Ruby web server framework powering PostRank. It is a lightweight framework designed to meet the following goals: bare metal performance, Rack API and middleware support, simple configuration, fully asynchronous processing, and readable and maintainable code (read: no callbacks). The framework is powered by an EventMachine reactor, a high-performance HTTP parser and Ruby 1.9 runtime.

One major major advantage Goliath has over other asynchronous frameworks is the fact that by leveraging Ruby fibers introduced in Ruby 1.9+, it can untangle the complicated callback-based code into a format we are all familiar and comfortable with: linear execution, which leads to more maintainable and readable code. Each Goliath request is executed in its own Ruby fiber and all asynchronous I/O operations can transparently suspend and later resume the processing without requiring the developer to write any additional code. Install Goliath: TBB Home. GLGraphics. GLGraphics A library by Andres Colubri for the programming environment processing. Last update, 10/04/2011. GLGraphics is a library intended to extend the capabilities of the OPENGL renderer in Processing.

It includes classes to handle opengl textures, image post-processing filters, 3D Models, and shaders in GLSL, Cg and CgFX. It also includes an offscreen rendering surface with antialias support. Look at the examples below for the details on how to use GLGraphics. Keywords. opengl, filters, effects, shaders, gpu Reference. Source. Download Download GLGraphics stable version 1.0.0 for your platform from here. Download GLGraphics test version 20110911 for your platform from here. Installation Unzip and put the extracted GLGraphics folder into the libraries folder of your processing sketches. Tested Platform osx, windows, linux Processing 1.5.1 Dependencies opengl Similar libraries Vitamin website Creative Computing website Gestalt website.

Using the Flex DeBugger (FDB) 19 Jan 2011 – Luke Bayes Debug what? FDB is a command line debugger. It provides us with the ability to capture, introspect and control the execution flow of a running SWF file by connecting to the Debug Flash Player and exposing a variety of actions to its user. In order to use FDB, we need to first build a SWF file with the debug flag set to true, and secondly, we need to run that SWF within a debug Flash Player.

It just so happens that Sprouts downloads, installs and executes a debug Flash Player for whatever operating system you’re on. As you’ll soon see, we also make it incredibly simple to drop into a debug session with any SWF file that you build with Sprouts. To complete this tutorial, you’ll need the following RubyGems installed: flashsdk >= 1.0.20.pre sprout >= 1.1.10.pre You can get both of these with: gem update flashsdk --pre layDeBugger courtesy of oceandesetoiles and the Creative Commons license. How do I do what? Typing help, should produce something like the following: Conclusion. Amatsuda/kaminari - GitHub. Jnicklas/carrierwave - GitHub. Haaf's Game Engine - Hardware accelerated 2D game engine. Three Routes to Spaghetti-Free Javascript « I am Zef. (If you are familiar with the problems of moving from synchronous to asynchronous programming, feel free to move to the next section.)

Update: A lot of people misunderstood the main issue: here is another shot at explaining it better. Let’s build a script that determines the titles of a set of URLs. Let’s start simple, we create a function that takes a URL, and returns the title: var reg = /<title>(.+)<\/title>/mi; function getTitle(url) { var body = "<html><title>My title</title></html>"; var match = reg.exec(body); return match[1]; } In this first prototype we ignore the fetching of the webpage, for now and assume some dummy HTML — for testing purposes. We can now call the function: getTitle(" and we’ll get back: "My title" So far, so good. Var urls = [" " " var titles = []; for(var i = 0; i < urls.length; i++) { titles.push(getTitle(urls[i])); } console.log(titles); Or do we? Note that return statement. Shame. Ugh. Handlebars.js: Minimal Templating on Steroids.

Game Development Tool. File: README. Tmm1/rbtrace - GitHub. LimeJS HTML5 Game Framework. VST.NET. Matthuhiggins/foreigner - GitHub. CoffeeScript. Jimmycuadra/to_lang - GitHub. Sferik/rails_admin - GitHub. OverviewBanners2 (Field) Field is a development environment for experimental code and digital art in the broadest of possible senses.

While there are a great many development environments and digital art tools out there today, this one has been constructed with two key principles in mind: Embrace and extend — rather than make a personal, private and pristine code utopia, Field tries to bridge to as many libraries, programming languages, and ways of doing things as possible. The world doesn't necessarily need another programming language or serial port library, nor do we have to pick and choose between data-flow systems, graphical user interfaces or purely textual programming — we can have it all in the right environment and we can both leverage the work of others and take control of our own tools and methods.

Live code makes anything possible — Field tries to replace as many "features" with editable code as it can. The best way to follow what's happening in Field development is to read the news . Development ¶ File: README. (C) John Mair (banisterfiend) 2011 retrieve the sourcecode for a method NOTE: This simply utilizes Method#source_location; it does not access the live AST. method_source is a utility to return a method's sourcecode as a Ruby string.

Also returns Proc and Lambda sourcecode. Method comments can also be extracted using the comment method. It is written in pure Ruby (no C). Some Ruby 1.8 support now available.Support for MRI, RBX, JRuby, REE method_source provides the source and comment methods to the Method and UnboundMethod and Proc classes. Example: display method source Set.instance_method(:merge).source.displaydef merge(enum) if enum.instance_of? Set.instance_method(:merge)..display Limitations: Occasional strange behaviour in Ruby 1.8Cannot return source for C methods.Cannot return source for dynamically defined methods. Special Thanks Adam Sanderson for comment functionality. Dmitry Elastic for the brilliant Ruby 1.8 source_location hack. Samuel Kadolph for the JRuby 1.8 source_location. License. Grape: a Ruby DSL for making APIs. If you’re writing a web service and you’d like to expose an API to the world, few things are simpler than running a Sinatra application to provide one.

Grape, by Michael Bleigh, is one of those things. Grape builds on top of rack, but gives you versioning, automatically providing responses in multiple formats, and other cool stuff. Here’s a tiny example for FooCorp, who wants to expose their paradigm-shifting, revolutionary Widget models to the world: class Foo::API < Grape::API version '2' resource :widgets do get :best do Widget.best_list end get '/show/:id' do Widget.find params[:id] end endend Since this is just another Rack application, you’d put this into your run Foo::API This gives you these two calls: /2/widgets/best(.json)/2/widgets/show/:id(.json) I originally thought that Rails 3 did just about as much as they possibly could to eliminate extra noise with the new respond_with syntax, but it’s still more than Grape.

Mujaheed/erlang-osc - GitHub. Oscpack - Project Hosting on Google Code. News: Oscpack 1.1.0 is now available from the Downloads page. Read the CHANGES file for more info. Oscpack is simply a set of C++ classes for packing and unpacking OSC packets. Oscpack includes a minimal set of UDP networking classes for Windows and POSIX. The networking classes are sufficient for writing many OSC applications and servers, but you are encouraged to use another networking framework if it better suits your needs. Oscpack is not an OSC application framework. It doesn't include infrastructure for constructing or routing OSC namespaces, just classes for easily constructing, sending, receiving and parsing OSC packets. The library should also be easy to use for other transport methods (e.g. serial). The key goals of the oscpack library are: For a taste of oscpack take a look at the following examples: SimpleSend.cpp and SimpleReceive.cpp. Oscpack -- a simple C++ OSC packet manipulation library.

News April 9, 2013. Oscpack 1.1.0 is now available. Read the CHANGES file for more info. January 13, 2013. I’m working on a refresh of oscpack and oscgroups. Browse the source code here. Overview Oscpack is simply a set of C++ classes for packing and unpacking OSC packets. The key goals of the oscpack library are: Be a simple and complete implementation of OSCBe portable to a wide variety of platformsAllow easy development of robust OSC applications (for example it should be impossible to crash a server by sending it malformed packets, and difficult to create malformed packets.) Status Oscpack is stable and has been quite well tested in various applications across Windows, Linux and Mac OS X. Suggestions for improvements to both the C++ interfaces and implementation are always welcome. Supported platforms Oscpack has been compiled and used on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. Availability Oscpack is now hosted in an SVN repository at googlecode. Download snapshots Examples History See also Terms of use.

Apache Thrift. Cldwalker's ripl at master - GitHub. .: Sammy :: :: Code :: :: Quirkey NYC, LLC :: Aaron Quint :: Web Developer :: Brooklyn, NY :.