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Rhubarb-Strawberry-Parfait - Heavenlynn Healthy. Baked fruits with yoghurt, simple yet not ordinary. January 31, 2018 There is a huge difference in flavour of fruits when it’s fresh and baked.

Baked fruits with yoghurt, simple yet not ordinary

It is a very obvious statement, but I have a tendency to forget things. Have you ever had baked fruit with yoghurt? If not, I am telling you, this is a game changer. Especially on a cold winter, dark morning. On Saturday I am going to cross off one thing from my Bucket list, with the following days hopefully two more. You will need: pineapplepearpeachbrown sugarjuice and zest from 1 limecinnamonpollenyoghurt Cut fruits in pieces, place on a baking tray, pour some lime juice over it, grate the zest, sprinkle sugar and bake in 200*C for about 10 minutes. Berry Nice Cream Chia Pudding. Pizza Sucrée aux Fruits (sans gluten) - Clemfoodie. Autumn fruits crisp. November 23, 2014 Sunday, Sunday!

Autumn fruits crisp

For some people it’s a perfect day to rest and relax, others feel a pressure of Monday already, but for me and Tomasz it’s a day for cooking with friends from Freunde von Freunden. It’s the 4th and last recipe, so don’t miss it out :) This time we prepared autumn fruits crisp. You can still find plums in stores so take advantage of it. You can also check out the whole series we made together over here. For me this Sunday is a very important one. Life changes and it’s beautiful, I personally love changes so much that I move around the world quite often. You will need for fruits mix: 1 apple1 pear8 plums1 tbsp brown sugar1 tbsp flour¼ tsp cinnamon¼ tsp nutmeg2 tbsp coconut flakes2 tbsp dried cranberries For crisp: 4 tbsp butter1/3 cup brown sugar½ cup oats½ cup flourpinch of salt3 tbsp sliced almonds For serving: natural yogurt Heat your oven to 200*C. Cinnamon Pecan Homemade Breakfast Cereal.

Baked Apples with Spiced Oatmeal. Just checking in quickly today to share a nice little apple breakfast recipe that we have been making a lot lately.

Baked Apples with Spiced Oatmeal

We know that August hasn’t ended yet and we all want to hold on to summer for as long as we can and pretend that winter isn’t coming. But we thought we’d provide you with a little something for when the first chillier days arrive (which has already happened here btw) and you hear raindrops come knocking on your window sills. For those moments, you can just bust these baked apples out of the oven, let the scent of warm cinnamon spread through your home and immediately feel a little better about the whole situation. We have been making variations of this both as breakfast and dessert – filling them with oatmeal topped with yogurt for breakfast, and a date and almond paste topped with whipped cream for dessert. The idea to pimp regular oatmeal/porridge by stuffing it inside baked apples is pretty great in its simplicity. Healthy Happened:BreakFAST Bowl with Berrygurt (dairy free yogurt)

BreakFAST Bowl with “Berrygurt” (dairy free yogurt) Berrygurt (dairy free yogurt) Recipe Type: Breakfast, Snaks Author: Solamita Sabaliauskaite Prep time: Cook time: Total time: 1 small ripe banana (frozen)1/3 cup almond milk (unsweetened)2 tbsp chia seeds (ground)1 cup blueberries (or any other berries you like)1/2 avocado1 tbsp pure maple syrupdash of sea salt First of all make a chia seed gel by soaking them in almond milk for about 15-20 minutes.

Healthy Happened:BreakFAST Bowl with Berrygurt (dairy free yogurt)

LT || Greitai paruošiami pusryčiai su “uogų jogurtu” ir sausu pusryčių mišiniu Uogų Jogurtas. Summer Celebration Fruit Tart. Hello summer people!

Summer Celebration Fruit Tart

It’s celebration time! I’m here to deliver the party favours …a seriously tasty treat and a whole lotta food porn. Ready? This tart is everything you want from a summer recipe: quick to make, foolproof, delicious, and uses all the delights of the season. Since I am well aware that you would rather be spending your time at the beach or on the dock and not in the kitchen, making this treat will only take up about half an hour of your day, and the rest you can enjoy nibbling and relaxing! Cinnamon Crunch Cereal and Hemp Milk - My New Roots. “It is easier to change a man’s religion than to change his diet.” – Margaret Mead Yup.

Cinnamon Crunch Cereal and Hemp Milk - My New Roots

Pretty much. This entire shift began when I had a particularly gnarly couple of months with manic mood swings that rivaled my adolescence, acne flare-ups, bloating, low energy, night sweats, and all-round malaise. Knowing what I know, I looked at my diet first to see what could be adjusted. Everything was organic, whole, plant-based and totally “healthy” by most peoples’ standards. Delving in deeper, a typical day for me was a whole-grain porridge in the morning, topped with all kinds of seasonal fruit, homemade granola etc. The idea of cutting back on my morning oats, bread, and grain bowls was literally devastating to me. I have had two serious experiences with orthorexia in my life. The second time this resurfaced was, ironically, while studying holistic nutrition. After graduating, I finally got a grip, and once again slowly re-established a healthy relationship to what I was eating.

Whew! 2. 3.