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John Wooden on true success

John Wooden on true success

Become a Quantum Activist Dr. Amit Goswami, Ph.D. Quantum Activism is about changing ourselves and creating a better world in accordance with the new paradigm articulated by Quantum Physics: consciousness creates reality. The goal of a quantum activist is to express Good, Beauty, Truth, Justice, and Love in their life and to intend those qualities for all of humanity. [ isologue(イソログ)- by 磯崎哲也事務所] は、ネットやベンチャー、経済に関わることについてコメントするblogです。 今週も、米国で上場した中国企業(ケイマン諸島法人)、百度)の目論見書(F-1)から、ケイマン法人の謎を探っていきたいと思います。今回は、Baiduの概要や、全体像が中心です。 目次とキーワード

index On Cognitive Liberty Part I, Boire On Cognitive Liberty (Part I) By Richard Glen Boire, Esq. Thoughts are free and are subject to no rule. — Paracelsus1 As we frantically race into the third millennium, with microprocessors becoming faster, cheaper, and smaller, with surveillance cameras proliferating in public spaces, with the human genome program about to issue its first “working draft” of the human DNA sequence, and with an out-of-control Frankensteinian machine named the War on Drugs, all awhirl in the ocean of modern day culture, it is imperative that we, as a society, expressly acknowledge the fundamental human right to cognitive liberty and immediately begin to define its contours. Encroachments on cognitive liberty can take various forms.

走るモーターシューズ「spnKiX」で快適らくらく ローラースケートでスイスイ~っと通勤したい、買い物に出掛けたい、と思ったこと一度はありませんか? スケボーを乗りこなせたら…。いや、キックボードが便利そうだ。 Mitigating the Risks of Artificial Superintelligence Ben Goertzel and Michael Anissimov April 20, 2011 “Existential risk” refers to the risk that the human race as a whole might be annihilated. In other words: human extinction risk, or species-level genocide. This is an important concept because, as terrible at it would be if 90% of the human race were annihilated, wiping out 100% is a whole different matter. 手の中で「虹」が作れる本 これで? PARTYのメンバーとして世界的に活躍する川村真司氏。彼が2007年に制作した作品が『RAINBOW IN YOUR HAND(手の中の虹)』というタイトルの本。 Ethics and Morality: Who Cares? Ethics and Morality: Who Cares? Does any of this really matter? Why be concerned with moral theories and distinctions between different types of moral theories? Why bother with some of the difficult questions which are raised in metaethics? Everyone is brought up with some sort of moral system, and it usually works out fairly well - isn't that enough?
