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Parole de pâte

Parole de pâte

fragments Fragments By Jenny Dowd I love the antique effects we can get with very little effort using polymer clay, textures and acrylic paints. I also love making buttons, so I've combined both for this month's technique. The buttons are meant to resemble 'fragments' or 'shards' of broken carved antiquities and are great fun to make. Jennifer Gwynne Oliver Illustration - Product design Art Nouveau Belle-design and final line art. Copyright the Walt Disney Company Art Nouveau Snow White-design and final line art. Copyright the Walt Disney Company Art Nouveau Ariel-design and final line art. HowTo Make a Casablanca Bead Drilling Drill Jig: I prefer to drill along the length of the bead instead of across it. If you are lucky enough to have a drill press, this kind of drill press setup will work best. Pin Vise: (For those who aren't that lucky): If you didn't dimple the bead prior to baking, use something like an Xacto blade to start a pilot hole.

dollhouse miniature mini food polymer clay fimo tutorial You will need: green clay for lettuce flesh-colored clay for turkey red clay for cranberries artist pastels in brown, orange and gold (or whatever combination will give you a nice golden-brown color Gloss Varnish Faux Polymer Clay Techniques : Posted on | October 27, 2009 | 3 Comments Using the correct faux polymer clay techniques, an artist can imitate virtually any material. Choose from wood, leather, ceramics, pearls, jade, and more. The choices are amazing!

Printable Origami Click the Links to Download! Scroll down to find the links to all of the printable origami diagrams on this site, made into convenient pdf's for you! Just click to download, then enjoy! You will need Adobe Reader installed on your computer in order to open the pdf file. You can get Adobe Reader here s Best Photos of extruded Flickr Hive Mind is a search engine as well as an experiment in the power of Folksonomies. All thumbnail images come directly from Flickr, none are stored on Flickr Hive Mind. These photos are bound by the copyright and license of their owners, the thumbnail links take to you to the photos (as well as their copyright and license details) within Flickr.

Making polymer clay cakes Making a cake base:I mixed white, translucent and ochre Fimo to get the right colour. Roll out the clay to a required thickness, then cut out the shape. While the cutter is still in clay, press out a hollow in a cake base. Remove a cutter and give a cake base right texture with a tooth brush and shape it with a knitting needle.

Rubber Stamping on Polymer Clay 1 There are a number of polymer clays available, Fimo being the easiest to get in Britain (where I live). The only problem with Fimo is that it is very crumbly to begin with and requires a lot of working in the hands (rolling and kneading) to get it to a useful consistency. For the purposes of stamping, a softer clay such as Sculpey or Cernit is preferable. Note that although paper clay is a different material, and much lighter and more delicate than the oven bake (polymer) clays, most of the following can be done with that too, as well as other air-dry clays.

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