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Common Problems with GoToMeeting and How to Solve Them GoToMeeting is a great option for hosting meetings remotely, but like any other videoconferencing app, it still has issues that need troubleshooting. For this guide, we found five common problems GoToMeeting users may encounter and the solutions to each of them. From audio issues to connectivity problems, let’s look at these difficulties and the best ways to solve them. Annoying sound effects when people enter or leave meetings 3 Ways to Ask Questions That Engage the Whole Class It’s likely one of the most common questions that educators use when attempting to engage a room full of students: “Who can tell me?” Though it may come in different forms—“Does anyone know the answer?”—the results are the same: Typically only a few students raise their hands, and their responses serve as a barometer for gauging the progress of the entire class. Of course, those responses can be misleading, lulling teachers into believing that all of their students are learning when they aren’t.

Marvel’s Jessica Jones and Gamergate: How the Netflix series absorbed the anxieties of the online movement. Photo by Myles Aronowitz/Netflix Marvel’s Netflix series Jessica Jones is many things. It’s possibly the biggest surprise spotlight grab by a B- or even C-list comic book character since Guardians of the Galaxy. It’s one of the grimmest, darkest, boldest shows out there: a TV show that’s essentially 13 hours of PTSD related to the aftermath of sexual assault. This is even more remarkable in light of the fact that the show is part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, that Jessica Jones’ graphic sex scenes and shivering junkies and dour musings on futility coexist in the same world as the massive alien invasion of The Avengers or the wacky heist in Ant-Man.

HTML Special Character Codes - □□□□□□ □□□□□□ □ Search: 😀 Smileys👦 People😺 Animals💐 Plants🌍 Nature🍇 Food🏇 Activity🏖 Travel💎 Objects👍 Symbols⬆ Arrows💴 Currency© HTML4○ Shapes ➤Clickto copy Boy 10 ways icons from The Noun Project can impact learning - Ditch That Textbook Icons can help students construct understanding and remember new ideas. The Noun Project has the hook-up. Here's how! (Icons via

Localingual map lets you hear people from around the world Google's AI recently made Translate more powerful and capable than ever before. The cloud-based system can now accurately decipher entire sentences based on the context of the language, but while the service will give you the correct words, and for most countries an audio clip of the phrase, there'll still be regional accents and unfamiliar sounds you'll need to contest with. David Ding, a former Microsoft software engineer, has created Localingual to showcase the full range of these voices and highlight the globe's language diversity.

10 Israeli Photographers You Should Know About Marine park, Eilat, Israel ©Yair Aronshtam Whether through staged photographs and tableaux vivants, most of Israel’s contemporary photographers deal with their homeland’s current situation. Read on to discover the ten best photographers and lens-based artists that keep the flag of Israel’s photography flying. We Don’t Need Supergirl OR Jessica Jones. We Need Both. On Friday, Netflix launched its full, first season of the much-hyped Jessica Jones; so far, reactions have been mostly positive from critics and fans alike. And there’s a lot about the show to appreciate, from its unflinching depiction of characters who have overcome past trauma and assault to strong female friendships. Jessica Jones is responsible for many firsts in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and that’s something we should absolutely keep talking about. But Jessica Jones isn’t the first television series to feature a female superhero in the titular role; CBS’s Supergirl premiered last month to its own positive reviews, and has been praised for much of the same reasons as Jessica Jones—its representation of powerful women, or its promotion of an unapologetically feminist message. Tonally, the shows couldn’t be more different—Supergirl is notably lighter, not just in overall genre but in the way the show itself looks.

Basic Data Types and Interfaces – SVG 1.1 (Second Edition) Contents 4.1 Syntax The EBNF grammar is as used in the XML specification, with the addition of ~, a case-insensitive literal: characters in the ASCII range (only) are declared to be case-insensitive. For example, ~"Hello" will match (H|h)(e|e)(l|L)(l|L)(o|O). This makes the productions much easier to read. 4.2 Basic data types

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