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8 Gifts for Travel Photographers (Under $100!) - Travel Junkette Travel and photography go together like peanut butter and jelly. Sure, you can have one without the other, but they’re SO much better together. If you have a travel photographer on your holiday shopping list, here are eight gift ideas that are sure to please (all for under $100!). Extra batteries (varies, $5-$45) Extra batteries are a travel photographer’s best friend. How to give it: These make a perfect stocking stuffer. The title says it all. Getting Out Of Auto Photo Ebook ($9.99) I’ve taken photography classes, read photography books, and followed photography blogs. How to give it: If you’re being really nice and getting your loved one a DSLR for Christmas, this would be a perfect accompaniment. GorillaPod Flexible Tripod This tiny, bendy tripod is the perfect travel accessory — especially for adventure travelers. A hilarious photo that would never have been captured without my GorillaPod! SmugMug ($35-$145 for a one-year subscription) I’m a freak about photo storage. External Hard Drive

Magazine Carnets d'Aventures, le Voyage Nature Tour du monde et blog sur le voyage d'un jeune globetrotter 10 Reasons To Travel To Africa : A Budget Backpackers Guide There are so many reasons why we love Africa that it is hard to narrow it down to just 10. Africa is a continent like no other on this planet. The cradle of civilization, the birthplace of mankind and the origin of all species, this is truly where it all began. While backpacking around Africa you can witness the architecture, culture and history with all of your senses. The smell of Swahili cuisine, the sound of the amazing music, the colourful clothing seen throughout the continent, the feeling you get when you spot a lion on safari and the taste of fresh seafood. It’s a backpacker’s dream destination. (Keep in mind that this list is subject to personal opinion and is strictly referring to the Southern and Eastern regions of the continent.) 1. The Number One Reason To Come To Africa 2. But Africa is just right. 2 Great Friends We Met In Africa 3. Whoooo Hoooo! 4. driving through Hout Bay-Chapmans Peak, beautiful views! 5.The Diving. Diving 6.The Music. 7. The Vibe 8. Masai Warrior, Kenya 9.

Check list globale tour du monde Les frères La Tullaye, documentaires et explorations autour de l'eau How To Sleep On The Street The very first time I had to sleep on the street was in Nice, in southern France. Darkness was approaching and I realized that I needed to find a suitable and safe place to sleep for the night. I spotted a homeless guy along the beach and decided to ask him. “He must know a good place to sleep,” I thought to myself. Perhaps he was too drunk to comprehend my broken French or couldn’t be bothered but he ignored me completely. A few hours past and darkness completely descended over the city. Stressed and weary I began to walk north. After what felt like an hours rest I awoke to the light of a brisk morning sun. How To Sleep On The Street If you want to save some money and think you got what it takes to brave the elements, the homeless, the police and the prostitutes, you may want to consider hitting the streets for a not always good nights rest too. How To Prepare In order to prepare yourself for a night out on the street, you should ideally undergo some mental preparation. What to Bring

Carnet de voyage - Chili - Torres Del Paine Dimanche 26 août En route pour le merveilleux parc de Torres Del Païne. La piste qui y mène nous fait traverser de grands espaces désolés de steppe aride. La luminosité est superbe. Plus on s'approche du parc, plus les montagnes de Torres (les tours) semblent grandir. On travers de estancias grandes à n'en plus finir. On rentre dans le parc et on descend vers Rio Serrano. Vers 18H30, après la traversée d'une plaine pleine de neige et sur des chemins virtuellement balisés, on commence à se demander pourquoi l'autre CONAF de la CONAF nous a laissés partir. On est au bout du monde, on a marché plus de 5 heures dans le parc déserté par les touristes en cette saison et Heidi entend Manuel lui sortir: "Ha la Heidi de las Alpas! Lundi 27 août Après une bonne nuit au refuge, il faut bien se lever et reprendre la route sous le soleil. A 15h00, on attend le minibus du retour. Suite du voyage : Le fort de Punta Arenas

Turning Vacations into Adventures-Part II Editor’s note: This is a guest post from Erik D. Kennedy. In Part I, we covered the first two principles of turning vacations into adventures: stay with residents and go easy on the planning. Today we round out the list with three more. Pack Light This is the other side to the “Go Easy on the Planning” principle. While it’s not necessary for all of us to be Rolf Potts and travel around the world with no luggage, I think packing light can be a significant advantage in the search for adventure. After graduating college, I spent about a month in Europe with nothing but a smaller-than-average school backpack. Here are a few things I learned from that experience: Matching clothes rock. Even if you need to bring more than a cubic foot of stuff, however, there are still ways to retain your mobility. Volunteer Volunteering is one of the best things you can possibly do while traveling. First of all, the touristy stuff gets old. But you can always volunteer! Obey The 10-Year Rule

Autour du Monde The only way to get far quickly is to get out of your comfort zone (my typical day learning Mandarin) One problem with seeing the end-result of any feat, is not understanding the processes that went on to get to that point. As my friend Khatzumoto said to me once; Olympic coverage really ticks me off… you can’t just go up to a person on game day and say how talented they are. This issue of ignoring the work that person had to go through to get to the point you see him is a huge problem in language learning. While I will always strive to learn as quickly as I can, the fact of the matter is that I can’t, and no other learner can, skip the frustration involved and required to reach a useful level in a foreign language. But here’s the thing. The only way to get anywhere meaningful is through hard work And I’ll let you in on a little secret that those who think I party my way to fluency don’t know: I’m pouring blood, sweat, tears and a crapload of sacrifices into this mission. In my mind, this isn’t good enough and it’s too academic. My own long road through the shortcut: a typical day

Marion et Lionel voyagent Janvier 2004. Cela fait deux ans maintenant que nous sommes revenus de notre tour du monde. On va essayer de vous faire découvrir ici les quelques pays que nous avons visité. En attendant de repartir nous même un jour... en bateau peut-être cette fois-ci... En attendant, voici nos impressions et souvenirs deux ans plus tard... Marion, deux ans après Cela va faire deux ans que nous sommes rentrés de ce magnifique vagabondage. Chaque jour m'apporte matière à m'y replonger. Quand je regarde les photos rapportées de voyage, je me demande ce que font les gens qui y sont. En attendant, on prépare notre retraite qu'on voudrait très, très anticipée. On peut continuer à errer. Financièrement, c'est comme l'achat d'une petite voiture : 60 000FF chacun, tout, tout compris, pour un an. Ce que je retiens peut-être le plus de ce voyage, c'est la liberté. Si quelqu'un hésite encore, un seul conseil, il faut le faire, partir à la découverte. Sur ce, bon vent ! Lionel, deux ans après Alors vient le voyage.

15 Tips for Your First Experience Backpacking in Australia | Backpackingmatt: Life's a Journey - A Budget Travel Blog If you’re considering a working holiday in Australia or even an extended backpacking trip, you’re bound to have heaps of things on your mind. Contributing author Lauren Fritsky is based in beautiful Sydney and nails out 15 tips to help make your first experience backpacking in Australia stress-free. Word: Wreck. Definition: Me when I landed in Australia on Jan. 25., 2010. Cathay Pacific Airways deposited me in Kingsford Smith International Airport with no apartment lined up, the bare minimum in savings and two suitcases stuffed with my life. It was hot, I’d lost the address to my hotel and I couldn’t get the SIM card in my prepaid phone to work. I’m happy to report my state of affairs has improved since then. Here’s how you can basically do a better job than I did traveling, living or backpacking in Australia. 1. Sydney, Australia Immigration recommends work and holidaymakers bring AUD$5,000. 2. Consider using a fee-free credit card for some purchases. 3. 4. Bondi Beach 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Vivre à l'étranger : Quand tu vis à l'étranger ... Votre Tour du Monde 17 mai 2013 Vivre à Nous aussi, on avait envie de sortir notre article avec des images animés ! Alors, on s’est demandé sur quoi le faire … Et nos experiences de vie à l’étranger ont pris le dessus ! Peu importe ou vous êtes, peu importe ou vous comptez aller, ce petit article animé devrait vous intéresser. Découvrez notre rubrique « Vivre à » qui regroupe nos articles sur vivre à l’étranger en cliquant ici Quand tu apprends à ta mere que tu veux vivre à l’étranger Quand tu apprends tout les papiers qu’il faut remplir pour partir vivre ou étudier Hors Europe Quand tu vas faire une photo pour ton passeport, et que ca rend pas si bien Quand tu as complété le dizieme des papiers nécessaire pour avoir le visa Quand tu pries pour avoir le visa à temps pour partir Quand tu obtiens ce foutu visa pour partir à l’étranger Quand tu découvres des surprises dans des appartements Quand tu dois expliquer à un nouveau comment se faire des amis ici Quand tu revois ce nouveau en soirée
