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Study: Breitbart-led right-wing media ecosystem altered broader media agenda. The 2016 Presidential election shook the foundations of American politics. Media reports immediately looked for external disruption to explain the unanticipated victory—with theories ranging from Russian hacking to “fake news.” We have a less exotic, but perhaps more disconcerting explanation: Our own study of over 1.25 million stories published online between April 1, 2015 and Election Day shows that a right-wing media network anchored around Breitbart developed as a distinct and insulated media system, using social media as a backbone to transmit a hyper-partisan perspective to the world. This pro-Trump media sphere appears to have not only successfully set the agenda for the conservative media sphere, but also strongly influenced the broader media agenda, in particular coverage of Hillary Clinton. While concerns about political and media polarization online are longstanding, our study suggests that polarization was asymmetric.

Sign up for CJR's October 2016 by Twitter shares. ONA16 resources: videos, sessions, live blogs, award winners and more | Online News Association. Hillary Clinton Campaigns Dade City Florida | Video. Hyperpartisan Facebook Pages Are Publishing False And Misleading Information At An Alarming Rate - BuzzFeed News. Insights | Mining Twitter to bolster your campaign trail coverage. As social news gathering has evolved over the years, Twitter remains an essential place to discover what’s happening, to dig deeper and to debunk stories.

This year, we have seen an unprecedented use of Twitter by presidential candidates, the parties, their teams, newsrooms and journalists. As we head into the homestretch of this year’s election, many newsrooms and journalists are using Twitter to cover the debates and prepare for Election Day. Here are some #protips to experiment with to maximize the effectiveness of the platform: Notifications Turn on notifications for a candidate to see his or her tweets as they happen. And now anyone can toggle between receiving account notifications for all tweets from an account or just those containing live video, which news organizations have increasingly utilized. Direct Messaging Be reachable via DM to cultivate sources privately. TweetDeck Streamline your Twitter experience with TweetDeck! Periscope Use this app to go live anytime, anywhere.

Instant Articles: More Monetization Options, More Value | Facebook Media. By Harshit Agarwal, Product Manager Creating value for publishers using Instant Articles is extremely important to us, and it is critical to our mission of delivering the best mobile reading experience for people on Facebook. Publishers tell us they measure value from Instant Articles in terms of traffic growth and per-page monetization, so we have focused our investments in this product along those two dimensions. As we first announced last month, we’re bringing more options for publishers to monetize their Instant Articles.

New Formats for Direct Sold and Audience Network to Increase Yield For publishers with direct sold advertising businesses, we now support larger and flexible ad units in Instant Articles, up to an aspect ratio of 2:3. Here are some sample formats that will be supported in Instant Articles: For publishers who monetize Instant Articles with Audience Network, we’re happy to announce that video and carousel ad formats are now rolled out across iOS and Android. Tvitretrond — The Coral Project: Kunsten å finne gull i... 2016 ONA Student Newsroom – Denver. Nettavisen lanserer nytt kommentarsystem, som skal gi en «bredere og sakligere debatt» –

Mandag lanserte Nettavisen et nytt og egenutviklet kommentarsystem. Systemet er uavhengig av Facebook og Disqus, som er to av de mest brukte løsningene. Dog; du kan med ett klikk bruke Facebook for å registrere deg som bruker på «NAID», og få kommentere på Nettavisens artikler. Og målet er at flest mulig fortsatt skal gjøre det. Det skriver avisa om det nye systemet, i denne artikkelen på Nettavisen. – De fleste mediehusene stenger og begrenser kommentarfeltene sine fordi det er blitt for uhåndterlig.

Målet med det nye systemet er å få en bedre debatt, ved å få kontroll på det lille antallet «verstinger» som ødelegger debatten. – Dette er personer som stadig vekk avsporer debattene og jager vekk vanlige lesere ved skjellsord, uthenging, hatmeldinger, sier Stephansen. Nettavisen lar brukere fortsatt kommentere anonymt, men nå skal redaksjonen vite hvem som står bak profilen. Og selv om «verstingene» skal lukes bort, vil man ikke kvele engasjementet: – Vi skal fortsatt ha en liberal profil.

How to build audiences by engaging your community. People don’t just consume news today. They participate in it. People have access to vast and varied information. They pursue news on their own time, and on their own terms, connecting with others who share and help satisfy their curiosity about their world. This presents an opportunity for news publishers strained by shrinking resources and growing competition: Now more than ever, journalists can engage their audiences as contributors, advisors, advocates, collaborators and partners.

This study describes in detail how newsrooms and independent journalists can grow their readership, boost their relevance and find new sources of revenue by listening to and learning from their audiences. This is about how journalists can genuinely collaborate with audiences to improve their work, not simply to promote it. “ ” Reporters and editors can apply this knowledge to all phases of news production — including story selection, reporting, and distribution. Typography | Viewsources Podcast. Nettavisen starter eget content marketing-byrå | Kampanje. Nettavisen har de siste årene satset tungt på å skape nye inntektskilder og rundt 40 prosent av omsetningen kommer fra nye forretningsområder. Innholdsmarkedsføring, også kjent som content marketing og ofte kalt snikreklame og reklamejournalistikk, er en av Nettavisens store satsinger på den kommersielle fronten. - Hyrer inn journalister og PR-folkNå er det klart at det heldigitale mediehuset, som er eid av Egmont og Amedia, oppretter et eget byrå som skal jakte på inntekter i markedet for innholdsmarkedsføring.

Det forteller Pål Nisja-Wilhelmsen, direktør for forretningsutvikling og innovasjon i Nettavisen, til Kampanje. - Vi har siden tidlig i år jobbet med å organisere det arbeidet vi allerede har gjort en god stund i et eget contentbyrå, og er nå klare. Navnet på byrået blir Spray Content, forteller han. Totalt jobber 17 mennesker direkte med innholdsmarkedsføring hos Nettavisen. Les mer: Tror på eksplosiv vekst i content-markedet (krever innlogging) Han fortsetter: Hva driver Nettavisen med, egentlig? | - Nyheter og debatt om medier og journalistikk. «Content marketing» eller innholdsmarkedsføring. Kall det hva du vil. Mer presist er det kanskje å snakke om kamuflert reklame eller tekstreklame satt i system. Mye er som før i kampen for å forsvare et skarpt skille mellom redaksjonelt innhold og reklame i pressen, men når «content marketing» seiler inn som et moteord og satsingsområde og tilsynelatende en redningsplanke på inntektssiden, utfordres etablerte etiske regler.

«Ja», for å si det med generalsekretær Kjerstil Løken Stavrum i Norsk Presseforbund: «det er all grunn til å være på vakt i disse dager». Det nye landskapet krever mer av leserne som skal skille snørr og barter i innholdsmiksen på nettavisene. Vi som er journalister må være mer årvåkne overfor det som kan svekke pressens troverdighet. Det er flere mediehus som tøyer grensene nå, og jeg skal ikke feie for andres dører. Hvor mange hoder skal drive med journalistikk og hvor mange skal være kommersielle skribenter? (Lepperød leder redaksjonsklubben i Nettavisen.) Mobile reporting has great potential, but where are the journalists? Nicolas Becquet is a journalist, trainer and head of digital platforms at L'Echo in Belgium. This piece was originally published by and is republished here with permission.

Translated by Paul McNally. Media coverage following the Paris attacks has highlighted what we've already known for a long time: smartphones are great at capturing an event in real-time and from all angles. The coverage also confirmed that journalists are lagging behind or are even absent altogether from this revolution, this move towards such a portable method of production, despite its potential.

While in the newsroom there is now a consensus on the need to cater for mobile users – who are growing in numbers and in some cases make up the majority of a news site's audience – it's quite a different picture when it comes to actually producing content on a smartphone or tablet. Four years ago, trying to shoot and edit a video with your phone was a risky experiment. But where are the journalists?