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Pro-Tip: Don’t Lie To Jake Tapper. Jake Tapper will NOT be made a fool of by a chump like Mark Meadows: Mark Meadows: “We’re not going to control the pandemic, we are going to control the fact that we get vaccines, therapeutics and other mitigations.”

Pro-Tip: Don’t Lie To Jake Tapper

Jake Tapper: “Why aren’t we going to get control of the pandemic?” Meadows: “Because it is a contagious virus” #CNNSOTU— State of the Union (@CNNSotu) October 25, 2020 Meadows is Gish-galloping at warp speed. And then an apostate voice from within the Death Star rings out: . This is going to be the clip that everyone talks about. Sharing Means Caring, fool! ‘A completely false narrative’: Defense secretary Esper snaps at CNN’s Tapper over firing of Navy captain and safety of sailors. Defense Secretary Mark Esper was put on the hot seat on Sunday morning by CNN Jake Tapper over the firing of Captain Capt.

‘A completely false narrative’: Defense secretary Esper snaps at CNN’s Tapper over firing of Navy captain and safety of sailors

Brett E. Crozier, who was relieved of duty helming the aircraft carrier Theodore Roosevelt for writing a letter for expressing concern for his crew as the coronavirus began to spread. Esper went out of his way to say that he backed acting Navy Secretary Thomas Modly decision to relieve Crozier who was attempting to protect the 5,000 sailors under his command, saying, “First and foremost, we needed to take care of the sailors on the ship. Ensure their well-being and get that ship out to sea as soon as possible.

I’m pleased to report, over half of the ship has been tested. 155 came up positive, those are mild to moderate, no hospitalization whatsoever. Later in the interview, host Tapper brought up the fact that most of the sailors are still trapped on the ship days after the coronavirus started spreading, which compelled the defense secretary to snap back at him. Pompeo snaps at CNN’s Tapper during grilling over claim ‘world is safer’ after killing Suleimani. Appearing on CNN’s “State of the Union,” Secretary of State Mike Pompeo snapped at host Jake Tapper when he was questioned over the wisdom of Donald Trump’s decision to order the killing of Maj.

Pompeo snaps at CNN’s Tapper during grilling over claim ‘world is safer’ after killing Suleimani

Gen. Qassim Suleimani, Iran’s most powerful commander, which has now put U.S. military members and overseas Americans at risk. In a long interview where Pompeo insisted that Suleimani was planning an attack — without presenting any evidence — Tapper pressed the White House administration official on what happens next. “When you are talking about the attacks are imminent, days or weeks?” Tapper asked. “If you are an American in the region, days or weeks is not relevant. “I keep coming back to the fact that you are saying it is safer, at the same time that the American government is telling all Americans to leave Iraq. Tapper interview with Rand Paul goes off the rails after lawmaker cornered over Trump administration corruption. CNN’s Jake Tapper does line-by-line fact check of Jim Jordan’s nonstop misleading statements during impeachment hearing. Host Jake Tapper did a special web fact-check for where he looked line-by-line into Rep.

CNN’s Jake Tapper does line-by-line fact check of Jim Jordan’s nonstop misleading statements during impeachment hearing

Jim Jordan’s (R-OH) claims about the impeachment proceedings. He had four specific talking points that were disingenuous and outright false. 1. Jordan: “There was no quid pro quo in the transcript” There absolutely was evidence in the summary of the transcript. “If you read the summary of the transcript it clearly shows that after a discussion of U.S. military support for Ukraine, President Trump said the relationship is not ‘reciprocal’ and he asks Zelensky for ‘a favor,'” Tapper said. Jake Tapper catches Trump lying about his ‘highest ever’ poll numbers: ‘That’s not remotely true at all’ CNN’s Jake Tapper on Tuesday called out President Donald Trump and the White House for spreading misinformation about the impeachment inquiry.

Jake Tapper catches Trump lying about his ‘highest ever’ poll numbers: ‘That’s not remotely true at all’

Following a morning of testimony from Jennifer Williams and Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, Trump claimed that “Republicans are killing it” in the impeachment hearings. And he said that his approval polls were at record highs. Tapper Rips Into Lindsey Graham: Impeachment Stance Is ‘Confusing’ ‘Are you really not capable of answering a question?’: GOP lawmaker wilts as Tapper grills him on Trump corruption. Jake Tapper laughs in Pence's face: 'We don't have the cleanest air and water in the world'

On CNN this morning, Mike Pence tried to summon as much gravitas as he could — veering dangerously close to the event horizon of fatally constipated — in order to sell a few of those common-sense homespun lies that play so well in the heartland.

Jake Tapper laughs in Pence's face: 'We don't have the cleanest air and water in the world'

He sounded like an ass — but, significantly, not a braying ass like his Sith Lord. He simply sounded like a “Christian” greasing the skids for the destruction of God’s creation. In the wake of the Trump administration’s rollback last week of President Obama’s Clean Power Plan, Jake Tapper asked Pence if he thinks climate change is a threat to our country. ‘Shameful’: Dem senator rips Bill Barr for ‘doing the political bidding of the president’ Trump was ‘ranting and raving’ at White House meeting as officials struggled to convince him not break the law: CNN's Tapper. CNN's Tapper stuns White House advisor Kudlow with video of woman accusing Trump's Fed nominee of sexual assault. Dem Congress May Seek Testimony From Ivanka Trump. Jake Tapper drops the hammer on GOP congressman over second special counsel: 'You keep saying this and you don’t know what you are talking about' Jake Tapper lays out how White House reaction to Trump’s contradictory tweets proves they’d ‘deny the nose on your face’

Lordy, There Was Tape Of Jake Tapper's Off-Camera Spat With Trump Toady Stephen Miller! <a class="icopyright-article-tools-noscript" href=" target="_blank" title="Main menu of all reuse options"><img height="25" width="27" border="0" align="bottom" alt="[Reuse options]" src=" Click here for reuse options!

Lordy, There Was Tape Of Jake Tapper's Off-Camera Spat With Trump Toady Stephen Miller!

</a> I know Deluded Donnie thinks Stephen "The Nazi" Miller did a great job on Jake Tapper's show yesterday, but it was an unmitigated disaster for anyone watching. After Tapper cut him off, and before he was escorted out of the building, Miller and Tapper had some words with one another, according to reporters who heard a tape of what was said. ‘You’ve wasted enough time’: Jake Tapper cuts off Stephen Miller after he goes berserk over tell-all book. Jake Tapper delivers perfect rebuttal to Trump’s book threat: He wants to block it because it ‘hurts his feelings’

Thursday afternoon, press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders call out Michael Wolff new book Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House during her briefing and President Donald Trump has threatened a liable lawsuit.

Jake Tapper delivers perfect rebuttal to Trump’s book threat: He wants to block it because it ‘hurts his feelings’

There’s just one problem: The White House cooperated with the book’s author and the book’s publication. Trump’s cease and desist letter doesn’t exactly hold water, according to CNN’s Jake Tapper, because there were some 200 interviews with people in the White House. Wolff was given free range to conduct interviews for the book. Now, Trump’s attacks on the book have not only given it an enormous amount of free media but it’s changed the release date so the book will be released on Friday. Tapper hits Huckabee Sanders with damning list of Trump lies after she claims people ‘are not entitled to their own facts’ WATCH: Jake Tapper walks through the many lies Donald Trump Jr. told about the Russian meeting.

Untitled. — from Alternet This July, Millennium Films announced it is producing an action film based on CNN anchor Jake Tapper’s “The Outpost.”


The book is Tapper's dewy-eyed true life account of 53 American soldiers who bravely fought off an overwhelming force of Taliban insurgents from within their Alamo-style fortress in northeastern Afghanistan. Though Tapper conceded that he covered the war from “the comfort of the North Lawn of the White House,” his book won wide praise, including from conservatives like John Hinderaker, who wrote that it “required an almost unimaginable amount of work—of patriotism.” With President Donald Trump announcing a surge of thousands of new troops to Afghanistan, Tapper has provided Hollywood with perhaps the perfect vehicle to stir public sympathy for the troops tasked with continuing the 16-year-old war against the Taliban.

Tapper has covered the Saudi-U.S. war on Yemen only twice, which was sadly two times more than many of his colleagues. Adam Schiff Speaks The Truth About Trump's Mental Issues And Problems In Must See Interview. Rep.

Adam Schiff Speaks The Truth About Trump's Mental Issues And Problems In Must See Interview

Adam Schiff (D-CA) argued on CNN that there are some mental issues and problems with Trump that were apparent at the beginning of his presidency that are not going away. Video: Jake Tapper Schools Paul Ryan On How To Respond To Nazis And Bigots. WATCH: Al Franken laughs at Scaramucci’s ‘bizarre’ use of Trump as a source that Russians didn’t hack election. Sen. Al Franken (D-MN) -- screengrab Appearing on CNN Sunday morning, Sen. Al Franken (D-MN) laughed about an extremely contentious interview host Jake Tapper had with new White House Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci who attempted to use President Donald Trump as an anonymous source. Host Tapper immediately shared a clip of the almost 30 minute long interview with Scaramucci, where the new Trump hire stated, “Somebody said to me yesterday, I won’t tell who you, that if the Russians actually hacked this situation and spilled out those e-mails, you would have never seen it.”

WATCH: Jake Tapper Rips Scaramucci A New One For Using Trump As Source To Deny Russian Hacking. Anthony Scaramucci got his ass handed to him on Sunday morning by CNN host Jake Tapper. Just a day has gone by since Scaramucci became the White House communications director, resulting in the resignation of Sean Spicer as press secretary a mere six months into Trump’s presidency, and he is already insisting that the Russians did not interfere with the 2016 Election just because Trump said so. That’s despite our nation’s intelligence agencies and former and current intelligence officials confirming otherwise.

During a discussion about whether Trump will sign the bipartisan legislation that slaps sanctions on Russia, Scaramucci used an anonymous source to claim that the American people have been misinformed about Russia. “There’s a lot of disinformation,” Scaramucci said. “Somebody said to me the other day — I don’t want to say who — if the Russians actually hacked this situation and spilled out those emails, you would have never seen it. Donald Trump Jr. Denied Russian Interference 2 Weeks After He Reportedly Learned of It. Things only got worse Monday night for Donald Trump, Jr, the business card aficionado who now finds himself at the center of our national John Le Carré novel. The New York Times reported this weekend that Junior took a meeting in June 2016 with a Russian lawyer who has ties to the Kremlin, which the scion characterized as a discussion about adoption policy.

Then the Times followed up with the revelation Trump, Jr. knew in advance that the lawyer claimed to have compromising information on Hillary Clinton, which was—in his words—the "pretext" for the meeting. WATCH: Jake Tapper loses it after Trump backer claims ‘You don’t hear the president complaining’ CNN’s Jake Tapper on Monday zinged Ivanka Trump for “not paying enough attention to her dad during the campaign” after the First-Daughter-turned-White-House-senior-adviser said she was ”blindsided” by the “level of viciousness” in Washington D.C.” Ivanka Trump made that comment Monday during an interview on “Fox and Friends,” telling the hosts, “It is hard, and there’s a level of viciousness that I was not expecting.”

“I was a little blindsided by it, on a personal level,” she added. “Ivanka Trump said she’s bee surprised by the ‘viciousness’ directed at the Trump family,” Tapper noted on a teaser during Monday’s “The Lead.” Nikki Haley On Jared Kushner's Backchannel With Russia: 'I Wouldn't Do That' <a class="icopyright-article-tools-noscript" href=" target="_blank" title="Main menu of all reuse options"><img height="25" width="27" border="0" align="bottom" alt="[Reuse options]" src=" Click here for reuse options! </a> UN Ambassador Nikki Haley on Sunday responded to reports that President Donald Trump's son-in-law, Jared Kushner, had tried to create a backchannel to communicate with Russia while he was still a private citizen. ‘It’s 11th century’: CNN’s Jake Tapper rips all-male Toby Keith concert in Saudi Arabia. Sarah Palin ducks Jake Tapper’s question of whether she was sexually harassed at Fox News.

CNN's Jake Tapper Flings Refugee Contradiction At Ivanka Trump's Pro-Strike Tweet. Roger Stone panics over Russia investigators in letter to Jake Tapper: ‘I will spank them like children’ Tapper unloads on Trump’s ‘baseless’ wiretap claim: The ‘White House continues to argue the Earth is flat’ Tapper nails Trump for claim ‘we must do a lot more with less’ while costing taxpayers $3M at Mar-a-Lago. ‘It’s not partisan to want facts and truth’: Jake Tapper tells Trevor Noah why ‘CNN is kicking ass’ "Stop WHINING!" Jake Tapper DESTROYS Donald Trump on CNN.

Jake Tapper Shuts Down President Trump's Fake News Conspiracy Theory. ‘Arf arf’: CNN’s Jake Tapper taunts Trump’s ‘obedient attack dogs’ to come and get him after shredding Conway. ‘That’s just false’: Jake Tapper corners a flailing Kellyanne Conway on Trump’s ‘offensive’ lies. CNN’s Jake Tapper confronted Kellyanne Conway on Tuesday over the president’s claim that the “very dishonest press” refuses to report on terror attacks, at one point telling the top Donald Trump adviser “it’s offensive” to the journalists currently risking their lives to cover these tragedies.

After discussing the moral equivalency the president drew between Russia and the United States, Tapper turned his attention to the president’s controversial attack on the media, which Trump continued Monday at MacDill Air Force Base in Florida. “[Terrorism] is not even being reported,” Trump said during that speech, arguing “in many cases the very, very dishonest press doesn’t want to report it” “They have their reasons and you understand that,” the president added.

Jake Tapper Calls Out Kellyanne Conway In Fiery Exchange. I Dated Monica Lewinsky. Cover design by Jandos RothsteinYou tend not to spend too much time contemplating Tim Russert's innermost thoughts when you're 100 feet under water, breathing through a narrow tube, soaring past the ocean wall in slow motion, staring at 200-year-old sea tortoises, parrot fish, and coral that have no concern for love or career. A week of no news, no television—nothing more than books and the company of a handful of divers and fisherman. I had no idea of the storm clouds brewing in D.C.; the weather in the Caymans was 80 and sunny, the diving was clear, and my tan was coming in even and had yet to peel. It was while waiting for the first plane at the shack that passes for an airport in Little Cayman that I caught a glimpse of the AP wire story on the front page of the Caymanian Compass.

I was playing with a puppy in the airport office when I saw the headline; the Caymanian reading the paper quickly offered it to me, as I clearly had more interest in it than he. Monica Lewinsky. So. 1.) 2.) How CNN anchor Jake Tapper’s performative neutrality made him the ideal newsman for our age. 'Americans Are Terrified': Jake Tapper Makes Paul Ryan Answer for Wave Pro-Trump Hate Crimes.