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Sharyl Attkisson: Media Distorting Facts to Serve World Elites. Sharyl Attkisson talked to Breitbart News Daily SiriusXM host Matt Boyle Friday about her new show, Full Measure with Sheryl Attkisson, as well as current events and an extremely disturbing trend.

Sharyl Attkisson: Media Distorting Facts to Serve World Elites

Appel à la délation dans l'Académie de Nantes. C’est arrivé un 18 juin… Helen Mirren Joins Ted Cruz to Push for Return of Art Stolen by Nazis. Actress Helen Mirren testified before federal lawmakers Tuesday in support of a bill that would make it easier for Holocaust victims and their families to seek art stolen by the Nazis.

Helen Mirren Joins Ted Cruz to Push for Return of Art Stolen by Nazis

Former Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz is co-sponsoring the bill in the Senate and led Tuesday’s hearing. Le cousin de Michelle Obama, le rabbin de tous les rastas ! Le cousin de Michelle Obama, a été nommé par le Conseil Juif International des Rabbins à la fonction de dirigeant des communautés juives noires du monde entier.

Le cousin de Michelle Obama, le rabbin de tous les rastas !

On a donc une équation entre Obama, les Juifs noirs et les rastas!!! Mais quels peuvent bien être les liens improbables qui existent entre la famille du président, un courant musical né dans les Caraïbes et une religion ainsi qu’une idéologie, qui a vu le jour à des milliers de kilomètres? Baronne de Rothschild: « L’Etat d’Israël insulte notre famille » La Baronne Ariane de Rothschild fait part de son désarroi dans une controverse fiscale qui oppose sa famille à l’Etat d’Israël.

Baronne de Rothschild: « L’Etat d’Israël insulte notre famille »

Les Miserables Do you hear the people sing (hebrew) Denial: Rachel Weisz, Tom Wilkinson star in Holocaust thriller first trailer. Rachel Weisz has one goal in the first Denial trailer: prove the Holocaust happened.

Denial: Rachel Weisz, Tom Wilkinson star in Holocaust thriller first trailer

The first look at Bleecker Street’s indie based on a true story puts the Oscar winner Weisz in the shoes of author Deborah E. Lipstadt. Historical Timeline of the Persecution of the Jews Throughout History. Architecture arabe, ou Monuments du Kaire, mesurés et dessinés, de 1818 à 1826 / par Pascal Coste. Maurice Brunet - Enjoy! Quelques noms... Gabriel Sionite. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre.

Gabriel Sionite

Psautier latin-syriaque de Gabriel Sionite, 1625 Gabriel Sionite ou Sionita (de son vrai nom arabe Jibrā'īl aṣ-Ṣahyūnī), né en 1577[1] à Ehden, dans le nord du Liban, mort en 1648 à Paris, est un savant maronite, professeur d'arabe, célèbre pour la part qu'il prit à l'édition de la Bible polyglotte (dite Polyglotte de Paris), réalisée sous la direction de Guy Michel Lejay.

Great Divergence. The European book output rose between 500 and 1800 by the factor 100.000, particularly after the Printing Revolution in 1450[2] The process was accompanied and reinforced by the Age of Discovery and the subsequent rise of the colonial empires, the Age of Enlightenment, the Commercial Revolution, the Scientific Revolution and finally the Industrial Revolution.

Great Divergence

Scholars have proposed a wide variety of theories to explain why the Great Divergence happened, including geography, colonialism, resources, and customary traditions. Before the Great Divergence, the core developed areas included Europe, East Asia, the Indian subcontinent, and the Middle East. In each of these core areas, differing political and cultural institutions allowed varying degrees of development. Western Europe, China, and Japan had developed to a relatively high level and began to face constraints on energy and land use, while India still possessed large amounts of unused resources. Leonid Grinin. Leonid Efimovich Grinin (Russian: Леони́д Ефи́мович Гри́нин; born in 1958) is a Russian philosopher of history, sociologist, political anthropologist, economist, and futurologist.

Leonid Grinin

Born in Kamyshin (the Volgograd Region), Grinin attended Volgograd State Pedagogical University, where he got an M.A. in 1980. He got his Ph.D. from Moscow State University in 1996. Cyril Smith (homme politique) Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre.

Cyril Smith (homme politique)

Il a été impliqué dans une affaire de pédocriminalité et rapproché d'un participant et meneur impliqué dans des cas d'abus sexuel ritualisé sataniste et aurait été, selon une de ces victimes, très lié à Jimmy Savile, également impliqué dans des affaires de mœurs[1]. La révélation de la pédophilie du petit fils de Freud relance le cas Maddie. En poursuivant votre navigation sur ce site, vous acceptez l'utilisation de cookies afin de réaliser des statistiques d'audiences et vous proposer une navigation optimale, la possibilité de partager des contenus sur des réseaux sociaux ainsi que des services et offres adaptés à vos centres d'intérêts.

La révélation de la pédophilie du petit fils de Freud relance le cas Maddie

Young Isis recruits left with no choice, says student leader. PROPAGANDE - "Nous sommes tous manipulés" selon un ancien officier de la DGSE. #Science of the #FlatEarth #Documentary You Decide. The Flat-Earth Bible. The Flat-Earth Bible © 1987, 1995 by Robert J. Apologie du terrorisme, racisme anti-Français : faut-il interdire les Indigènes de la République ? FIGAROVOX/ENTRETIEN EXCLUSIF - Après la diffusion de messages de soutien aux terroristes qui ont tué ces civils israéliens à Tel Aviv, Gilles Clavreul s'interroge sur la dissolution du Parti des Indigènes de la République.

Les racines juives de la messe. Entretien avec le père Nadler MN a rencontré le père Jean-Baptiste Nadler à l’occasion de la sortie de son livre : les racines juives de la messe, sorti aux éditions aux Editions de l'Emmanuel en juillet dernier. EXCLUSIF. Après les attentats, la soirée shit et McDo de Salah Abdeslam avec des lycéens. Le 13 novembre, comme bien des vendredis, Tom* squatte avec ses copains la cage d’escalier d’une des tours de la Cité Vauban à Châtillon, dans les Hauts-de-Seine. La petite bande de lycéens fume, discute, fait des allers-retours au McDonald's situé juste en bas pour se ravitailler.

Le soir des attentats de Paris, vers 1 heure du matin, un inconnu débarque au neuvième étage, connu pour être un lieu de trafic de shit. Florence secrète: les Petits Frères des Riches, héros très discrets. FLORENCE SECRETE EN DIX ADRESSES 4/12 - Les opposants aux Médicis furent exécutés, exilés ou ruinés. Pour aider ces «pauvres honteux», une confrérie fut mise en place. Cinq siècles plus tard, elle se porte toujours au secours des pauvres «civilisés», et se réunit dans un minuscule -et magnifique- oratoire. Senior Hamas official reportedly defects to Israel. The Israel Defense Forces uncovers a terror tunnel running from the southern Gaza Strip to Israel, May 5, 2016. (Courtesy of IDF) (JTA) — A senior Hamas officer from Gaza reportedly has defected to Israel.

Bassam Mahmoud Baraka, who is believed to have extensive knowledge of Hamas’ underground tunnel networks, has been missing for several days and may have fled to Israel, Haaretz reported Tuesday, citing several Palestinian media outlets. World-Herald editorial: Agent Orange study needed - Opinion. Research is scant to determine whether Agent Orange and other toxic substances are truly responsible for the health problems suffered by the children and grandchildren of male veterans. Posted: Sunday, June 12, 2016 1:00 am World-Herald editorial: Agent Orange study needed. Crise majeure à l'Agence du médicament.

Sauf en plein cœur de la tempête Mediator, jamais l'Agence du médicament n'avait connu pareille situation. «C'est simple, l'ANSM est décimée, résume un haut responsable. René-Michel Slodtz. René-Michel Slodtz called Michel-Ange Slodtz (1705-1764) was a French sculptor who worked in Rococo style, and active mainly in Paris and Rome for the Menus-Plaisirs du Roi. Biography[edit] A Parisian by birth, Slodtz's father, Sébastien Slodtz, was also a sculptor. Slodtz spent seventeen years in Rome, where he was chosen to execute a statue of St. « Tout est mis en place pour que ça dégénère. Comment analysez-vous les violences policières qui ont marqué les dernières manifestations contre la loi El Khomri ? Alexandre Langlois Tout est mis en place pour que les manifestations dégénèrent. Archéologie : Des cités géantes enfouies découvertes sous la jungle d’Angkor.

Flat Earth. 13/06/2016. Flat Earth Answers - Proofs and Truths (Full Documentary) Amazon. Amazon. Amazon. Land of the Giants Season 1 Episode 2. AcTVism: U.S. Military Bases & Foreign Policy. REPORT: Some Orlando Terror Victims May Not Have Been Killed by Omar Mateen. Image credit: AP Photo/Phelan M. Ebenhack Arek Sarkissian, of the Naples Daily News, reports that Orlando Police Chief John Mina and other law enforcement officers offered new details about the Orlando terror shooting, including the possibility that some victims may have been killed by officers trying to save them: "I will say this, that's all part of the investigation," Mina said. "But I will say when our SWAT officers, about eight or nine officers, opened fire, the backdrop was a concrete wall and they were being fired upon.

" Orlando Shooter Did Not Use An AR-15, But Who Cares. A Narrative Is Building. For two days now we've been scolded by the left on why NO ONE needs an AR-15 (no one needs a car since we seem hellbent on other people telling you what you need or want). For instance (provided by the indefatigable Bob Owens at our sister blog Bearing Arms): Newsweek screamed, “ORLANDO SHOOTING PUTS SPOTLIGHT ON AR-15 RIFLE.”Judd Legume of Think Progress squeaked, “The NRA’s Love Affair With The AR-15, Weapon Of Choice For Mass Murderers, In 22 Tweets.”Always wrong Christopher Ingraham of the Washington Post whined, “The gun used in the Orlando shooting is becoming mass shooters’ weapon of choice.”

One noxious leftwing twit actually claimed to have had a seance with the Founding Fathers and divined their intent, unsurprisingly determined that they would not recognize an AR-15. (I don't even know what that means, is he if favor of banning iPhones because they would me much more unrecognizable than AR-15s?) Only one tiny problem. Russian-speakers who want to make aliya could need DNA test.

A number of people from the former Soviet Union wishing to immigrate to Israel could be subjected to DNA testing to prove their Jewishness, the Prime Minister’s Office said Sunday. Get The Times of Israel's Daily Edition by email and never miss our top stories Free Sign up! The policy was reported in Maariv on Monday, one day after the Israeli paper revealed that a19-year-old woman from the former Soviet Union was required to take the test to qualify for a Birthright Israel trip.

Marc Trévidic : «Le djihadiste Larossi Abballa, c'est moi qui l'ai mis en examen» During police violence in #Paris, a demonstrator responds with a swift kick. #LoiTravail #manif14juin #greve14juin. Alexander Gerst (@Astro_Alex) DC wants to sell you a steadily growing police and surveillance state to fight the terrorism their foreign and immigration policies enabled. Witness: Orlando shooter asked club goers their race, said U.S. needs to "stop bombing ISIS" #PrayForOrlando.

La finance américaine, grande gagnante de la crise mondiale qu'elle a provoquée. De Paris à Sydney, des hommages aux victimes d'Orlando. Pascal Bruckner : «Nous sommes entrés dans la routine de l'abominable» Après la tuerie d'Orlando, «les Américains ont besoin d'être rassurés» Orlando's Pulse nightclub where at least 49 were massacred by terrorist. Omar Mateen's father is running for Afghanistan president and supports Taliban.

Orlando shooting victims killed by ISIS fanatic in Florida gay club are named. Orlando gunman Omar Mateen used assault rifle banned in several states. La Bombe Atomique n'existe pas. Le pétrole abiotique: Les bombes atomiques n'existent pas : 2ème partie. The Great Artiste. Le hoax / L'arnaque / La psy-op / L'escroquerie / Le mensonge des Bombes Nucléaires. Le hoax / L'arnaque / La psy-op / L'escroquerie / Le mensonge des Bombes Nucléaires : Témoignage du Major Alexander P. de Seversky I. * JEWS, GENES, NUKES, WHITES - Jewish threat, nuclear truth, genetics - 2014. Événement de la Toungouska. La bombe atomique n'existe pas, le mensonge de la bombe atomique, la bombe atomique. Atomic Energy Act of 1946. 1950s - Dwight Eisenhower Speaks About ICBM And Surface To Air Missiles To Aid In The Defense Of The Nation In 1957. Stock Footage Video 4830314 - Shutterstock. Military's Secret Nuclear Bomb Film Studio Compound in Laurel Canyon is Now a Rehab Center.

Khamenei Says Iran Nuclear Weapons are a U.S. 'myth' Khamenei in Iran may have announced nuclear weapons are a US-Jewish fraud. Photographic Evidence that Little Boy and Fat Man were Props, not Atom Bombs ... And Other Videos. By PriesthoodAgitator. NUKE LIES: Do Nuclear Bombs Exist? Nuclear skepticism website. Ce n'est pas la bombe atomique qui a poussé le Japon à capituler. Flotte de l'ordre du Temple. Adyguéens. La Nouvelle Chronologie de Fomenko, Nosovskiy et al.: Intéressante série récentiste pour les anglophones. When the Atlantis survivors wake up, part 1 - History, science or fiction. Attentat d’Orlando : de longues rafales entendues depuis l’extérieur de la boîte de nuit. Untitled. Or they can be murderers criminals and rapists who will transform our society and contribute to destroying Europe. Trump got the most GOP votes ever — both for and against him — and other fun facts.

Editions d'art Monelle Hayot. Bon de commande Monde arabe. Fort Russ: Kissinger: The goal of the US is a break up of Russia. Travaux du Zuiderzee. NEW WORLD ORDER By controlling the... - Fight Jesuit Freemasonry. Affaire Dutroux : 30 témoins morts (+liste) Justice 4 Daniel - 18th May 2012. Donald Trump and the Central Park Five: the racially charged rise of a demagogue. Daniel Morgan (private investigator) Bugs Bunny - All This And Rabbit Stew(1941) banned from T.V. by United Artists 1968 for alleged racism. The Vatican Created Islam To Take Jerusalem, & Kill True Christians & Jews. Islam & Catholicism Are. Inde: un « phare » pour les extraterrestres sur le plateau du Ladakh – ELISHEAN. Engel: GOP National Security Plan the Wrong Way for America. Museum on Communism.

Donald Trump Is a Candidate for White Supremacists — Not the Jews - National. Flat Earth: MUST SEE!!! Connecting the dots, Space is water! Workers recover gondola of the balloon that carried Professor Auguste Piccard int...HD Stock Footage. Tel-Aviv: la justice saisie de 2 tweets haineux. Antidisestablishmentarianismesque: Science as Religion. HotAir — Politics, Culture, Media, 2016, Breaking News from a conservative viewpoint. Overkill: The Rise of Paramilitary Police Raids in America. Marginal REVOLUTION — Small Steps Toward A Much Better World.