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I decided to start this pearl because the main reason people have for denying the depopulation agenda is their belief the controllers and wealthy elite live in their same world.

That they would be subjected to drinking the same water, breathing the same air, eating the same food, or are getting the same medical care. New pictures and drive through of a DUMB. The Underground War. Bunkers and Tunnels under the U.S. The Underground War: FEMA Camps, Underground Military Bases, Bunkers and Tunnels Under the US - Source:

New pictures and drive through of a DUMB. The Underground War. Bunkers and Tunnels under the U.S.

If you liked this video you may also like some of these. Black colored blood, Living organisms in the vaccine, Antarctica, Adverse reactions, Blood Clots and other Blood issues, FEMA guillotines, DUMBS, Black eyed children, Clones, Graphene Oxide, shortages and more:EPIDEMIC OF SMALL PLANE CRASHES LINKED TO. This is where the government will hide during a nuclear war. Maybe Doomsday preppers aren’t so crazy after all.

This is where the government will hide during a nuclear war

As nuclear threats loom from countries like Iran and North Korea, the US is knocking the dust off decades-old bunkers intended to protect government officials — and even start a new civilization — in the case of just such a nightmare event. Journalist Garrett Graff takes readers through the 60-year history of the government’s secret Doomsday plans to survive nuclear war in his painstakingly researched book “Raven Rock: The Story of the U.S. Government’s Secret Plan to Save Itself — While the Rest of Us Die” (Simon & Schuster), out now. Special Economic Zone – SEZ Definition. What Is a Special Economic Zone – SEZ?

Special Economic Zone – SEZ Definition

A special economic zone is an area in a country that is subject to unique economic regulations that differ from other regions of the same country. The SEZ regulations tend to be conducive to foreign direct investment (FDI). Conducting business in an SEZ typically implies that the company will receive tax incentives and the opportunity to pay lower tariffs. Facilitate Rapid Economic Growth SEZs are zones intended to facilitate rapid economic growth by leveraging tax incentives to attract foreign dollars and technological advancement.

The Seasteading Institute. Ocean Builders. Seasteading is the concept of creating permanent dwellings at sea, called seasteads, outside the territory claimed by any government.

Ocean Builders

The term is a combination of the words sea and homesteading. Modern seasteading began around 2008 when Patri Friedman began highlighting his idea in Silicon Valley to build seastead communities where you could essentially “vote with your home”. This would allow for more experimentation in governance structures and advance governance in the same way that cell phones progress due to consumers having the ability to choose their cell phone. Opening humanity's next frontier.