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Pyramids of China. Japan's Mysterious Pyramids (Yonaguni) - FULL VERSION History Channel Documentary. White Europeans 'only evolved 5,500 years ago after food habits changed' By Daily Mail Reporter Updated: 13:58 GMT, 31 August 2009 People in England may have only developed pale skin within the last 5,500 years, according to new research.

White Europeans 'only evolved 5,500 years ago after food habits changed'

Scientists believe that a sudden change in the diet around that time from hunter-gathering to farming may have led to a dramatic change in skin tone to make up for a lack of vitamin D. Farmed food is lacking in vitamin D and while humans can produce it when exposed to the ultraviolet light in sunlight darker skin is far less efficient at it. People with pale skin may be descended from Europeans who dramatically changed their diets after switching from hunter-gathering to farming. Lost ancient civilisation's ruins lie beneath Gulf, says boffin. High performance access to file storage Refugees from a lost civilisation whose ruins and relics lie submerged on the seabed deep beneath the Persian Gulf may have founded ancient, advanced Middle Eastern societies thousands of years ago in the time before the Pharaohs.

Lost ancient civilisation's ruins lie beneath Gulf, says boffin

According to Jeffrey Rose, a Birmingham uni archaeologist, recent excavations and discoveries indicate that a large number of substantial and relatively sophisticated settlements sprang up around the shores of the Persian Gulf quite suddenly perhaps 7,500 years ago. “Where before there had been but a handful of scattered hunting camps, suddenly, over 60 new archaeological sites appear virtually overnight,” says Rose. “These settlements boast well-built, permanent stone houses, long-distance trade networks, elaborately decorated pottery, domesticated animals, and even evidence for one of the oldest boats in the world.” Ancient and Lost Civilizations. Signs of Atlantis found in southern Spain: scientists - Health. Scientists say they may have discovered the lost city of Atlantis buried deep under the marshlands of southern Spain.

Signs of Atlantis found in southern Spain: scientists - Health

The legendary city is believed to have been "swallowed up by the sea," as the Greek philosopher Plato so famously put it 2,400 years ago. He wrote of a great city destroyed by floodwaters following an earthquake deep under the sea — an image that resonates at a time when Japan is struggling to recover from a devastating earthquake and tsunami off its northeast coast. A National Geographic television special that aired on Sunday details the work of American, Canadian and Spanish scientists as they attempt to prove Atlantis existed by following up on space satellite images showing unusual features in an area just north of Cadiz. The area is near the Straits of Gibraltar — widely thought to be the "Pillars of Hercules" Plato mentioned in his description of the location of Atlantis. The team is led by archaeologist Richard Freund of the University of Hartford in Connecticut. Acupuncture 5,200 Years Ago?

Acupuncture 5,200 Years Ago?

Acupuncture 5,200 Years Ago?

The Tyrolean Iceman died in the Alps about 5,200 years ago, but his mummified body is exceptionally well-preserved -- so well-preserved that 15 groups of tattoo marks on his body stand out vividly. These punctures do not seem to be ornamental, like those on a sailor's biceps, nor are they on parts of the body usually displayed. What is most interesting are their locations; some groups are placed at traditional Chinese acupuncture points. Bolstering this suspicion is the determination from computer tomography (noninvasive imaging) that the Iceman suffered from arthrosis of the lumbar spine. The Iceman's body is punctured at the points usually used by acupuncturists to treat this condition! Tiwanaku, Bolivia. Tiwanaku In the holograms of reality, and the myths within, Tiwanaku is another ancient civilization whose timeline came and went, leaving behind megalithic monuments that go without explanation as to their mathematical design and construction.

Tiwanaku, Bolivia

Considered by some the oldest city in the world, much of Tiwanaku's creation defies the laws of physics and mathematics even by today's standards. Many monuments bear close resemblance to those created by other ancient cultures all over the planet, truly an overlap if one were to place hologram over hologram, to define the journey of humanity in time. As with many other sacred sites throughout the planet Tiwanaku remains an enigma allowing researchers to speculate on its origins and purpose then parallel that with other ancient civilizations left behind by unknown beings surviving in time with great stone markers which bear clues to humanity's creation story. Background - Back Story. Stonehenge Rebuilt. How They Rebuilt Stonehenge.

Stonehenge Rebuilt

BOSNIAN PYRAMID - Visocica Hill, is the first European pyramid to be discovered and is located in the heart of Bosnia, in the town of Visoko. Deadly time vortex appears over Antarctica. Robert Burns - To A Mouse - Poem. Discover, Record and Share History with Timelines® Malta Temple's and Tombs. The HYPOGEUM which I was able to visit in 1989 is now closed for conservation since 1992 - and is still closed.

Malta Temple's and Tombs

Just beneath the southern tip of Italy, in the extreme western part of the Mediterranean sea, lies the island of Malta. In the past Malta has been the possession of many nationalities, and has been considered to be one of the most strategic areas on earth, being a port and an intersecting point between Europe, Asia, the Middle East, and Africa, etc. Calendar House: Chapter 4 - Forms of Time. Forms of Time Nilsson’s 1920 Primitive Time-Reckoning detailed the long human process of arriving at the concept of a year: it may have first concerned only a period from sowing to harvest, and then measured from “a season to its recurrence”: a challenge amid fluctuations that was aided by the daily utility of the moon, “the first chronometer” (354, 359, 148).

Calendar House: Chapter 4 - Forms of Time

Cohen’s 1993 study of ancient Near Eastern “cultic calendars” found their origins also in seasons and lunar cycles beginning with a First Crescent (3-4). Crete lives a round of three distinct and reliable seasons: After 90-95 days of cool rainy Winter, about 140 days of Spring lead into Summer and the grain harvest; and about 130 days from thence bring Winter again. MacGillivray’s 2008 study of The Decans confirms a Cretan year of three seasons, each (with their overlaps) about 4 moons/months in duration. New Structure Found Deep Within West Antarctic Ice Sheet.

Scientists have found a remarkable new structure deep within the West Antarctic Ice Sheet which suggests that the whole ice sheet is more susceptible to future change than previously thought.

New Structure Found Deep Within West Antarctic Ice Sheet

The discovery, by scientists from Bristol University and the British Antarctic Survey in collaboration with US colleagues, is reported this week (September 24) in the international journal Science. The stability of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet has been hotly debated since the 1960s because of its potential to raise global sea level by around 5 m over several centuries. Press Release - New structure found deep within West Antarctic Ice Sheet. Les Mystères du Monde. Top 10 Civilizations That Mysteriously Disappeared. Throughout our history, most civilizations have either met a slow demise or were wiped out by natural disasters or invasion.

Top 10 Civilizations That Mysteriously Disappeared

But there are a few societies whose disappearance has scholars truly stumped: 10. Abbreviations and acronyms dictionary. Videos - Crossing the Event Horizon -1.0- The Search For the Fundamental Pattern. The Labyrinth of Messara in Crete - Speleological Research.

ON THE WAY TO THE DISCLOSING OF MYSTERIOUS POWER OF THE GREAT PYRAMID. Elysabeth Alfano: Portugal Is Everything You Expected And Much More. There were certainly things that I expected to see and experience while traveling in Portugal ---- seafood, beaches, old churches -- but, for every expectation fulfilled, a surprise cropped up. I started my trip in Oporto in the North. Oporto is the home of Port wine, which is sweet, potent, and highly alcoholic. White Port, Red Port and Rawny Port, a personal favorite, are all made in the Douro region.

I learned on my many tours of the Port caves across the Douro River in the Vila Nova de Gaia suburb that it was the English that brought the process to the region. This seemed more or less logical, but my mind was nearly blown when I first confronted green wine. I had never heard of Vinhos Verdes, but I took to it immediately. Transportation strike? To avoid being an alcoholic, it is best to pair your green wine with something delicious from the sea. With wine, food and nature deeply woven into my trip, only one more thing would make it complete: the arts. Egyptian pyramids found by infra-red satellite images. Seventeen lost pyramids are among the buildings identified in a new satellite survey of Egypt. More than 1,000 tombs and 3,000 ancient settlements were also revealed by looking at infra-red images which show up underground buildings.

Initial excavations have already confirmed some of the findings, including two suspected pyramids. Amazing Metropolis Discovered in Africa is 200,000 years old! By Dan Eden for viewzone. They have always been there. People noticed them before. But no one could remember who made them -- or why? Until just recently, no one even knew how many there were. Now they are everywhere -- thousands -- no, hundreds of thousands of them! The Ajanta Caves – Ancient Temples Carved from Rock. Archaeological Dig in Turkey Reshaping Human History. Do these mysterious stones mark the site of the Garden of Eden? By Tom Knox Updated: 11:10 GMT, 5 March 2009. Videos - The Pyramid Code 3/5.