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Women and Politics (long 19C)

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Die Rechte der Frau – Olympe de Gouges. Die im deutschen Sprachraum berühmteste Schrift Olympe de Gouges' ist ihre "Erklärung der Rechte der Frau und Bürgerin".

Die Rechte der Frau – Olympe de Gouges

Sie ist Teil der hier auf Deutsch zur Verfügung gestellten Schrift Les droits de la femme. Die Anmerkungen, denen ein * vorangestellt ist, stammen von Olympe de Gouges und gehören zum Original. Die bezifferten Endnoten sind jüngst hinzugefügte kontextuelle Erläuterungen. Beachten Sie bitte das Copyright und geben Sie beim Zitieren die Quelle an.


Journals. Workshops and Conferences. The Victorian female franchise. Welcome to the first of our guest blogs.

The Victorian female franchise

On BBC Radio 4 tonight Dr Sarah Richardson presents a programme about the discovery of an early Victorian poll book listing women voters (click here to listen). Female participation in non-parliamentary elections before the 1870s is often overlooked, not least because the evidence is patchy and subject to wide local variation. This guest blog by Sarah coincides with the publication of her new book The Political Worlds of Women: Gender and Politics in Nineteenth Century Britain. When did women get the vote? By Dr Sarah Richardson This question appears straightforward. The reason that women were able to vote was due to the fact that many local franchises were based upon payment of poor rates, irrespective of the sex of the person paying those rates.

Internet History Sourcebooks. Reinventing the Feminine - Bluestocking Women Writers in 18th Century London. Home > The Literary Salon > A Brief History > The French Salons The French Salons The British literary salon owes much to the foundation of such social gatherings in France.

Reinventing the Feminine - Bluestocking Women Writers in 18th Century London

By mid-18th century, salons had become an institution in French society; these meetings became the major channel of communication among intelligent, aristocratic people – especially those with enough leisure to enjoy the benefits of these luxurious meetings. These meetings tackled important concerns and provided the main source of information, serving at once as the newspaper, journal, literary society and university for many of the attendees. This image depicts French salonneires preparing to host a social meeting. Two French women are primarily credited with the formation of the French literary salon. Berlin Salons: Late Eighteenth to Early Twentieth Century. Ariadne - Österreichische Nationalbibliothek. History to Herstory. WOMEN IN WORLD HISTORY. Frauen-, Männer-, Geschlechtergeschichte. Eine Spurensuche im Netz. Frauen und Geschichte e.V.: Startseite.

Neu unter Aktuelles: Am 26. und 27.

Frauen und Geschichte e.V.: Startseite

März 2015 veranstaltet der Arbeitskreis Historische Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung e.V. an der Universität Mannheim einen Workshop zum Thema: "Geschlecht sichtbar machen - Quellen gegen den Strich lesen. " Das Programm des Workshops finden Sie auf der Seite "Aktuelles". Tagungsbericht der Tagung: "Die Waffen nieder? " download. Stiftung Archiv der deutschen Frauenbewegung. Veranstaltungen am Wochenende 18. / 19.

Stiftung Archiv der deutschen Frauenbewegung

April 2015 Fahrradtour am Samstag, den 18. April 2014, 11.30 bis 14.30 UhrWas, Sie radeln nicht? Eine Radtour durch Kassel auf den Spuren von Sophie HenschelAngela Wickert / Laura Schibbe Anmeldung über die Volkshochschule Region Kassel! O 2508Kosten: 7,00 € weiterlesen Lesung am Sonntag, den 19. "Geschichte ist, wenn es plötzlich keine Menschen mehr gibt, die man fragen kann, sondern nur noch Quellen. " Katja Petrowskaja (geb. 1970 in Kiew) - Journalistin - erhielt für ihre vielfach besprochene und hoch gelobte Erzählung, die das ganze 20.

Home. WWW Virtual Library Women's History. Women's History Collections at the IISH: Introduction. The women who left information about their life and work in the International Institute of Social History were generally involved in the labour movement and other social movements.

Women's History Collections at the IISH: Introduction

They were writers, journalists, newspaper publishers, politicians, historians, teachers, artists, nurses or philosophers. They campaigned for humane working conditions and fair wages, for peace, human rights, sexual reform, the improvement of education, health care, or better housing. They were socialists, Marxists, Trotskyists or anarchists. Among them were women's rights campaigners, feminists and suffragists. In some cases they were secretaries or translators assisting prominent writers or politicians, but often they were important thinkers or activists in their own right.

These individuals and their organizations are listed here to provide an overview of the primary sources for women's history in the archives and manuscript collections of the IISH. International Guide | Dutch Guide (Dutch text) A Digital Library of Works by German-Speaking Women. Querelles-net. National Women's History Museum - NWHM. FMT : Startseite des FrauenMediaTurm - FMT.