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Gamify your online experience with the BigDoor Gamification API. Gamification - When Your Customers Participate, Your Business Wins! - Bunchball. Gamification gets popular, but it’s still finding its feet. Gamification, or using game mechanics in non-game applications, is the new black.

Gamification gets popular, but it’s still finding its feet

It has become fashionable as game designers turn their talents from creating fun games to creating fun web sites and other cool experiences for major brands. But it’s definitely not a new idea, said Gabe Zichermann (right), organizer of the first-ever Gamification Summit, which took place yesterday in San Francisco. He said that many of the ideas about loyalty and reward programs have been repackaged in a better form with the latest craze around the topic.

But many of those ideas have met with varying success over the past decades. Certainly, gamification has buzz. The Gamification Platform. Badgeville.